Wednesday, 4 January 2023

Psychic Stuff

 When I was stationed in Louisiana, I worked with a young guy grew up in the south, and he had a passion for psychics/fortune tellers/seers.  

At least once a month, he'd go to some 'Madam Glenda-type' who had a garage set up in the home with the crystal ball stuff.  

After this first came up.....I asked some questions.  Being from Alabama....I had noted one or two of the area where I grew up....but my dad had remarked if you needed some advice on things, or some future 'talk'....just give him a dollar and he'd 'guide' me.  

The 'Madam' charged around $20, and if you wanted more than the 10-minute'd go up to $40.  

So I asked if there was some gimmick to it, and he said she'd always have a minute or two of small talk.....asking about his frets, or worries.  

At least one year in my old junior high part of the Halloween 'fest', they had one room set up with a gal or two from the 9th grade....dressed up as a witch-type, and you paid a quarter at the door.  Someone would sit you down in a pretty dark room, with a non-scent candle burning, then the teenage gal would give you your future.

It was about a 90-second session, and from I can remember.....I was destined for great things....would walk on foreign soil (I thought she meant Mexico)....and would be successful.  It was all BS....but for a quarter and 90 was entertaining BS.

I always thought my Louisiana associate needed confidence building, and the 'Madam' was giving him what he needed.

So I read today.....Google more or less....admitted that their 'Alexsa' software program is hackable.  In simple terms.....hackers can get to the speaker in your hear your woes and complaints.

It wouldn't take much then....for a smart person to come up to the house door....say they are a 'Madam-Wanda-type' and they could feel demons at work in the house.....then describe your problems and worries.  

Naturally, you'd be real stupid and think they got the psychic powers.  Then they'd let you know for $100 to $ your door....they can forecast things, and offer advice.  

Some my brother (the electrical engineer) would laugh and just offer them a beer before they leave.  Others?  They'd pay the money and get some settle their mind.  

All This House Speaker Drama

 I sat and tried to contemplate all the bad 'evil' things that this drama over not being agreeable on McCarthy not getting the House Speaker job on the first/second ballots.

My list?  Zero.

He was stupid in moving all of his furniture and people into the House Speaker office area.  I'm guessing his 'crew' are pretty peeved now.

The threat made that the evil twenty-odd people who didn't agree with the Majority Leader....they wouldn't be assigned to committees?  That just compounded things.  

As for Wednesday and what happens?  A third ballot with McCarthy's name on it will occur, and two or three new people will go to NO-McCarthy group.  I think a two-hour lunch will then occur, with a 4th ballot failure occurring, and around 7 PM....the 5th will be prepared without McCarthy's name on it.  Someone will then get the 'pick'.

Any of this really worth getting hyped-up about?  No.  I'm sure the McCarthy 'crew' are peeved about their moving back to the old office, and this will sit upon their criticisms for a month or two....but it's fake drama.