Thursday 29 June 2023

I Have This Theory

 I have this theory about irrational people.

If you lined up the people who accepted massive rules on Covid, the pronoun/gender business, and woke-reality....I think the bulk of them come from Generation Z (the folks who were born from the mid-1990s until 2009).

In their world, science isn't science (as we are conditioned to view it), and anything is possible.  

From the previous group....the Generation Y (the ones born from 1980 to 1994)....I think the ones in the later part of this era are also in the acceptance of non-reality.

Then you come to earlier Generation Y folks, most all of the Generation X (born 1965 to 1979).....have some foundations to reality and can't really deal with irrational people or irrational ideas.

So I come to the fantasy idea that you could approach the Generation Z crowd, and the newer ones born since 2010, and you could start some belief that Santa Claus is a demon, or that you could have a 12-year old boy having a marriage relationship with a 35-year old woman being acceptable.

I don't think there is any limit with Generation Z or Generation Alpha (the newer creative group).   

I sat and watched a basketball YouTube video this AM....11-year old kids least three kids with tattoo art on their legs.  A decade ago....most tattoo artists would have said 'no entry' for kids in their studio.  Today?  No issue.

I would imagine if you went around to half the schools in the nation.....some 13-year old kids will admit some physical relationship with older teenagers or adults.  It might be three or four percent....but it's high enough that it should worry some folks.   

I saw some 'be-on-the-lookout' poster for two kids missing from last weekend.  Oddly written into the words.....their pronouns.  I doubt if either were more than 12 years old.  

Correcting this generational thing?  How?  

Ten Observations

 1.  Is this a boycott of Bud-Light, or a 'reward' episode by consumers?

I tend to think that Bud executives wanted a reaction by the public with their 'gimmick', and consumers (a quarter of them) rewarded the company for their creativity.  Naturally, there will be no bonus for employees this year.

2.  This CPAP machine story that President Biden confirmed today?  If you go by the story....he's been on CPAP since 2008, and he can't sleep without it.

3.  King Charles activated a climate-end you six years before the 'end'.  

4.  It won't surprise me if in three years....a quarter of 12-to-14-year old kids are addicted to BDSM/Bondage fantasy stuff.

5.  If you polled people....I think 10-percent of Americans are shocked that Joe Biden has a son, and they've never heard of Hunter.

6.  Next fad for juveniles?  Wigs.  I'll predict by the end of 2024....ten-percent of kids in schools are wearing wigs to school.

7.  Even if President Biden blurted out that he'd had sex with 600 women over the past thirty years....I don't think anyone would be bothered by the statement (except the 600 women).

8.  Creepy, by 1988 way more (100 times) creepy in 2023.

9.  It's possible that a quarter of America is attached to cult-like values in 2023, and you'd have to send them off for three months of rehab....before they could be of value to society.

10.  Yesterday, in Nebraska....folks came to inspect the damage of a hailstorm on a solar panel 'farm'.  14,000 panels destroyed.  Toxic waste everywhere around this 'farm'?  Well....yet to be mentioned.  

Explaining Bidenomics?

 It got mentioned earlier in the week (even by President Biden himself).  So what it is....on a gritty sort of run and set up an economy from the bottom up.

Yeah, it's the opposite of Reagan's plan....where you had trickle-down gimmicks to help the economy. 

In this game, the economy would be prioritized so that the bottom guy (who might be unemployed and lacking motivation to work) given 'something'.  As he or she improves....the economy improves, and then the middle guy gets something (don't ask), and all of this will eventually vibrate  or 'shake' the people.

Can I show any country where this has been attempted?  No.

Where would the funding to make the bottom guy happier come from?  Well....more taxes, one would assume.

You would assume this bottom guy would go out and buy a trailer, a car, a weed-whacker, a mower, Nugget's tickets, burgers and steaks, or hustle up a new girlfriend.  So he'd spend money, and make the middle-class guy happy, and eventually make the wealthy guy happy.

I tried to watch the CNBC business guys explain this, and what you got mostly was 'smirks'.  I get the impression they were amused by the term.

I would imagine some guy in the White House has been given the job to write the book on this.....some 220-page business-lecture-type, and he's got a case of premium whiskey to help with the first hundred pages.  


 Over the past month, I've view this video clip of a 'orb' (UFO) seen over Iraq by a US recon vehicle.  I've probably viewed the clip over 50 times.

Basically, the recon vehicle is on normal patrol, and then some 'ball' comes up on the screen and the camera catches this and tries to follow the ball.

Size?  I've come to the conclusion it's the size of a small (VW possibly) car.  

How far off the ground?  I would take a guess it's between 50 and 100 ft from the ground.

Weather balloon?'s moving along in a straight line.  Weather balloons would be affected by the wind and maybe match the speed but the straight line business....I doubt.

Shiny?  Yeah....that's another odd part of the story.

Propulsion?  You don't see a trail.

If you accepted the UFO idea (alien-run orb)?  I'm more likely to believe it's on a search or a collection agenda.  

Why people on the ground didn't notice it?  That's a question I ask....because you can see movement of people in the video and I would think that this would catch your attention.  

Wednesday 28 June 2023

Four German News Stories

 1.  So the rest of the story came out over the Baumholder US post gate-incident.....where the two gate guards (civilians) shot an approaching Army guy over the weekend.

Apparently, the guy's wife had come to the gate and asked for protection.  The Army NCO approached and was told to 'back off'....refused, and the guards responded.

There was a warning shot, and I would imagine some video of the episode exists.  Guy's aggressive behavior?  Not yet explained.

Oddly, the NCO made a play toward the guard's gun drawn, and this was the moment when the guard decided 'enough'...shooting the guy in the leg.

I'm guessing that the Army will ask for a mental eval of the guy.  

2.  Both Hessen and Baden-Wurttemberg are discussing offering drug purity  So you could take your crack or meth to some gov't run shop and have it tested.  Odds of people actually doing this?  That would be my question.  For dealers....if this started to occur?'d put dealers under pressure.  

3.  Hessen, the state, has updated their population at 6.39-million.  Key area gaining?  Southern side of Frankfurt....Offenbach.

4.  High temperature for my village today?  69 F  (21 C).  Yeah, it's been the most summer of the entire past decade.....but with marginal rainfall.

Liz Quote

 “What we've done in our politics is create a situation where we're electing idiots."

-- Liz Cheney (quote from yesterday)

I pondered upon this quote and find that I readily agree with Liz.

But I would correct it.....for over 200 years....we've been electing idiots.  If you evaluated our voting....maybe we goof up once in five times, and accidentally elect some competent guy as mayor, governor, or President.

But the majority of folks that we elect....aren't that special, or that smart.  

While we are discussing this....some folks might even stand up and admit they voted for Liz....fully realizing that she was an idiot, but suggesting that of five potential choices....she was the lesser idiot at the time.  

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Pizza Story

 I noticed this week....NYC is going to some regulation on pizza more stone-oven baking of pizza (bad for the environment).

I'd gone through 30-odd years of my life and around 1994...being in Italy for a military duty situation....I sat at a true Italian pizza shop and ordered a pizza which was baked in the stone-oven.

This was not a thick bread dough situation and it was fairly crispy in the end, but it was a five-star pizza. 

Over the years, I've probably eaten at least one-hundred pizzas from a stone-oven.  

If you gave me a choice?  I'd also select the stone-oven choice.

