I sat and watched an interview with Brit Richard Dawkins. On my list of influential intellectuals who are worth watching and hearing....he's in the top ten. What he generally says....makes a lot of sense.
So he go onto the subject of 'safe spaces'.
For those who aren't into this....these are typically college kids (18-22) who arrive at college and immediately feel that their past world has not prepared them for this moment of truth. They can't handle various topics of conversation. You can probably make up a list of a hundred subjects....which can't be discussed in their presence.
This fear business translates into an anxiety-attack. They literally hyperventilate and start acting like a 5-year old kid....based on words.
Dawkins comment? "You want to be physically safe, but intellectually you should be challenged."
If the college is simply creating a massive shelter for you....to last four years....how will you be able to handle and cope with reality?
He has a point, but with all these 'kids' who've arrived at college and unable to handle reality or truth....do you just open the backdoor of the college up and ask them to leave? Do you require a serious debate class as part of their graduation requirements? Do you provide rehab?
It's just something to wonder about.