Back around Xmas of 2023....I had a should issue. After four weeks, I went to the Air Force clinic at Ramstein. Basically....I could not raise my arm above a certain level, and it hurt like 'hell'. Getting a restful night of sleep? Zero possibility.
AF Doc didn't think it was a rotator cuff injury but didn't really test things. I get pain killers.
Month improvement. I go to a German doctor (Tricare covers), and he has no idea....but sends me onto a catscan situation. Technician views the scan....we talk.
He says 'yep'....rotator cuff injury. I wanted to avoid surgery (typically recommended). He says....go to your local gym 'geek', and get advice on weights/stretching.
'Karl' (my German gym tech) takes me to one single machine, and tells me 3 ways of using it with my shoulder.
It's a rough year, but I am probably 90-percent recovered and have 90-percent use of the shoulder.