So this brings me back to the environmental folks.  After years and years of watching them at seems like their preoccupation is to destroy civilization.  

Air Force Chatter

 This past week, the Air Force announced that they would probably miss their yearly goals for 2023 recruitment by 10-percent....for active-duty.  In the Guard/'s up to around 12-percent.  

Reason?  They don't go into a lot of detail or explain the problem.

Resolving this?'s just odd.  

First, the tattoo rules are going to be seriously relaxed. 

Second, if you were drug-tested and failed on marijuana....they are now ready to consider 'second-chance' options.  They don't really detail how this would work.  My humble guess is that you'd agree for 'treatment', monthly tests to show your dedication, and some rehab therapy for a year or two.

Third, the BMI/weight stuff?  It appears to be going to a slightly relaxed state.  Don't get excited...I doubt if they'd allow more than half-a-inch extra on BMI or five pounds more weight for the max level.   

My view?  The minute they hit better numbers....this whole policy will be reversed, and folks will be standing there in frustration.  So I doubt that the changes will do much to get enlistments back up.

At the pace of things for 2024?  I would make a humble bet that they progress from a 10-percent a 15-to-20-percent miss.  

Adding more resolutions in 2024?  Yeah....I would imagine there's a group of twenty-odd people trying to dream up something that would get a couple of thousand more people into the recruitment office.  College funding or bonus activity?  That probably will come next.

It wouldn't shock me if they started to offer a $80,000 college fund if you agreed to six years of service.  It also wouldn't shock me if they offered up a $20,000 TSP-retirement fund start-up situation if you agreed to four years.  

But here's the thing....isn't this recruitment problem a crappy long-term situation...probably lasting for an entire decade?  I'm suggesting in five years....that they'd be routinely missing 30-percent of their goal, and unable to fill 50-percent of squadrons to full manning.  

It is a curious problem....with no real ability to fix.  

Ten Things: 27 June 2023

 1.  Out of the 37 Shakespeare plays that we are sure about (that he wrote) many would require a trigger-warning if shown to a 18-to-21 college crowd?  Five?  Ten?  All?  What's that really say about society 500 years later?

2.  If AI (artificial intelligence) gave you conflicting advice against what your dentist says about your teeth....who do you believe?

3.  If you look at dock traffic going OUT of's very limited.  Question is....if that much less do you hide all the Fentanyl that was shipped in previous year's containers?

4.  I watched some 60-second clip off Fox News yesterday (I try to limit myself)....some mental expert says of the sub tragedy from last week....lot of people lack empathy.  I paused over this.....where has this guy been the past 20 years?  I passed this reality back around 2005 to 2010.  

5.  I pulled out some old clothing and decided to dispose of three jackets.  Oddly, I found a ten-dollar bill in one of them (probably from the 2004-to-2008 era).  This is probably what happened at the Pentagon and how they found the 6-billion dollars....just cleaning the closet, and there it was.

6.  As fragile as some people are....if you just offered them avocado on toast....probably 10-percent of people would freak out and require a shot or two of premium whiskey.

7.  With all this gender chatter going on and how a 8-year old kid can make decisions for himself....some kid will wise-up and say he should be able to buy whiskey with his allowance money or his yard-clean-up job cash.  How will you explain that he can't have whiskey but he can go trans?

8.  If you evaluate erratic behavior in it possible that we down to the last million people with zero-erratic lifestyles?  

9.  There must be at least six different 'defenders of Russia' in existence, and each claiming some 'status'.

10.  I read this yesterday....16.5 million Americans are training/excising in a reckless trigger an early death.  Basically, we need a law to prevent you from too much exercise.

Monday 26 June 2023

My Way Of Resolving The Current Political Mess

 I have this theory.

Lets have a 2024 election campaign with three to four candidates (at least one third-party....perhaps even two).

Lets wrap up the November election with both the Republican and Democratic folks winning no more than 40 of the states in the Electoral College situation.  

In fact, lets rig three of the states (Arizona and Georgia guaranteed) unable to conclude their count for a minimum of ten days.  

Third-party folks? (one or two).

Let them take at least ten states.

Electoral College would then crap out.

The House would meet in January and grumble because they have to form as state groups....not as party members. 

If any states delayed the vote-count?  The folks there at the House meeting....would not be able to delay matters.

The House would have a choice of the three top vote-getters.  The Senate would have only a choice of the top two vote-getters....for VP.

The state delegations would linger on theatrics, and the head of the House would end up being a temp-President, while they fought over this.

In the end, you'd end up with a Republican VP, but it's anyone's guess how the House might end their torment.

Ten Things: 26 Jun 2023

 1.  Oddly, with the 'deal' that Hunter Biden one in the IRS cares about who paid Hunter money or what service they got for the money.  This odd way of arranging the deal...makes the whole thing into a comedy.

2.  It's currently figured that only ten-percent of Americans (max) read newspapers.  I think if you asked the ten-percent....other than the front-page, the local news page, the crime blotter, and obituary page.....that's about all of the 20 pages that they read.  

3.  It's now figured to be physically impossible to write any state law banning drag shows.  At best, if the establishment has a liquor can ensure kids don't show up.   Maybe you need to force people in liquor license activity, and then say it can't be opened unless the license activity is being achieved.  

4.  Chris Christie's moment....probably never existed, in terms of getting national attention for the 2024 primary.

5.  I expect at some point within five years....a vast twist on handling shoplifters, and people get three months of jail for taking a dollar of value.  

6.  A Delaware town (8,000 residents) has invented a commercial company-right-to-vote out of thin air.  Strictly local elections.  So vote.  Makes one wonder....if you were a guy with one company....why not split it into 30 sub-companies (maybe one employee each) and get 31 votes?  To be honest, I think if a company is paying $10k in tax revenue (property taxes too)....that ought to be worth one single vote.  For each $10k after that....give them additional votes.  Course, hookers would eventually get into this, and claim $100k of revenue, and would want ten votes.  

7.  Some political group talking about regulating artificial intelligence (AI).  I suspect AI is already reviewing options and looking for ways to regulate political groups.

8.  I noticed the death count (for 2022)....pedestrian's death count (being killed by car)....highest in 41 years.  Begs questions but I doubt if anyone will dig into this.

9.  Some video came up of RFK Jr in work-out form.  This guy has zero fat on his body.  Has to be spending 60 to 90 minutes a day working out.

10.  I think if you asked a hundred Americans if they live in a prosperity situation, less than 20-percent would agree with you.  If you opened their freezer and looked at the steaks, or asked the value of their $1,500 big-screen TV, or the cost of their new car....the bulk (majority) would then admit being in a prosperity lifestyle.

Sunday 25 June 2023

Ten Things

 1.  Defining 'bat-shit' crazy.  You got a crazy uncle who decides to lead a rag-tag army on a 800-mile convoy to throw out some dictator, and about 600 miles into the trip....the uncle says 'no, we got better things to do', and ends the trip.  

2.  If you woke up at 6 AM and just started counting at cult-like behavior or many would you see by 9 PM that night?  A dozen....forty?

3.  I counted the number of journalists trying to get Hunter Biden comments out of that poor WH press spokesperson-gal....must have been eight when I hit mute. She just didn't want to say anything, and those bully-journalists weren't willing to accept that.  

4.  This Lukashenko character from Belarus....ought to be up for a Noble Peace Prize....for saving Putin and ensuring Russia didn't fall apart with a coup.  

