Wednesday, 8 May 2019

This Trump Tax Story by the NY Times

If you read the headlines, and the grasp the talking topic of the news media....Trump didn't pay a penny of tax for almost a decade. 

The curious thing?  Last year (2018)....sixty Fortune 500 companies avoided all federal taxes (ZERO), because of the tax code on the books.  Most of them can readily show that not just for 2018, but for numerous years, they paid no taxes.

The system.....the code.....allows for that.

Who wrote the tax code (80,000 pages)?  Wise Senators and Congressmen. 

If you ask, the Times, by putting that story out might generate public interest in finally dumping all 80,000 pages and going to a 10-page regulation that requires you to pay a tax, period.  Will the wise Senators and Congressmen do so? 
