Wednesday, 12 February 2025

The Weirdest Angle Of Revealing?

 With Trump saying he's going to put the truth out....what's the weirdest angle that we might expect on:

1.  UFOs

- We discover there's only one single race of aliens, and they are marginally brighter than humans.   Over 70 years....we've only taken one single craft of theirs apart, and figured out the technology....mostly in the last five years....due to some guy coming in on weekends...named 'Elon'.

2.  9-11:

- We discover that Bin Laden was not the chief source of 9-11....that it was a CIA-group and a Saudi-prince who developed the attack, blamed it off to Afghanistan.

3.  JFK shooting

- We discover that JFK was on the verge of firing almost all of the top-level  of the CIA.   

4.  Covid agenda

- We discover that the plan  to develop  it occurred around 2008-2010, and it had more to do with getting a large segment of society inserted with nano-probs/bio-engineering than anything else.

5.  Epstein agenda and guests

- A Mossad operation from day-one, and over 500 guests compromised in some way. It was mostly to get financial information to bet on the future's market at Wall Street.

6.  Expenditures/Musk/Big Balls

- We discover that since 2008 and the increasing-factor of spending....relates to massive use of cash in the Fed for fraudulent lending, and fraudulent 'grants' to benefit only Democratic projects. In the end, we add up the numbers, and half of almost every single budget...was wasted.

Just a Story I Will Admit

 After I retired from the military, I spent around twelve years as a contractor....working hand-in-hand for the same military organization I retired from.  I worked for Company-X.

Things were fine with Company-X, for about six months, then the new contract had to be worked up. By the end, our company took a lesser contract.  It was a 'win', but on yearly salary/benefits....we all took a 3-percet 'cut'.  At that point, I lost respect for the contractor situation.

Five years would pass, and we'd re-compete once again....this time, Company-Y won.  Company-Y was fuc*ed-up to the maximum and they anticipated that all of people (currently in Company-X) would slip over., once they laid out the pay-scale/benefits....maybe 10-percent of the people stayed.  

Me?  I ended up staying, and taking a 15-percent pay-cut.  The single-plus-up?  Well....they gave me seven days of sick-leave each year.  The sick-leave disappeared twelve months later.

So in my vault area....there were just two of us from the old team....with 12 empty positions.  

Company-Y had forty resumes.  They passed them to my military boss (a GS).  He came to me and said....pick.

I sat there mostly amazed.  He didn't want to waste an afternoon doing this.

So I  sat there with the one remaining Company-X employee....a female, and we discussed the 're-build'.  

Typically, the old company was pro-guy...meaning if they had four positions open, they hired one single female. That was the HR-tech side of things.

I eventually went and did something 'crazy'....I racked up the resumes (forty of them), and found 15 of them were female.  Of the 12 positions....I filled two guys and ten women.  

I figured my GS boss would catch this and say something.  No....he didn't.  

About six weeks later......they began to arrive, and the rest of the vault came to overwhelming female presence.  

Yeah, I rigged it....but no one from HR or the hiring authority grasped my prioritization.