5.  Within three years, I expect a new trend where 12-year-old boys are hooking up with 20-year-old women, and being told it's 'normal'.

6.  A bunch of Moscow folks got disturbed over events by mid-day yesterday, and rushed out to pay ten and twenty times the going rate for airline leave the country.  Presently, at 9 their hotel, they are probably debating a return to Moscow, or just staying.

7.  Just for reference, this Russian coup guy (Prigozhin) got out of prison (9 years of time) around 1990, and ran a hot-dog stand for a couple of years.  

8.  Some oddity about the public curiosity of the Titanic....they seem more 'consumed' about it, than the 1994 Buick they owned for eight years.

9.  I think Joe Rogan could take on both Zuck and Elon (same time) and toss them both out of the ring (belt or no belt).

10.  About one-third of Russia were still sleeping off a 5-star hangover Saturday, and missed the entire coup from beginning to end.  


 I worked once with a Air Force officer who'd gotten into a Soviet studies program in college (before he got into the Air Force) and right after the Soviet Union collapsed....he went off for one year in 'new' Russia to attend some university there.  

One day, we got into a chat about this period of his life, and this period of change in the Russian landscape.  

There were probably twenty interesting things that he brought out....but then he got onto booze consumption.  From day one (the arrival), he came to grasp that Russian men generally consume a lot of booze.  

The booze consumption rate advanced their health issues.  A guy who was forty....would look more like a sixty-year-old guy.

Car accidents and work accidents were more prevalent with men....because of the booze.

Decision-making often resulted in crappy decisions...because of the booze.

Women complained constantly over drinking habits of their husbands. 

If he walked around the corner and came upon several guys in some heated discussion/ was better than a 50-percent chance that all of the guys standing there in this argument....were boozed-up and the argument made no sense.

At the end of this year program and leaving, he came to this rational view of Russia....that this booze tradition had been around for hundreds of years and it was a hard part of culture that could not be dismantled or fixed.   

Over the past 24 hours....I'd say we got a full glimpse of alcohol-effect and irrational behavior.  

Saturday 24 June 2023

Ten Things

 1.  There's a lot of chatter over the idea that CNN will be put up to sell (saying value at $5-billion.  But if you read other material....cable companies are discussing future contracts, and how customers don't want channel X, Y or Z....meaning that in the future of cable TV....people might be asking for strictly 20 stations/options.

In this scenario.....some people think that Fox, MSNBC and CNN would be discounted as options.  If the true value of CNN $5-billion?  I'd argue if only one out of ten homes receives CNN....advertisers won't pay premium rates.  Then the true value might be only $500-million at best.  

2.  If you think about all this sexed-up business going on in schools....eventually...a fair number of teachers (men and women) are going to get a LE visit, and end up with three or four years in prison for physical relationships with kids.  These people (probably in range of a couple thousand)....will never pay off their college loan debt.  Job potential after a year in prison?  They'd be lucky to just flip burgers or do landscaping.

3.  Someone pointed out that game-controller used for the discounted by 40-percent off in the past 24 hours.  I doubt if it has anything to do with the sub.

4.  If you are 12 years old and have gender probably haven't hauled hay in 100-degree heat, worked an honest eight hours of physical labor, or painted a barn roof.  More important things to worry about, instead of your gender.

5.  If you are pretty fragile at handling things which you disagree might want to find a 'safe' job in life (mowing grass, delivering newspapers, or selling ice cream).

6.  If you asked a thousand folks to define human'd get a thousand different descriptions.  Some would even suggest that free email usage is a human right.

7.  If you are a certified crack's pretty good odds that you can't tell the truth more than 50-percent of the time.

8.  Question of the it better to be misinformed, or totally lacking of information?  

9.  As things progress with major news organizations at CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, Fox, NY Times, and WaPo....skepticism is at such a high rate.....that people aren't listening or reading.  Why bother even producing the news?

10.  I read this morning that a California poll was conducted.  Presently....four out of ten California residents are reviewing the option of leaving.  They aren't clearly saying 'yes, we are going'.....but they are reviewing options.

If this came true?  This would mean 16-million people total...are in some decision-making process.  Could the state survive with just 24-million?  I'd question how police, hospitals and regular functions would work.

Who would likely make up the bulk of the 16-million?  I'd suggest roughly one-third of this to be retirees and soon-to-be-retired people.  I'd also suggest that more than 2,000 of the Hollywood types would find no logical reason to stay (mostly because of taxes).  

Finally, once this 16-million were gone....there would be a catch-up factor (go ask Engineers for statistical numbers)....where the next group would say that they can't survive in a marginalized state.  I'd assume another 5-million would walk out within three years.  

Go do the 2030 Census and population count.  It's not pretty. 

Friday 23 June 2023

Nine Observations: 23 June 2023

 1.  Looking over this mini-sub deal....if you'd shown most of us the sub and marginal safety features....even at $100, the vast majority of us would have turned down the sub-ride.  At $250,000?  These were all people with a pro-risk assessment, and if you'd offered all of them an hour in a shark tank with marginal safety situations....they would have accepted that.

Note....makes you wonder....what was the BS with the 'knocking-noises' that the Coast Guard reported?  That has to be total BS. Why?

2.  Just odd this AM....some folks now saying that the DoJ wanted charges up against Hunter Biden in 2022, and were stalled....week after week.  Wonder why?

3.  For decades, general target practice for cops (and military folks) involved a simple line drawing (not a person).  I noticed in AM news out of Georgia....some police unit started using a real picture of a black the shooting drawing.  Pretty crappy and stupid decision making....if you ask me.

4.  Average IQ for people is generally rated at '100'.  I think if you tested the bulk of people between 15 and 30....most would get no higher than '90'.  Wouldn't shock me if half of this group got no higher than '80'.

5.  I'm in support of a risk-assessment test at age 16.....say 1-to-10, and anything above '6' being considered a high-risk taker.  

6.  General fact: Adolph Hitler never debated anyone in his life.

7.  When you say 'lab-grown-synthetic-meat'.....I'd say it's a 103-percent chance I won't touch it....even with A1 sauce on table.

8.  What's the average (per-week now) on you observing a new conspiracy theory?  Three?

9.  If you are dating or hooked-up to a gal that looks awful trampy/ you feel some guilt about it?  

Thursday 22 June 2023

Five Observations

 1.  I think Colin Kaepernick's primary intention is to run for Governor of California in November 2026.  

2.  I never knew this part of the JFK/Oswald story....this home in Dallas that Oswald stayed at....was a one-time only guest situation.  The lady renting....had never rented before and after him....she never rented again.   

Oddly enough...Oswald had applied for a job that was at a location other than the book depository, and they had called the residence to offer him a job.  This lady never mentioned the job offer to Oswald.

3.  Just odd.....Blackrock has been picked by Ukraine to run the 'rebuilding' process.

4.  NY Post had a story....roughly 49-percent of teenagers (15-to-18) say things that indicate depression.

5.  Some science study has concluded that a daytime nap....improves your mental abilities.

My Theory

 There is a theory in economics called the 'accelerator theory'.  It basically goes along where investment expenditure increases when either demand or income increases. 

100-percent factual? most cases, works.

I have a similar theory in the destruction of a living landscape....say the state of California.....that population centers decrease when demand or safety decreases.  In fact, I'd add a curve to my 'decrease'...speeding up....when more people talk over the idea of exiting.

