Tuesday, 21 January 2025

My View of the Biden Preemptive Pardons

 There are 3 problems:

1.  Typically, you have court paperwork (usually a conviction)....saying charges x, y and z.  In this case, Biden signs a paper that says 'anything' that you did....is covered by this pardon....even  if no  judge was involved or conviction existing.

2.  All of these pardons come from a guy with some pattern of dementia.  If someone with a pardon goes into court, and this dementia-chatter comes up....the judge is going to ask questions...probably demanding Biden to appear, and answer.  If Biden shows up and act goofy?  At that point, the value of the pardon might go down to zero.

3.  If you end up with a truth-commission and sworn testimony is required....you don't get a free-pass with the pardon....you have to show up....do the oath, and answer questions (admitting guilt along the way).  If you try to avoid the questions, or lie?  The pardon goes away.  In some ways, it's made life tougher for Hunter Biden, if you ask me.  

Before the end of 2025....I suspect this pardon stuff will become a major problem.