I watched a Sunday morning talk-show clip....Marco Rubio....being interviewed by CBS's Margaret Brennan....where in the middle....she (Brennan) asserts that assertion that free speech in Germany in the 1930s caused the arrival of the Nazis, and the Holocaust.
Rubio pauses in the answer, and then blasts Brennan. 'Made-up' history crap.
You know....in the past 20-odd years....there were so many idiots who were hired by Presidents....that half of them would readily agreed with Brennan. Rubio is ultra smart and more than capable to answer questions.
As for the arrival of the Nazis? If you look back at treaty signed by Germany, the UK, France and the US....the reparations demanded by the victors....is the entry-door for the Nazis to be in position in 1929....to benefit from chaos of Wall Street.
Free Speech? By the mid-1930s....after the arrival of the Nazis...it was gone.