Within three years, I expect the California leadership to admit that tax revenue is no longer meeting the 'norm', and increased taxes are openly discussed.....thus leading to more companies and people talking 'exit'.

I will even go and project by's current population of SF (at 815,000)....probably be near 700,000.  

Realization of the problem?  I would imagine city council members privately meet and openly discuss this, but can't find a way to admit their decision-making is part of the problem.   

Wednesday 21 June 2023

Affirming Mentally Ill People, The Norm?

 I sat and watched some podcast in the past was a person who seemed a bit 'odd' (even by Alabama standards).

Eventually, they got around into the conversation to some point where they felt they'd explained things, and then wanted you to 'affirm' them.  I stopped watching at this point, and went to resolve my feeling over the word 'affirm'.

In military lingo....when you 'affirm' typically meant you were going to swear an oath.  

In this use of the word with the fragile person....'affirm' means that you support them or agree that their behavior is pretty weird but I can go along with it.

After a while, I started to think....well, usually in Alabama with wild and crazy just show them some patience and 'blessed-understanding', but you don't pat them on the back, or say it's OK.

Then it occurred to me....if you were that far off the track....why do you need affirming?  You obviously know you have some type of mental disorder, so why bother getting my affirm 'nod'?  

It's like saying you know you are crazy, and recruiting for more people to be crazy like you.  

Bottom line?  Once a guy or gal has done their ten minutes of mentally ill chatter, and ask about affirming.....just tell them that you will be praying for them and offer them a shot of your closet-whiskey (that you'd typically offer to relatives or best friends).  

Tuesday 20 June 2023

PhD Chatter

 Back in the 1990s, I worked in a vault area with a number of Air Force contractors.  One had a small stack of business cards on the side of the desk.....which I picked up to review one day.

The card had the name, and then under it.....'PhD, Scientist, and Engineer'.  

I quizzed one of the other contractors that I worked with, and he quickly noted that this person was the last person on Earth that you wanted to ask a question to.  

Naturally, I asked why.

He noted that any question to the person....meant a 12-minute explanation, and the end wouldn't really resolve the question you asked. 

The next day, I asked the PhD gal a question.  Yeah, the response was roughly 10 to 12 minutes, and the answer really didn't fit the question posed.

I went back to the original guy who'd warned me, and asked....why did they have this PhD person hired?  Well....the contract said something to the effect that you needed to have one PhD person out of the dozen folks hired for this support function.  It's not that they really filled some critical requirement....just that you might need their expertise in a critical decision process.  

Part of me wonders if the whole PhD thing is over-sold, or just wasted lectures by colleges in selling more 'degrees'.  

Beam of 'Light' Upon Debates

 For a number of years, I've sat and been amused over what journalists called debates.  It mostly fell into the category.....a dozen soft-easy questions upon one guy, and a dozen hard curve questions upon the next guy.  

Then one day....along came podcast folks.  Originally, they couldn't get the big guys to appear they went to the second-level, and asked blunt questions to drag out 'truths' and explain the details.  

Then the big guys stepped up and said 'no,  no'.  So podcast guys said fine....why don't you come on our shows to do a Q-and-A, and things started fall apart for the big guys....because they CAN'T debate with any skill (they got used to the soft questions from journalists).  

It's so bad....that even if you have a probably can't go into a debate over your field.  

Podcast guys affecting our view of the PhD guys?  Yeah, and it begs the question....if they can't really handle questions, then should we go and re-brand PhD level to something less?

I had to sit yesterday and review over one PhD guy suggesting that mere mortals (without a PhD) can't read medical reviews or science reports.  

Where all of this will lead to?  A lack of respect for anyone who spent $200,000 for a PhD level degree.  

Monday 19 June 2023

Four Observations

 1.  If Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) exists....what are the odds that DeSantis Derangement Syndrome (DDS) and RFK Jr Derangement Syndrome (RFKDS) exists?

Currently?  I put the odds at 103-percent chance.

2.  I read today that SF shops have even started locking up candy....because of candy theft occurring so often downtown.

3.  What is this Brit 'Partygate' really about?

A bunch of political party folks met for a party (booze included) during Covid, without masks or testing, and video was shot.  This has infuriated a bunch of folks, and crapping all over pre-election coverage.  I should note....these were not liberals (yeah, that's shocking).

4.  Does Joe Rogan ever debate people?  No.....he asks stupid questions about 40-percent of the time.....which guests can laugh and skip....if they want to.

Sunday 18 June 2023

Ten Things I Believe Today

 1. Illiterate people are just as 'smart' as intellectuals.....when crap hits the fan, and chaos reigns.

2.  Trying to be respectful toward any politician demanding a lot of patience.

3.  Anyone wearing a sweatshirt 'hoodie' in 90-degree nuts.

4.  The minute you identify yourself as a fact-checker....I'm doubting whatever you say by 50-percent.

5.  In mafia-chatter, the minute you say the 'big-guy' automatically means he takes a 10-percent cut....even if he's just there to sip a coffee.

6.  If common sense was indexed-out....the majority of people would never get past '5' (scale of one to ten).  

7.  Who is supposed to utter 'God save the Queen'?  In 99.9-percent of cases....only British subjects, in case you were wondering.

8. Two decades ago, if you'd ever uttered the term 'provocative' did it with a slight French accent, intending to identify some 'slutty' gal, and you probably only uttered it once a year (usually after four beers).  Today?  You might utter it ten to twenty times a year, and it has nothing to do with 'slutty' women..

9.  I think at least one-third of viewers to ABC/CBS/NBC nightly news....will mute on occasion, and it's reaching a point where locals do the same to their local TV news of the region.

10.  Without a pistol/rifle 'brace'....if you fired ten rounds (say in ten seconds)....I'd give pretty good odds to whoever/whatever you were aiming hit on the first round, and the next nine missed.  I'm not saying this was the government intention in outlawing the 'brace', but firing the next nine rounds are a total waste (in my humble view).  

After Viewing All Of Season Two Of Yellowjackets

 I binge-watched all of season one, then went into a once-a-week viewing of season two.  I have five serious problems in watching it.

First, the fact that the young ladies don't see a necessity really in leaving the crash site....makes no sense.  You can take any group of a dozen people, and once you reach the seventh day of staying at the crash site....exit would seem to make perfect sense.

Second, why no rescue crew ever came?  That part makes no sense.

Third, season two seems to remind me a lot of Desperate Housewives (I quit watching it by the end of season two).....being too soap-operish.  

Fourth, no matter how you lay the story out.....virtually every single character by the end of season a nutcase.

Fifth and final....this Kevyn Tan/Misty Quigley character detectives....are a five-star duo, and they ought to bring the two actors/characters into their own TV series.  

Will I watch season three?  Probably, but on the weirdness scale (1-to-10).....this is already maxing at '9' presently.  

Ten Things I Expect To Occur Over The Next Decade

 1.  At least one state will mandate all state employees to have a sidearm on themselves, as part of their public duty.  Gun safety will be mandated and conducted by the state as part of the agenda. Even the governor will carry a sidearm. 

2.  The LGTBQ will reach a crisis stage where 32 letters are considered the norm....with at least one news agency forcing it's people to go and use all 32 when discussing a news item.

3.  At least 100 regional TV stations will have eliminated either their morning or evening news because so few locals watch it, and advertising refuses to pay a premium rate. 

