Wednesday, 7 December 2022

Seven Things I Believe Today

 1.  SBH of the crypto empire FTX....will never be arrested unless he steps into the US.....which I don't believe he will do.  No one wants to admit that the US gov't allowed a money laundering operation to operate, without any authority over it.

2.  If the Democratic Party is successful in removing Iowa from the first primary episode.....Joe Biden will not run.  These two things are linked up.

3.  A major drop in product production in China is about to occur....where you can't get 300-odd drug store items, for at least six to twelve months.  Yes, even some cancer drugs will be on that list.

4.  A whole bunch of folks who sold things off E-Bay....are going to line up for IRS viewing.  Could well be over half-a-million who never reported income.

5.  CNN will be bought in a non-US entitity.

6.  Hunter Biden will come out on a advertisement.....for data protection in 2023.

7.  Elon Musk starts talking about the next acquisition, and it will be just as shocking as Twitter.

Just Odd Things You Notice

 1.  This FTX CEO guy....SBF....went out and hired one of the most expensive lawyers in America....while saying that his total bank assets total around $100,000.  The lawyer bill just for a single week....has to run around $100k, so it begs the question....who exactly is funding this lawyer beyond SBF?

2.  This Prince Harry/Meghan Netflix special.....all BS?  More or less.  The network paid somewhere in the range of $100-million, and it just doesn't appear to have any traction going on.  As for Harry or Meghan?  There needs to be some kind of royal rehab unit out handle people like this, who just need to get over their limits in life.

3.  Just one odd thing you notice.....if a county (out of the 2022 election) is primarily 'blue' (Democrat)....they seem to have longer-to-count problems. can't make a case on explaining why this man-hour thing exists.

4.  The Paul Pelosi-hammer episode?  Gone.  You can ask 20,000 people to name the hammer-dude today, and none will remember his name. 

5.  Some kind of weird BS stuff started up with the new episodes of 'Shark Week'.  Someone finally noticed that most of the shark experts are all white men.  The reality?  Yeah.....mostly white males study sharks....and so?