Wednesday 4 September 2024

When Politicians Speak In 'Tongues'

 Up through the was just rare when you had some politician who suddenly came up and spoke in 'tongues' (meaning they suddenly spoke 'southern').  

I know...some of you would have a different meaning of 'tongues'.....saying it means something totally different in Pentecostal Christian situations.  

But the situation is mostly the's a fake accent game....meant to draw you to some 'other' conclusion.  

I usually give the person giving the talk about 15 seconds....just to gauge how bad the accent is....then I mute the TV.

The sad thing is that they usually draw upon a Georgia or South Carolina accent....not the Texan or West Virginia accent.  

Doing this in a non-southern state?  NO...that won't happen.

Should it be outlawed?  No.....we ought to encourage it.  Once they show that they can 'do' it....force them to stick with the accent.

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

What does that say about their audience? I would think they would be insulted to be pandered to like that. One of my favorites was Hillary speaking and telling the audience how she always kept hot sauce in her purse.