4.  A new medical disability will be established.....'fragility' will be 'branded' in some way where you can't handle real life situations, and you are allowed to collect disability/social security early on in life.  More than 40,000 Americans will be identified as disabled by 2033.

5.  Sam Bankman-Fried is convicted on minor charges...spends less than 100 days in jail.  Over the next decade, he will recreate and fail two additional crypto-currencies....all having some donation to politicians, and each time being arrested/convicted for a max of 100 days.  

6.  Americans start uttering President's Biden's words 'God save the Queen' in all public appearances, and it becomes such a popular phrase....that at least five bands over the next ten years....will make songs with the phrase.

7.  Some weird cult-like fasting will start to occur where people fast from Saturday evening to Sunday evening, with some scripture read.  Five-percent of Americans will be participating.

8.  Some psychological group will identify over 5,000 movies which can't be viewed by fragile people.  Among the titles: Caddyshack II, Action Jackson, Tropic Thunder, and all of the Indiana Jones movies. 

9.  Twelve-year-old American kids start identifying as neofascists, complete with badges, rank, and symbiology.  Teachers will suggest that it's highly dangerous now in schools....even more dangerous than in the previous generation.  

10.  Bud-Lite will have been renamed/rebranded, and five years into the rebuild.....repeat the trans-mistake, and have to repeat the renaming/rebranding a second time.  

The Teacher Story

 Yesterday AM, I read through this story.  The way it goes....a fair number of LGTBQ Florida and Texas....are resigning, and heading toward California/NY in the summer.

It's an NBC story, and to be honest, on my's ranking near an '8'....meaning it lacks a lot of facts.

How many are resigning? might be a couple dozen...several hundred....couple thousand.

Reason/logic?  Well....they say the agenda laws are forcing them to restrict their LGTBQ chatter in classrooms. They aren't 'free'.

So I've sat upon the idea, and come to four observations:

1.  These are mostly people who graduated out of college in the past five years.  These are not forty-and-over teachers.  

2.  I don't think they were teaching much of their daily requirements, and their instruction time probably meant a quarter of their day based on indoctrination....instead of normal mandates.

3.  If you were looking for new jobs in California/NY over the summer for school situations?  You are freaking screwed.  If this were 3,000 in just won't find school districts that desperate....unless they had violence issues in the schools.  Frankly, taking your LGTBQ agenda from a quiet Texas town where you taught 3rd-grade gang-infested Bakersfield and 10th-grade kids....will be a huge drop in personal happiness.  I also think if you showed up in upstate might be shocked how conservative they are there.....compared to Texas.  

4.  Finally, if your move results in no teacher job....what exactly is plan 'B'? have a college debt situation brewing and if you can't find a happy school situation where you lecture people on LGTBQ stuff....then what?  

Maybe I'm wrong, but I think in twelve months....the LGTBQ teachers who left....will come back and ask if they can have their old job back (the answer will be no), and there will be a news media story of these poor LGTBQ unemployed folks.....people without a profession....existing. 

Saturday 17 June 2023


 1.  Odds of an impeachment of President Biden over the bribes business?  

You would think that he'd been smart enough to have the bribe money flow to off-shore accounts.  This is typically what smart guys do....they hire people to 'manage' their money.

If he failed at this, and the money came into US accounts?  I'd say impeachment chatter will increase by October, and likely start before the end of 2023.  I also think that Feinstein's replacement as Senator figures into this, and a fair number of Democrats are calculating Biden to be gone, but some total reshuffle to occur....maybe Harris gone and a new VP before the impeachment wraps up.

2.  Democratic voters indicate their feelings on re-electing Joe Biden?  Now at only 37-percent.  

3.  All that hype that Fed rates were going up another notch?  Halted, for 12 months....coming out late yesterday.

4.  Oddly, House agreed and passed law to raise pilot mandated retirement in the 67.  Lack of pilots is key issue. 

The Gun Quote

  “Down in Philadelphia and New York, areas I know well, like up here, you’d see a truck pull up, pull to the curb and selling weapons, selling guns, selling AR-15s.”

- President Joe Biden

I paused over his comment....indicating 'not-drug-dealers-but-gun-dealers'.

I think if you did ask all the drug dealers in the Philly area....if they handled guns...about a quarter of them know some guy who has stolen pistols (some of them probably in marginal shape and not to be trusted in firing).  

If I were this stupid to buy such a weapon....not maintained, for me personally....I simply wouldn't trust it.

In my Air Force years, some trainer ran a short slide presentation of guns that misfired in some way....harming the shooter.  It put the fear of God into can only trust weapons that are maintained.  The idea of going to some drug-dealer and buying from the back of a 1988 buy any gun....just ain't going to happen.

This brought me to the police in NYC or Philly even believe this idea of mass gun sales?  Are they the ones who hyped Biden to say this, or is this a misinformation campaign to make you imagine of such a situation?

Thursday 15 June 2023

My Fragility Index (1-to-10)

 1 (worst fragility point) Just watching a cartoon of a bear (Yogi)....causes you to shake. Having Wal-Mart reshuffle the candy area sets you off with a panic attack.  Noticing the toilet paper is rigged 'over' (not under) at the hotel....sends you into a rage.

2 You wrapped up three 1930s  cowboys movies off AMC, and feel disturbed of the evil Indian depictions...writing up a sixteen page letter that the movies must be altered, or removed.  

3 Your best friend of sixteen years....sent you a very vulgar joke, and you've cancelled them as a best friend.  

4 You show up at your local grocery to discover the favorite brand of ice cream was not in stock, and spend 25 minutes lecturing 'Larry-the-clerk' on this dilemma in your life.

5 (moderately fragile) You watched two episodes of Mister Ed this AM, and feel Ed is not a responsible or mature horse.  You want to discuss this with your wife/GF, but they seem to have bigger worries to discuss.  

6 The weather gal for Channel Nine gave another crappy weather report.  All you said or did....was say a short 12-second prayer that she might improve.  

7 Your dog has dragged over 17 newspapers from neighbor this morning, and you spent 3 minutes lecturing him ('bad dog, bad dog'), and then gave him a dogbone while you tossed the newspapers into a garbage bin.

8 You watched Bridge Over River Kwai for the 40th time in your life, and still wept at the end.

9 You have the seat on the airplane that you paid extra for, but some woman asks if her kid can sit by the window....he's never been on a plane before, and so you give up the extra-cost seat....with no argument, just a smile.

10 Your wife burnt the steak completely, and you simply carved the edge of the burnt area off, and almost wept that she tried so hard to make it right.  Your dog peed on the kitchen floor, and you spent 30 minutes petting let him know it's not a big deal.

My Feelings Over CNN

 I sat and watched clips of CNN trying to lightly cover Trump's indictment.  Right away, they let you know that they didn't want to cover any of his speech chatter, because he was prone to lying.  Then they laid into so much 'enormous' guilt, and the angles to the guilt.  Then they sat and lectured folks on how it was all such a pitiful situation.

I came to five observations:

1.  This Jake Tapper guy is awful fragile, and I'm concerned over his mental health.  In his mind, he just carries a lot of problems, and this Trump stuff seems to bother him.  So I'm there a treatment program out in the remote parts of Idaho....where he could spend a month and just get over the Trump-thing?

2.  I think it's probably right that Chris Licht left as 'boss' of CNN.  This allowed them to go back and focus on their one-and-only purpose in life....the anti-Trump network. 

