Saturday, 7 September 2024

Five Things That Don't Make Sense

 1.  The economy is currently 'great'....meaning under President Biden....yet the media message under the Harris campaign?  It basically says that Kamala is going to 'fix' the economy.

2.  Whenever a Law Enforcement official says 'he was on our radar''s usually 24 hours after someone was killed.

3.  The lady-mayor of Moscow up and gave $3.5-million to Hunter Biden.  To this one knows what the 'gift' was for.

4.  Dick Cheney saying he'll vote for Kamala Harris.

5.  Seems to be a huge deployment going on in NY City with National Guardsmen in the city (probably near 1,000).  They seem to be riding the subway system....90-percent of the time. 

Ten Things That Amaze Me In This Modern Era

 1.  In 1975, you might have observed or listened to three discussions/debates in a normal week via TV or radio.  Today, you can observe or listen to thirty discussions/debates per day.

2.  Your typical car in 1977 probably had 15 'functions'.  A car today?  It probably has over 400 'functions'.

3. You could have walked through a Piggly Wiggly grocery in 1975 and noted 12 fruits.  Today?  There's probably forty fruits, and half of them come from beyond the US/Mexico region.

4.  In a typical grocery store of probably had four types of wattage for  bulbs.  Today, there are six to eight color tones, at least 15 different wattage selections, and ten different functions.

5.  You can be sitting on a broke farm tractor in a Georgia field....conversing with some farmer sitting in Iowa about the problem...define the part required, and then call some parts dealer in Kansas....who will hand  it off to Fedex by 5 PM.  

6.  You can go to a on-line board and survey the 300 hotels around Tampa....looking for particular room and hotel, with sixteen qualifications.  In 1977, you were looking purely for a room without any expectations.

7.  Vape-smokes....having a unique flavor (like vanilla E-smokes).  Who would have thought that vanilla e-smokes would be preferred.

8.  A grocery aisle having 150 choices of soda today....compared to 1975, where there were sixteen choices of soda.

9.  Goof-ball politicians....are still goof-ball politicians....doesn't matter if we were talking 1974 or 2024.

10.  NBA basketball peaked around 1986 to 1992, and we've never reached that level since then. (When Larry Bird retired, the league was doomed)