Thursday, 21 June 2018

The End Result for the Week

I spent about an hour this morning, pouring over the bits and pieces of the Trump order on migrants.

So, in the end here (I'll let anyone correct me if I'm wrong) have deportee-candidate dad/mom sitting in a deportee center with the deportee-candidate kids....waiting on a status order and 'ticket' to return to the homeland. What really changed?  Same centers.  Same food.  Same guards.  Same bunks.  Same blankets.  Same toilet facilities.  Same landscape.  Same end-result. 

This hype for the past seven days?  Over something that really didn't change much of anything?  Yes.

And if 'dad' or 'mom' aren't the real parents of the deportee-candidate kids? one from CNN, or ABC has really said much over that topic.  What if deportee-candidate 'Junior' tells the Border Patrol guys that 'Dad' is really NOT the 'Dad'? What if deportee-candidate 'Junior' says that 'Dad' beats him? 

You just sense that there's a pretty big mess here, and the best thing to do is get a wall built, and hustle folks (with their kids) back home as quickly as possible.  And if Latin American country refuses to take their people back....cut them from grant money.