Friday, 14 February 2025

My One Trip To The Kennedy Center

 This week, the Kennedy Center (in DC) got into the news.  Basically, President Trump dumped the 'manager', and brought in a new guy.

The new guy asked the budget-folks what's in the pot, and they responded 'nothing'.  Even in the maintenance pot....there's zero.  What they can show....the top-level  of the crew....for the past couple of years....had a fantastic salary, but could not make the Kennedy Center profitable.

I've been  to the Kennedy Center once in my life....back around 2012.

I went to a musical showing of Madam Butterfly.  

The Pentagon recreation folks had these discount tickets.....I still ended up paying around $75 for what I consider a nose-bleed seat in the top balcony.

I got there early and being from 'Bama'....I surveyed the facility (meaning I checked out the bathroom and it was 5-star).

Around the halfway point of the show....they paused for a break.   As I tried to exit the  balcony area, and this hefty older gal...probably in a tight evening dress....did some kind of fainting spell.  Some other gal....about 10 feet away....then seemed to sway a bit and seemed ready to collapse. At that point....I felt 'faintish'.  

To be honest, the story-line of Madam Butterfly didn't seem to thrill me, and the faint-business was starting to worry me.  

I decided....enough.   I left at the half-way point.  I took the DC subway home.

What's going to happen to the Kennedy Center?  I'm going to predict that the culture crowd....all bothered by Trump taking over....will refuse to offer crappy musicals, or leftist fits of rage, and the Kennedy Center by the end of mostly closed down.  

To be honest, if you consider the local feeling for are better off with NFL football, or professional wrestling.