Sunday 22 November 2020

Explaining the 'Great Reset'

 Over the past month or two....a lot of chatter has started up on this agenda being openly discussed (maybe for a year)....of the 'Great Reset'.

What is it?

To keep it simple....for over 2,000 years, various countries, kingdoms, and regimes have attempted a rebuild philosophy....declaring that things were fu*ked-up, and some new strategy would be put on the table to un-fu*k things.  

It's like talking about the Oakland A's baseball team of the late 1970s, and agreeing that the big names had all left, and they needed to rebuild the team from scratch.  Ten years after this period....they then admitted that things needed to be rebuilt again.  Then around 1996, they went to a another rebuild era (which still revolves the team today).

Banks do this....corporations do this....governments do this....even McDonalds will do a minor rebuild.  All in search of the lust to find success.

But the 'Great Reset' has this one slight's the idea that virtually every single government and every single company will simultaneously will enter the rebuild the same time, with the same vision.

The odds of a massive fu*k-up?  Massive chaos usually invites massive revolution....where things get violent, and people feel screwed.

The odds of this?  It's hard to say.  To be honest....from the past 2,000 years (modern civilization)....all of these rebuilds or resets have been compartmented and limited in vision.  So the success level of this idea is really hard to gauge.  

How you should perceive the chatter on this?  Be skeptical and ask stupid questions.  If the rebuild 'bosses' seem to be of a 5th grade them as quickly as possible.  If the next guy seems to be a 5th grader as him.  Common sense should prevail in the end.  

My humble guess is that in five years....the 'great reset' will be something that you don't ever want to hear about ever again.

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