Saturday, 19 November 2022

Nighttime Deliveries?

 CBS News: "With the holiday season just around the corner, the U.S. Postal Service is looking to hire about 28,000 seasonal workers and is installing 137 new package sorting machines in an effort to avoid shipping delays. But postal worker representatives say Americans could see after-dark or even nighttime deliveries."

I paused over that.....after-dark/nighttime delivery.

I can think of three-hundred urbanized areas in the US....where a doorbell ringing at 8 PM.....might alert some guy to open the door, with a shotgun in his hand.

A 10 PM doorball ring, in downtown Chicago?  

I see this as a big mistake.  A bunch of hoodlums dressed up in postal gear.....faking an appearance at the door....robbing the guy.

Even in rural areas (like Alabama) probably might fear the guy at the door is some meth-head or nutcase.  

How Should You Take The Hiring Of A Special Counsel To Investigate Trump?

 Well....first, they avoided using the term Special Independent Counsel.....since the guy picked....already worked for AG (Garland).

Second, the problem demonstrated here is that the White House players (Biden and probably twenty other folks)....kept asking penetrating questions to Garland over various investigation ideas, and he (Garland) just finally folded and said this other the guy you can talk to and share your vest criticism stuff.  This frees him from 20 man-hours of BS work each week.  

Third, they wouldn't have done this if they felt that they could deliver a 7-million plus difference over Trump in 2024.  I suspect that Trump and his players will go and find another 8-million 'extra and new' lay over his 2020 results (74-million).  

Finally, if they can't find an angle to attach Trump to the 6 January chaos....this is pretty much a hopeless case for the Special Counsel.  Maybe Trump will admit he ordered the Capital Police to open the door for the protest crowd to which the question will arise....if Trump didn't order them to do so, who did?  

All of this simply makes DC look more like some comedy show.  

Ten Things I Think About The FTX Crypto Scandal

 1.  When the smoke clears on 'who' lost money.....a fair sum will people who don't want to admit they had money made beyond the US shores, and were hiding a fair sum from tax revenue.  

2.  This guy (Sam Bankman-Fried) who was the CEO....appears to me to be fairly non-clever, and lacking the skills to be a CEO of a company.  So it begs the did he rise in such a short period of time?

3.  Money-laundering currency via Ukraine?  I believe at some point....some of the funds we shipped to the Ukraine....ended up coming back to the from FTX to dollars.  How and why?  Might be interesting to know.

4.  This guy (SBF) was a simple honest swinger, and the crew around him (the core of the enterprise) were also that type.  

5.  Bankman-Fried doesn't have the ability to take on I would imagine he's drugging-up presently, and probably will end up in a suicide situation before the end of November.

6.  Any pension fund that invested money into FTX.....was royally screwing their people.

7.  There's a massive amount of 'propping-up' that occurred, from NFL football types, to Hollywood types.  They all seemed to flock to some 'Jesus-like' personality.

8.  I think when the White House handlers finally approached Joe Biden on the situation....he asked what the hell is crypto-currency, and they spent two hours laying out the gimmick.  Then Joe probably said....that's malarkey....what idiot would invest into 'nothing'?

9.  When you look at interviews of the past year or two of Bankman-Fried....he gives dismal performances, and just makes you wonder how anyone would be convinced to buy into his 'product'.  If I pulled into a Jiffy-Lube for a $29 oil change, and this was the kid at the counter....I might buy the service.  But if this was a $10,000 situation?  No.

10.  So I gaze around at the Wall Street Journal, CNN, Fox Business....just did you guys miss the fake nature of this?