Wednesday 4 September 2024

The Better Projection: Joe or Kamala?

 There's this odd lab-experiment going on.  

Most all voters have an image and belief in Joe Biden. It's pretty divided....for Democrats....Joe never had to re-invent himself. His talk, his jokes, his antics.....legendary stuff for 40 years.   

Presently, selling Kamala?  Well....there has to be a reinvention situation going on.  The bulk of Democrats don't know her....even after 8 years of the Senate or 3.5 years as VP.  California Democrats know her....mostly via her SF DA days, or the Attorney General period for the state.  To be honest, half of those folks aren't really out front and talking about her.

So the lab experiment is 70-odd days...can you remake a person into something 'else'?

This is like taking a cheap piece of steak (a bit fatty)...putting on a plate with a small baked potato, and offering this with a fake Coke-like drink for $16. You would size up the steak, the small potato and the fake Coke, and either accept the price or  decline.  Some people would respond....sure, I'll take the steak deal for $10, and be peeved that they can't swing the deal.

Maybe if you had a whole year to work on this....the re-branding of Kamala would be more workable.  This swap-out for example....should have been done in the fall of 2023, with Kamala getting dozens of events to present herself.

So I'm mostly convinced.....this is a ill-conceived lab-experiment.  Who can I blame?  Well...the DNC and Joe.  

Will this be discussed for decades?  Yeah.  I would imagine at least six books will come out in 2025....laying out the failure of the lab-experiment and the 'tricks' which failed.

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