In the early morning hours of 31 August 1803....a crew of roughly forty-five men started what would be the 'Lewis and Clark Expedition'....traveling across the US, reaching the west coast, and traveling back....arriving back into civilization on 25 September 1806.
I came to observe Covid-19 and the aspects of the expedition in a special way.
To complete this three-year journey....the amazing thing here, with over a thousand different 'threats'....not a single person dies on this journey. With snakes, bears and wolves as a threat? Nothing. With potential Indian attacks? Nothing. Pneumonia? Nothing.
If you had been standing there in August of 1803 (beginning) would have gazed over the aspects of safety....written a serious letter of concern, and using 2020 logic....halted the aspect of performing this walk to the Pacific coast.
Every single day, if these forty-five men, if they were 2020 type individuals....they would have gotten up and discussed the fear of the day...the threat of death possibly coming up, and how to resolve the safety aspects. Instead, those 1803 type individuals got up....had a sip of coffee, and simply went in search of adventure and the unknown.
It is a remarkable difference between the 1803 folks and the 2020 folks. They aren't of the same breed.