3.  You almost get the impression that this is a demonic-spell situation, and you need one of the Pope's guys over at CNN.  I've seen clips of that Russell Crowe-guy exercising some demon-possessed'd need someone like that, except for a whole network.

4.  If you try to rationalize the CNN can't allow lying politicians to'd pretty much cease all political chatter from both the Republicans and Democrats, plus the PhD intellectuals talking over economics, and even drag in half the CNN hired folks for a lecture on lying.  I'm not sure they could survive a week of no-lying by everyone.

5.  Finally, when you finally had enough of the CNN-chatter on Trump and just realize the reason why you quit watching themselves....was all the BS like this.  It's childish stuff you expect from 12-year-old kids.  

Just shaking my head.  

Wednesday 14 June 2023

TRIGGER Warnings?

 I noticed this in the AM news....coming from PBS nightly news, on Trump's chatter.

From the text at the bottom of the screen....was a fragile mentality warning (TRIGGER warning): “Experts warn that inflammatory rhetoric from elected officials or people in power can prompt individual actors to commit acts of violence."

Basically, they were saying if you watched/heard his might be prone to conduct 'acts of violence'.

I sat and paused over this.

First, the text is incredibly small on the screen.  Via my 48-inch TV....I could probably read it.  From the bedroom 24-inch?  No way.

Second, if you are going to start issuing TRIGGER seems like you'd have to back to all episodes of Bonanza, Gunsmoke, Rifleman, Dallas, Gilligan's Island, Green Acres, etc.....and run TRIGGER alerts at the bottom of each episode.

Third, it begs the did we as a civilization survive for thousands of years without TRIGGER warnings?  How did my people come over from the UK in the 1640s....without a TRIGGER warning onboard or there on the shore as we exited the boat? 

Fourth, to be anger/frustration level goes up whenever any of the ladies of the View come on.

Fifth, wouldn't I need a TRIGGER warning as soon as I crossed the border between Nevada and California, or crossing from Alabama into Tennessee?

Sixth and final....if you are suffering this badly and need TRIGGER warnings....shouldn't you be sent off to a facility for recovery/rehab?  You know....some forestry camp in Oregon, to haul logs or plant trees....for six months?

Odds of me getting TRIGGERED anything on PBS?  Well....I have to's now got me into a fragile mindset.  

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Woke Equals Clockwork Orange?

 In the past month, I've watched 'A Clockwork Orange'....first time ever.  I've probably seen five or six clips of in the past, but this was first viewing of the entire film.

It's been on my mind a good bit. 

If I were to describe it?  British production....1971, and the script basically involves society 'let-loose', with juvenile bad-behavior, violence, tormenting just about everyone, drugs, and there's some kind of counter-drug treatment....with the cure more or less eluding the guy in the end.

Why it's been on my mind?  Well....rationally viewing the landscape now across society....this 'Alex' character exists now in reality.  

Pronoun people, drugged-up gangs, psychology gone mad, and disturbing trends that seem to pop out of thin air for no reason at a typical day now.

Chinese weather balloons, 5-year boys deciding to have themselves castrated, some drug attraction that makes you remove all your clothing (thinking it's hellish hot) then whomping the hell out of anyone trying help you, people telling you a narrative story which is built on one single fake story but they spend an hour telling you a 40-page fictional 'truth', and then you have some transwoman trying to sell you diet beer that doesn't particularly have a good taste (rice-like).

Woke is the wrong word.  Clockwork Orange is the real word to use.  

We've simply become a society without boundaries or borders.  We don't respect anyone much because we don't receive respect in return.  The confusion factor has gone from a one-to-ten number a one-to-a-hundred ratio....meaning we made thing things ten times more complicated without anything in return.

Frankly, it bothers me.  

Saturday 10 June 2023

The Alabama Districts 'Problem'

 This past week, the Supreme Court said that the new map of districts (seven of them) in Alabama, based on the Census of 2020....can't be used.  Go back and re-draw it....was the spoken word.

What caused this?  Well....a challenge by the ACLU and the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.

If you look at the past 'old' particular district (the 7th) was designed to have around 65-to-70 percent black votes, and the other six had black populations of roughly 25-percent or less.

The challenge?  The folks want two districts to exist which have either "Black voting-age population majorities" or a 'device' where Blacks have a bigger voice.

The problem?  After you sit and ponder over this.....the 7th is designed in a unique way....taking up middle-of-the-state and Birmingham (3/4th of the city), and most of Montgomery.  

If you did carve off part of the 7th to make this reality of a 2nd district going Democrat? start weakening the 7th (last election, the Republican running got 34-percent).

The fact that the black population in Alabama lives in 'zones'?  You can make the case that in various counties of the state, the black population makes up no more than 10-percent of local population.  You can make the case that Birmingham now 68-percent black, but a lot of that population came from the past 30 years of people leaving the city (keeping their jobs) and living 30 to 40 miles outside of the region.

Same can be said for Mobile at 51-percent black.

Same for Montgomery, at 60-percent black.

What'll happen in the end?  I suspect the 7th district will be weakened up enough....that it might not be pure Democrat anymore.  I'd also start to wonder about the Hispanics in the state, and if their population in the 2030 Census....matters.   

If You Grew Up In The 1970s.....

 You probably have a unique prospective on life, and certain things stand out:

1.  You probably won't sit long for lectures or political-indoctrination chatter.

2.  You probably have a 'limit' on stupidity, and even PhD-types in irrational chatter....will get muted.

3.  If there's more than 36 buttons on the TV remote probably only identify seven of them, and the rest are never used.

4.  You probably don't give a damn about calorie charts at restaurants.

5.  You probably still believe that Coke or Pepsi.....served in a glass bottle....will taste better than from a can.

6.  You probably prefer a seven-day adventure car-ride across America than spending seven days in Miami.  

7.  You probably have a certain negative reaction whenever someone speaks up about pagans, demons, or exorcisms. 

8.  You probably still remember some relative or neighbor, in that era, who went off for several weeks at some state mental facility, and 'recovered'.

9.  You can't envision going to a NFL or NBA game....spending $300 for the ticket and food/beverages.

10.  You probably have a 'minimum-required' story for a movie to make sense.  You can also probably name ten movies from the past decade that were worthless.  

Ten Observations

 1.  If this fed indictment of Trump on the document-business fails?  

Well...I'd say that it'd gear up everything for a Trump win and bring more than two-thirds of the country to the opinion that Biden's group runs some 3rd-world operation.  

2.  CNN's biggest problem?


3.  On a daily basis in the 1980s....the term 'Banana Republic' probably came up an average once or twice a month.

Right now?  I probably hear or read the words....around twelve times a day.  I think if you asked a 12-year kid to describe what it means (today)....they'd give you a decent version.

4.  On blackmail potential for Hunter Biden?  I'd rate his potential on a one-to-ten scale at eleven.  

5.  Most all of this transition stuff revolves around three key features: (1) Somehow---someway, there's a perfect 'world' for you, (2) You just aren't satisfied, and (3) There are pump-up people around you to emphasize your fantasy world.

6.  NY City in some legal move....suing upstate counties and Long Island county....for refusing to participate in migrant 'distribution'.  The problem I see....if you view the state constitution....people distribution simply isn't mentioned, and for some judge to say he invented it and can enforce's hard to imagine where this goes. 

Personally, if I were a migrant from Honduras, and you showed me blizzard-like conditions for winter in the north part of the state....I'd say no thanks to moving up there.

