Friday, 10 February 2023

Things I Perceive

 1.  Alec Baldwin will probably be convicted and end up with three years in a New Mexico prison....getting out two years later, and being 30 pounds lighter.

2.  Pete Buttigieg will leave his Secretary of Transportation job by late campaign for the Presidency in 2024. 

3.  At least one state by the end of 2023, will be attempting four-day a week schools....later finding them to be a failure.

4.  One of the top 2024 campaign topics will be the designation of Mexican drug cartels as terror organizations, and the discussion will involve actual 'attacks' upon the groups in Mexico...creating a retaliation event within the US in 2025.  

5.  Some students who've graduated from college (4-year degrees)....will take to the court system....suing the colleges to say they paid x-amount of money, and did not actually get any smarter.  

6.  Someone will eventually find a classified document going back to the 2nd week that he was a US Senator (1973) the Biden document collection.  

7.  'Cocaine Bear' to be released in mid-Feb 2023....will be the number one hit of 2023, and be sent back for a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th version...making tons of money for the studio.

8.  Along the path of gas stoves being considered'll be determined by the end of 2023....butane cigarette lighters are also unhealthy.  

9.  By the end of 2023, over 700 high school students will have put themselves into a frenzy and claim to have demon-possession (the newest fad via YouTube).  

10.  A group of high school kids in Wisconsin will introduce a new language, and refuse to speak English in high school, with teachers being unable to communicate or grasp anything said.  

The Thing About Imaginary Threats

 The more that imaginary threats linger and persist....the more likely you believe some element of the threat.

At some point in the late Germany, there was this story which started up about a nun who was biting people.  The story always led off about such-and-such convent, where a nun was going crazy, and anyone entering the place....was likely to be bitten (suggesting demons of course).  The story got around...into various areas of Germany and Italy.  No one can say there was a single nun who bit people....but this got repeated enough to scare up folks to avoid nuns for a while.

In the SW part of England in the 1688 period....this story started up that Irish 'fighting-men' had arrived and were attacking/killing Welsh folks in various towns along the coast.  The problem was....there was not a single report that could be substantiated.  As weeks passed, the belief intensified, with Welsh folks arming themselves and discussing panic throughout most of their daily affairs.

In Wurzburg, German in 1749....locals started to have panic attacks and high anxiety episodes....showing trance-like behavior.  This went on for several weeks, and the central theme was a Catholic Church nun 'home'.  Accusations of demons and witchcraft started up, and eventually (like you'd expect)....the locals had to exercise some nun (to death) in order to halt the uncivilized behavior shown.

Back in Mount Pleasant, Mississippi....the local school had some event where around fifteen kids fell to the a 'twitch'.  School looked for drugs, and could not find any.  Hysteria started up, with some belief that if there were no'd have to be demons.  Around 300 students stayed home (one-third of the kids in the school) the next couple of parents felt the school was temporarily 'hexed' (possessed).  

The problem here....all it takes is a suggestion, and people start to believe things which simply aren't real.  It could be some honest could be some organized effort by a political party.  It could even be a fake creation that the FBI create a narrative. 

Ten Movies To Make You Pause And Ponder

 This is my list of movies that require you to spend hours after viewing....pondering over what you saw, and general perceptions:

1.  1984.  

2.  Logan's Run.

3.  Lord of the Flies.

4.  Planet of the Apes (1968 version).

5.  Idiocracy (as comically created, it begs a lot of questions at the conclusion).

6.  The Colony (2021, a apocalyptic movie about Earth disaster, chaos, and mostly lesbian scientists).

7.  Cowboys and Aliens (2011, cowboy western where aliens have arrived on Earth).

8.  12 Monkeys (you might need to watch it five times before you really reach a conclusion).

9.  The Village (whatever you think for the first hour, you can forget about in the final twenty minutes).

10.  Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.  (I've probably replayed the final twenty-minute scene at least thirty times)

Three Things I Learned Today

 1.  Disney is messing around with the Star Wars 'script' and talking about the idea of making Luke Skywalker gay.  

I pondered over this.

Back in September of 1977....I went to the big showing of Star Wars, and about the last thing on Earth that you got out of the movie....was some sexual content. 

The necessity of going this direction?  I would imagine some epic journey where Luke got hooked up with Chewy.  But I'm not sure if that is gay sex because Chewy isn't human.  

Frankly, the more that Disney messes with just seems like they screw up stories more.

2.  Some story going around that the Biden White House will push to deport non-Mexicans....into Mexico.


They may talk about it, but unless they are paying some kind of bribe for this to occur, I just don't see how it'll work.

Odds of some American accidentally getting into the non-Mexicans group and ending up south of the border?  I'd give it a ten-percent chance.

3.  Just odd....ABC did a poll asking people what President Biden has accomplished in past two years.  Sixty-two percent said 'nothing'.

I mean....if you handed people a 3 inch by 5 inch index card, and asked for accomplishments....they'd just hand it back 'BLANK' to you.

Odd? just begs more questions.