Saturday, 27 June 2020

Future of Things

Yesterday, the Minneapolis City Council (unanimously) approved a deal where a vote would occur in November....where the city’s police force could be dissolved if a majority agrees.

First, the odds of this passing?

Population of city?  425k.  You can probably anticipate around 250k votes occurring.  No one can cite any polling data on this, but I would suggest that it'll be fairly close, and the 'no' vote might win.

Second, going to a majority of 'yes' votes?

Then I would suggest that within six months....the force is disbanded.  A lot of the members would have resumes out already in August, and probably half the force might have given notice already by election day.

Third, sale of guns?

Well, I anticipate every single home in the city will have a minimum of one guy....maybe even five or election day.  I don't see a peaceful period coming out of this.

Probably in the first three months, at least three-hundred folks probably will meet some untimely end.  All of this shooting business will push the remaining folks in the city to a new view of things....remaining there is simply not a solution. 

Pretty dramatic ending to a once vibrant city.