Friday, 17 December 2021

Likely Candidates in 2024 For Democratic Primary

 1.  Stacey Abrams.  A lot rides on her 2022 Georgia governor campaign.  If she wins it....she will be one of the top five in 2024's Presidential primary.  If she loses?  I doubt if you see her.

2.  Senator Booker.  Probably has a rough go at the first four primary states.

3.  Mayor-Pete.  The 3 x 5 inch index resume guy.  Other than making good speeches....there's just not much there.  He might be able to win one of the first four primary states (SC).

4.  Julian Castro.  Texas political good speeches.  Just not that well known, and has zero chance at the first four primary states.

5.  Phil Murphy.  Gives good speeches, but beyond New Jersey....he' an unknown.

6.  Gavin Newsom.  He says he's not running.  From the group, he is the most known guy, and toxic enough to be hated by half the nation already.  I think he could win two of the first four primary states.

7.  Ms Obama.  Well, she says she's not running.  I would probably rank her in the top three presently.  Never held any office and that's a key point.  If you were looking for someone like Harris or Mayor-Pete with a awful weak resume.....she's got that problem.  

What the party needs?  Some trans-Puerto Rican-bi polar-opioid addicted-dumber than a bag of rocks (who might not be an American citizen) individual.   

President 'Doom'?

 Did President Biden utter 'winter of death'?

Well....yeah....he was making a talk on Thursday and uttered the phrase. 

I'm sure he meant this in a positive way.