Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Odd Story

 I sat and watched a Tempe, AZ news piece today.....couple of cops were on a break....at Starbucks....having a coffee (journalist says six).  

Apparently...someone went to  the Starbucks  'boss', and said they felt 'unsafe', wanting the shift-manager to ask them to leave.  Cops took the request, and quietly left.

Word got out, and you ended up with two public situations brewing.

One group, supporting the police....'this is crazy stupid' being the reaction....with corporate Starbucks saying basically the same thing.

Other group....saying they feel 'unsafe' around any police, period.

Analyzing this....it's just odd how people list umpteen different folks as making you feel 'triggered' (unsafe).  I just can't recall something like this in society in 1970s/1980s.

I could see today....folks feeling triggered with Mennonites, guys-in-football-jerseys, trampy-dressed-women, Jehovah's people, or even bald guys.