Tuesday 10 September 2024

Five Things That Don't Make Much Sense

1. Former VP Republican Dick Cheny came out and said he was advocating for Kamala Harris.  I pondered upon it....across the entire US....his 'talk' probably influences about a hundred people.  

2.  Former candidate RFK Jr....came out an said he was advocating for Donald Trump.  I pondered upon it....across the entire US....his 'talk' probably influences around 200,000 voters.

3.  I pondered over this story here in the AM.  There's no doubt in NY City....animal sacrifices are going on.  

Maybe for a hundred years....there was some minor rituals.  But now?  It's probably a daily thing.

So, you have to wonder....will the general public just accept this....like all the other weird stuff from the past three or four years?

4.  This debate carrying a lot of weight on Kamala Harris?  Well....yeah.  I don't think she's ever been pushed to this level of 'study' required.  If she simply 'ties' in the debate?  That's enough to carry on.  If she 'loses' the debate?  Election is over and I think Trump wins 35 states  (maybe even Illinois).  It just amazes me that she agreed to this debate.

5.  Bean-counters now say Biden has crossed the 40-percent point....of engaging in vacations or off-time for his presidency.  Considering  the 120-odd days left....he probably will come close to 45-percent.


LargeMarge said...

Be in New York city,
Buy a living chicken from a street-vendor,
Swing with the animals,
Pray to the gods,
Transfer your sinning ways to the living animals
Cut the neck of the living animals,
Spray blood around the street, sidewalks, benches, mailboxes.
Apparently, according to unsubstantiated rumors, those people did their sacrifices for a couple millennia, and don't particularly care to stop.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

My brother told me a story (probably around 2013)....local Bama guy who had exotic goats....had a fair amount of sales going on. Arab guy comes up (not from Bama)....wants like forty goats. He has some type of Arab fest he's going to hold at his house...would be a slaughter in the backyard and grill up the goats for the ceremony. I don't see a problem with this...not some ritual sacrifice. But some southern folks would get all hyped up if you did a slaughter sequence in the backyard (would have been normal in 1920s).