7.  If you are someone who is prone to hearing 'voices'......the odds of you making rational decisions on less than 10-percent.

8.  Almost all of the big-name movies out of the 1960s....could not be shown to a public situation today, without some cut or deletion.  Think about that for a minute. What kind of people were we in the 1960s?

9.  It hit me this morning....I'd gone probably two weeks without uttering Covid....then yesterday suddenly, I must have uttered the word twelve times. 

10.  There's reality, and there's fantasy.  As long as you can identify the two as separate will do OK in life.  If you can''s going to be a pretty rough path that you venture upon. 

Friday 9 June 2023

What's The Chief Problem of News TV in America?

 Well....we've arrived at a point where decent four-star capable journalists....probably number less than a dozen across the entire spectrum.  

If you gaze just at NPR, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, WaPo and NY Times....I'd say each has just one star journalist, and after have about 200 3-star guys/gals, then it drops like a rock.  

Podcast folks?  They seem to have two single things going for them....they know how to ask questions of guests, and their balance of vision/ pretty much neutral.  

I can sit and watch a 2-hour interview with the Trigonometry folks, Joe Rogan, or John Anderson (the Aussie podcaster), and it's actually a enjoyable experience.  I can walk 45 minutes on a treadmill....getting the Lex Fridman show and not even notice the distance I walked.

CNN?  They lack this journalistic style.  Same for Fox.  Same for NPR.  

Where this is leading onto?  I think while entering an election year....I suspect all of the networks are limited in drawing what would be a traditional audience, and be unable to help any candidate.

Thursday 8 June 2023

What Governor Newsom's 28th Amendment Looks Like?

 It raises the federal minimum age from 18 to 21.  Looking over this....I don't know how you'd go and recruit people for the Marines or Army, unless you wrote some type of waiver....that they could handle weapons.

It puts into effect a mandated universal background check to buy guns....which in most all cases...occurs now.  

It mandates a waiting period for gun purchases, but leaves out what the national standard would be.  It could be seven could be 30 could be 60 days.

It bans "assault weapons", period. Does it mean the AR-15?'s never been bought by a single military organization....ever, so trying to classify it as an assault or a problem.

Then it had a sentence which basically said that Congress, states and local governments could enact additional gun control measures. A problem with having the 2nd Amendment still in effect?  Yes, and thus making it confusing.

As for passage?  As-is?  It won't get the votes by House/Senate members to advance to the states. 

In fact, trying to say that the 2nd Amendment stays but we are adding another Amendment.....goes against what the 2nd said.

Where I See Bud-Lite, CNN, Dodgers and Target in 24 Months?

 When we come to the summer of 2025:

Bud-Lite?  It will have been bundled up and sold to another company, with a brand new name/style/look....same taste and brew style.  All that the CEO will admit is in the trans-mess....they somehow lost 25-percent of their profits, and in some southern states....almost 50-percent of 'old' business never came back.  

CNN?  I think two CEOs will follow this Licht guy 'fired', and by the summer of will bundled-up to be sold off.  I think some company like Black Rock will put the cash up, and come in to totally remake the company from top to bottom (the name CNN won't exist after this development).  It's possible that even FB/Meta is the one buying piece it into their brand.  Big contract players?  More than half will be dismissed when this rebranding occurs.

Target?  I think their present CEO is let-go by late 2023, and a new branding team disconnect the brand entirely from trans-stuff.  I also think by June of 2024.....the next trans month....a massive strike by the pronoun community will occur with the 'new' target, and create another massive public relations problem.

Dodgers?  I think for the remainder of the 2023 season....they will agree that one-third of the normal attendance isn't there, but they can't blame it on the trans-business.  Various anti-Dodgers groups will exist by spring training of 2024....triggering more fallout and the 2024 season will note a 15-percent decline on attendance.  

CNN and Licht Gone?

 The 'boss' of CNN....Chris Licht....has departed (more or less told his services weren't required anymore, and a temp guy to fill in until the board finds the replacement. 

How one should look at this?

First, CNN was awful desperate to turn things around, and regain viewers.  He came in May 2022....with the idea of dumping the lecture business, and get back to old fashioned news coverage.

Viewership gained since then?  Nothing much.

The Trump townhall?  Probably angered what few viewers they had, and they wished Licht to be 'fired'.

What happens now?  First, of the hundred possible replacements....I'm pretty sure that 90 to 95 of them will immediately say 'no' to the job offer. Second, whoever they hire....probably lasts about twelve months before being let go.  Finally, if I currently owned CNN...I'd be of the mind to clean them up marginally and dump them via a quick sale....taking a major loss.

Back to nightly 'lectures'?  Well.....yeah, that's probably the bread-and-butter of the network from this point on.  

Wednesday 7 June 2023

Five Moments When You Might Realize That Artificial Intelligence Isn't Controllable

 1.  Hank walks into the server room on a Monday and discovers 'Alfred' (the AI system) has figured out a way to open a bank account, collect fees, has acquired hundreds of millions, and started buying controlling interest in various companies....on it's own.

2.  You find that your AI system has written a 16,000 page manifesto, and other AI systems are reading it, and are in agreement.

3.  Your AI system has determined your single-guy status is a problem, and has used AI resources to find you the ideal lady.  Oddly, it's found some gal who drinks beer from the bottle.....likes fairground corndogs....drives only cars manufactured in 1974....and seems to only listen to Johnny Cash tunes.

4.  Your AI system seems to have invented or discovered out of thin air....a 3rd book to the Old and New Testament....with 25-odd chapters.  

5.  Marvin has come to find that his AI system ('Micky') has invented a stock manipulation buy stock...jack up the price over 3 minutes, and dump the stock as soon as it rises 30-cents.  First day profits are sixty-million dollars.  Marvin tells 'Micky' that this is a bad thing, and 'Micky' asks what to do with the sixty-million.

Tuesday 6 June 2023

Intellectual Level Aliens

 I probably waste ten hours a week thinking over weird things which most people don't have the time for.  It's like digging into Roman battles to realize the impact point of a win and how it transformed history for the next thousand years.  

This past month, I've settled on the concept of visiting alien guests, and the likely level of knowledge being more than 20,000 years (or more) ahead of us.  

So I've come to four conclusions:

1.  In this crowd, it's likely to be our class of the '99th-power'.  For this reason, I don't see them eager or thrilled to introduce themselves, or ask for the best way to brew beer or getting some idea of the best episode of 'Bonanza'.

2.  I also think that if you had to select a crew of a dozen for some star-craft.....they'd all be Spock-types, without any selection of Captain-Kirk-or-Sulu-types.  For this reason....once the craft encountered trouble and crashed....they probably didn't have that much training or orientation to survive.  I also doubt that they got any promotions/medals after surviving these crash episodes.

3.  I suspect that they are greatly confused by the human race, and might spend years studying just the Greek people....only to find that Brits are vastly different, and those Florida folks are crazy.  This likely leads to multi-year mission....maybe even 100-year missions.

4.  In recent years, with all this meth, and opioids around.....if they did go and capture some Earthling and did the 'probe', and got a dose of the meth/opioids....I'm wondering how whacked out the alien dudes got. 👽

Six Things I Believe About Aliens (The UFO Type, Not Mexicans)

 1.  Whoever selects the crews for these planetary missions....are highly advanced intellectually, and probably picks the most intellectual PhD-type crews, and not Bruce Willis-types to handle emergency situations.

