Monday, 16 November 2020

2020 House Election Results

 Just something to ponder upon.....all of the House districts in the US....with the 2020 House election.  Yeah....a lot of Red.  The smaller districts....urbanized zones....are more in number.

The Climate is Changing, Why Aren't We?

 I sat and watched this weekend....a protest movement situation, where a sign appeared in the middle of the European protest....asking the question, the climate is changing, why aren't we?

I sat there for a while and pondered upon it.

After I came to six observations:

1.  I use less electricity today, than I did 25 years ago.  Between LED lights, the more developed engineering in the refrigerator and freezer, and the lesser wattage in most all kitchen devices....I'm probably using 30-percent less electricity than what I used in 1995.  

2.  Most all planes that I ride on (at least before Covid)....were the newer type with better engines, and less fuel consumption.

3.  The new washer I bought in 2019?  It uses roughly three-quarters the power that I consumed with the older washer (10 years old).

4.  This being the wonderful Covid-year that it is.....I've marginally ridden the local bus no more ten times for all of 2020.

5.  The new 2019 Audi we bought?  Terrific fuel consumption numbers.

6.  The new 2019 gas heating system installed into the house?  Based on the salesman's numbers...between regular water heating and the's doing the same job, with roughly 20-percent less consumption over the old heating system.

The problem here....these signs with the stupid environmental statements....are drawn mostly by 15-to-20 year old 'kids', and they don't recognize the various solutions that people are adapting.  

In their mind, there needs to be hour-by-hour changes, and they have a marginal view of human history, or our change-cycle. 


 1.  New book by former President Obama coming out.....768 pages.  

Yeah, it is a bit excessive, and probably would take you six to eight weeks of reading to wrap it up.  So, one piece in the book being discussed....he admits that for most of the Presidency.....he was still smoking a minimum of eight cigarettes' daily.  It's curious....the news media never saw this or had a photographer in the right place to take a picture?  

2.  There's this mob-guy (from Philly), who has stated that he's prepared to give evidence over manufactured ballots in the 2020 election.  Number?  300,000.  The deal?  $10 per ballot.  They were manufactured over a 3-day period, and dumped into the system.

Reliability?  Hard to say.  Evidence?  So far, nothing.  It appears that the blank ballots that his team had....had one marking for President, and that was other candidates were selected.  Where were they delivered?  Unknown, so far.  

Why come out now, after getting the $3-million (I assume in cash)?  This is not explained, and it's the weak part of the story.

3.  From Sixty Minutes last night....former President Obama is interviewed, and the question comes up....Joe Biden got tons more votes than Obama....what did Obama think about this?

The answer given....has no relationship to the question.  He just stepped across and avoided the question entirely.  He has to be a bit disgruntled over that part of the story.