Friday, 15 November 2024

What'll Happen To The 44 4-Star US Generals/Admirals?

 In about two months, this chatter will start up.  Gazing at my crystal ball....I'm predicting four things:

1.  Massive downsizing of troops in Europe....where there will be one single 3-star general, and one single 1-star admiral.

2.  From the remaining situation....about half of the four-star positions will either drop to a 2-star position or be eliminated entirely.

3.  You see forty of the current 4-star folks gone by June...retired.

4.  For a bunch of Lt Col's and Col's, who were on some path....dreaming of a 4-star's a crushing emotion, and they all start to rethink things after their 20th year....exiting/retiring.  

The Blunt Truth

 This week....a bunch of DC gov't workers have come out and said they may be quitting because they can't handle the approaching Trump situation.

I pondered over this....having been a gov't employee (GS, 3.5 years) and lived in DC.  I will admit....probably 70-percent of the people I worked around....were left in terms of their political beliefs.

I could see these people, after making the quitting-chatter....going to their accountant/finance wiz....then having this pitiful talk.

If you were a year or two away from age might have some window to retire via your TSP (gov't IRA).  But you'd be warned....if you need a year....just shut up and work through a year.  Same for those who need two years.....just shut up.

Then the accountant will figure up your car loan and home mortgage amount....telling you that quitting means you need to find a job of equal value....then grinning while telling you the job-market is crap, and you'd have to accept a 30 to 40 percent cut in pay.

Yeah, all those numbers the Biden-team talked about for four years....were crap.

Even if you changed your attitude and just tried to stick it out....there's a pretty good chance that Elon's team will eliminate your job.  The accountant then figures....your savings with state unemployment money....will last you four months at best.  Dipping into the TSP/IRA?  That just creates a bigger problem in five years.

So 'Joe' goes home....opens up a bottle of whiskey and talks with the wife.  Massive desperation starts to set in.

'Wanda' (the 17-year-old daughter who was supposed to  be going to the University of Oregon in August, requiring $38,000 out of your savings for the first year)....steps into the room.  You alert her that this Oregon adventure is crap and  not possible....she might have to accept the crappy University of Maryland.

The wife is disgruntled because that 2-week cruise to the in jeopardy.  She calls her dad....also a gov't employee.....only to discover that he's drinking whiskey as well, and planning an exit to Panama by March.

Across DC presently, I would imagine more than 100,000 folks in turmoil and preparing to sell their homes as quickly as possible.

Who would want to hire a forced-out gov't employee?  Well....once you state a salary that is only 60-percent of  what they made before.....they will feel insulted.

Suicides popping up?  Oh yeah....between now and Christmas....I would guess more than a hundred GS employees reach that level of desperation.

Even if you are around 55 and can retire are talking about a lesser income situation.  You won't be staying in DC....because of the cost factor.  Accepting some move to Arkansas or cut cost?

For the remainder of their lives...these are people who will talk the terrible wrongs done to them, and how valuable they were for 20 years of gov't service.  

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  I read this AM....the View (the TV show) management people are discussing an emergency change to the ABC show.  They say....some 'voices' that are pro-Trump are now required.  

The way it was least two of the current ladies are gone, and I would  imagine the most extreme views will be the ones dismissed.  

How this would work?  Unknown.  Trans-ladies possible in the mix...who are pro-Trump?  Well....maybe.

2.  Some kind  of 9-11 style attack was prevented in the FBI, yesterday.

I'm shocked that the FBI had time to do real work.

3.  Just odd....all these DC-insiders racing to MSNBC and CNN to hype negative chatter on Trump's selections.

4.  I went out and bought roughly 60 shares of NANC stock yesterday.  This is a ETF which captures Nancy Pelosi's trading trends....what she buys....they buy.  What she sells....they sell.  Since early 2024....30-percent gain.

Nancy says she's running in November 2026.  Maybe I should triple my stock  investment situation?

5.  I hate to say it....but the more Senator John Fetterman speaks....the more 'normal' he seems....almost conservative in nature.