Monday, 24 March 2025

Numbers Story

 Over the weekend....AOC and Bernie Sanders had a rally...enntitled 'against oligarchy',  So some folks collected cell phone data of the event.

What you can say for a fact....Around  84 percent of folks....had gone to nine or more 'brand' events (mean Kam, Antifa, BLM, pro-Hamas or pro-Palestinian).

Another number fact...roughly one out of three had attended a minimum of twenty 'brand' rallies.

The general number claimed to be there at the event?  Around 30,000....more or less.  

So analyzing the data...if the 30,000 number is true....then at least 25,000 were 'brand' attendees...and in all probability....paid in some fashion to be there.  

Pay scale?  I would imagine busloads of folks...providing a dinner menu ($20) and somewhere around $100 for attendance....the cost factor (without the bus cost) is in the $3.1-million range.  

Who spent the $3.1-million?  Unknown....just a humble guess, it came from USAID payments over the past four years.