Wednesday, 16 December 2020

When Will Joe Go?

 There are two groups of thought over this, and I've heard the differing arguments.

First, there's the idea that he'll be gone by first couple of months of 2022.  The logic to this is that his administration won't really gather steam or show accomplishment during 2021.  

With mid-terms coming at them by summer of 2022 and the election in November....the Democratic Party needs President Harris in position and a driving force for the 2022 midterm election.  

In this scenario, you'd have to start with a list of problems....handing them to CBS or CNN or the NY Times.  Six to eight weeks of dementia chatter would start up, and then the committee would go into action.  Four rough weeks of examination, and then the meeting within the House and Senate.  Out would go Joe Biden, and the news media would quickly circle the  wagons and not utter his name ever again.

The case against this scenario?  If they wanted Harris to run in 2024, and 2028....she'd have to step into the role of President AFTER January 2022 (after the midterm election).  

The issue here?  It's very likely that the Republicans will win ten to twenty seats, and put Harris at a serious disadvantage for 2023/2024.  

The second idea is that they stall this as long as possible....maybe to the summer of 2023, then Harris steps in.

The chief problem with this idea is that Joe Biden will probably average an event every three days where people will question his mental decline.  You can't go through all of 2021 and 2022....with a large percentage of the public asking stupid questions.

The idea that people will ask if he was in decline in 2019 and 2020?  Well....yeah, it's probably going to be brought up.  The news media can't answer that question.

The idea that people will ask about several Senators and House members in mental decline as well?  That probably will occur, and I would suggest three or four folks get a gentle push out the door around the same time period.