Friday, 29 March 2024


 I saw the word today, and had to go to remind myself the meaning.

So you've voted in various officials at the city, county, state and federal level....discovering weeks, months and years later....they were not capable of running the office they held.  

You know....the feeling you have over your county commission, your local prosecutor, your local judges, the state governor, House and Senate members, and the President/VP.  

I paused over this for a while.....pondering.

I don't remember this being a big issue in the 1980s/1990s.  Somewhere after 2000....about once a month (at least starting out)....I would notice some evidence of incompetency. became once a week, and today....I'd say five to ten times a day....I see ineptocracy going on.  I actually see it globally now....viewing events in China, Russia, the UK, Canada, etc.

My question....did we always have this element of Ineptocracy going on,  and it's just easier to recognize it today?  Or has something triggered the inept people to 'rise-up' and be the chief choices when elections occur?