Tuesday, 12 October 2021

Comparing the Biden Period to Seinfeld

 One of the odd aspects about the Seinfeld Show....was that it concerned a group of four and their lives in a 'nothing-world'.  They'd hang out at the cafe.....run into weird characters....mostly discuss things that really didn't matter much.

So I gaze over at the Biden situation and am somewhat amazed that the Biden 'Show' is mostly about 'nothing'.

If you asked regular people what the immigration policy was about....expecting some 3x5 inch card of information as a minimum....they'd mostly suggest that the Administration has no policy.

Afghanistan, Covid, jobs, etc?  Well....it's about the same.  

Maybe if we were on day 30 of the Administration....it'd make sense.  But we are nearing day 300 shortly. 

The only thing you can talk about?  This draft bill circulating around the House and Senate to spend $3-trillion.  Beyond that.....nothing.  

Covid Crap

 Some topic came up yesterday.  All roughout 2020....folks got hyped-up (mostly negative) about Covid.  By May of the year, it was a permanent top three topic for Americans.

So when the election ended, and Biden came into office, the expectation was that Covid as a major discussion item would 'end'.

Folks kinda sat there in January....thinking in roughly a hundred days....Covid would slide to a number five to number ten item, and maybe by the end of the year....be just a ten to twenty 'worry-problem'.

So here we are....Covid is still a top three problem, and it's discussed probably a dozen times a day in some work situations.  

Biden's whole 'house of cards'?  It lays there.  

There's hardly a press conference that goes by in the White House....where Covid isn't dragged up.  Luckily for two weeks, we had that mess with Afghanistan.....but eventually....even there, Covid came back.  Even with the admitting of UFOs....that barely lasted ten days, then Covid came back.

If I were Biden, I'd go to the controllers of the networks and major newspapers....begging them to just halt all reporting of Covid, and order the CDC to just go out and find something else to worry about.  

If we are still standing there in the middle of 2022.....chatting over Covid as a top three topic?  It only hurts Biden's goals.