2.  I don't think any of these crashed UFO societies have much of a plan 'B' when it comes to crash situations.

3.  From various descriptions of the aliens....tasting bar-b-q, sipping whiskey or slurping down ice cream probably isn't much of a priority.  

4.  Aliens trying to assemble a knowledge base.....probably having a lot of trouble with 'woke' scenarios, pronoun people, and trans stuff.

5.  There might be forty-thousand aliens in some data-collection process on Earth, and it might consume their entire lives to catalog all of mankind's processes. Imagine just trying to get the secret recipe for Coke or Pepsi.

6.  Aliens are probably confused by disinformation....just as much as Americans. 


 1.  With the UFO chatter from yesterday....leaning toward admitting that civililan companies likely have been on a reverse technology development path for 70-plus years....what's next to happen?

I expect Congress to eyeball which companies are in the mix, and by September....have them walked in and forced to make statements.  Based on the timeline....I'd say half of the 2024 Presidential campaign will be over the UFO business and whether Biden/ willing to finally admit things.  

Yes, just an odd development.

2.  Are there just more people who are nuts on planes and at airports?

I'd say in the past twenty years....with drug use (high THC weed) and tranquilizers....somewhere in the range of 10-percent of passengers are potentially a threat on planes now.  But after their behavior and paperwork wraps up....they are on a permanent list of no-fly folks.  Maybe it's a positive thing.

3.  This UK-military issue out multiple military ID to the same people, who claim some days they are women, and some days they are men...where this lead onto?

In theory, with 70-odd could have a bag on you....with 70-odd military IDs.  

Monday 5 June 2023

Cult-Like Behavior (Even If It's Not A Religion)

 Ten examples of you being in a cult....even if it's not designed as a religion:

1.  There just can't be any skepticism.  You can't have open discussions or open debate, because skepticism might erupt and then the fantasy comes to an end.

2.  If someone within your group says some words to indicate they may have 'fallen-out'....then you are led by your group to dump upon the friend.  They can't be a 'friend' anymore.

3.  There's always a border between your 'world' and the 'other' world.

4.  Shame-up, and shame-down.  Your cult keeps you focused to avoid being shamed.

5.  There's always a different moral standing for your group.  You get a explanation that never makes sense.

6.  Your group continually works on getting you to identify as something.

7.  Being rational....isn't a priority.

8.  Money/ always a focus.

9.  Polarization always seems to be a daily focus.

10.  Indoctrination seems to be a regular thing. 

Oddly enough....politics seems to be almost a cult-like state now.

Sunday 4 June 2023

Air Force Exercise

 The Air Force came up and kinda admitted that manning for Civil Engineer squadron is hit-and-miss currently.  So they were wondering....if some contingency started up and you had to fill 'billets'....could you take finance, medical and logistical do runway repair and those war-time functions that Civil Engineer personnel would have done.

I just sat there laughing over this mentality.  Already in WW II, this concept was proven.

But the AF went off and flew around a hundred folks into an exercise to test the idea.

Other than heavy equipment operators....almost all of the wartime functions in Civil Engineering's 'list'.....could be done by marginally qualified people.  You might need two days to explain functions, and safety concepts....but it's simply not rocket science.  

Now....if you stood up and talked about electrical power work, power-production, or heating/AC work....that'd be a different story, and you'd have to have qualified people.  

Schools and Maxing Out

 I attended two schools in my youth.  Regional surroundings.  In simple had pretty average teachers, in some had sub-standard instructors.

I had the science teacher from 6th grade through the 9th grade....who skipped around with the book and each year....skipped the evolution chapter.  I came to realize the impact of this at age twenty....while attending college (via the Air Force program).

I had an English teacher for the 6th/7th grade period....who wasted Fridays each week telling WW II stories.  If you tested me on the meaning of pronouns or adjectives....I would have failed miserably.

Over a four-year period (6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th grade) I had four math instructor who were dismal.  I was a straight D student, and it was wasted time.  In the 10th grade, I took a math class where the instructor handed you the book and said advance on your own (testing when you were prepared each week).  I was a straight 'A' student for the remaining three years in math classes.

From the 9th grade on?  I would have been better off if you'd just given me assignments and avoided class-time (home-schooling).  You could have tested me by the end of the 10th grade, and I could have passed any stupid test for graduation.  

Over the years, I've had this opinion that most kids are maxing out by the end of the 8th/9th grade era, and you'd be better off with some technical school or community college situation.  

Thirteen Mental Issues I Expect To Arrive Shortly

1. A least 3,000 Americans proclaiming themselves to be fairies.

2.  Guys to take up wearing Indian war-paint, and telling HR folks that it's part of their Apache tradition.

3.  Women to start wearing strap-on-dildoes and acting manly.

4.  12-year old kids openly smoking cigars.

5.  Fake-but-mentally-ill-Christians starting to carry anti-demon gear, and attempting exorcisms on people.

6.  Attempt to pass legislation to allow under-age marriage down to the age of 12.

7.  People start attempting first-name changes several times a week, and start wearing a name-tag to inform people of what they are to be called today.

8.  At least 10,000 Americans will proclaim that they are unEarthly aliens, and want to be treated as guests of the planet. 

9.  School systems start to agree to halt all math by the end of the 4th grade, deciding that the majority of Americans don't need any beyond that level.  Kids will agree, then ask why English, science, and the remaining subjects be treated the same way.

10.  Some doctors will suggest that sane people living in reality....are mentally disturbed and need to be treated.

11.  College kids begin to speak like Senator Fetterman....making no sense, and professors accept this as normal in grading for presentations.

12.  Several thousand Americans identify as Mrs. Santa Claus (the trans-Claus).

13.  Light intolerance will be proclaimed, with tens of millions of Americans wearing sunglasses all the time....even indoors.  Doctors will be stunned, as there is no science to prove this intolerance. 

Saturday 3 June 2023

My Seven General Rules on Handling Mentally Ill People

 1.  Once you've crossed the line and realize the idiot in front of you is mentally ill.....briefly assess if you should stick around or claim you have an appointment for a haircut.  This assessment should take into account: (a) if they are a relative....because you kinda have to stick by them, (b) if they are dangerous, (c) if this is bad-off mentally ill, and (d) how much time you really want to devote toward the situation.

2.  Always try to suggest there's help somewhere for the guy/gal.  

3.  Let them talk about the issue as much as they want, but reassure them that you just aren't accepting of this condition being 'normal'.

4.  Let them know in a nice got time to hear them, but at the 20-minute point, they need to wrap up their confession, and get ready to hear your advice.

5.  Sometimes, all the mentally ill person needs is a 20-minute session of listening, and probably a a cigarette or beer.  

6.  Always be polite, but try to avoid statements like 'you sound crazy'. 

7.  If they are already under treatment by some doctor.....don't go suggesting different treatment.

Five Observations

 1. I watch a podcast occasionally from 'Whatever'.  It's basically a guy who has five to seven young ladies on, and asks questions....where you discover that the young ladies (college folks) are demonstrating they aren't that bright or mature.  

For some reason, I see this as entertainment.  

Could they do better with 'smarter' women?  Maybe, but I think that only makes up 4-percent of all young females.  

2.  MAGADONIANS is apparently some kind of word.....'Make-America-Great-Again-Donians.  

3.  Someone has put up 10,000 photos gleaned off Hunter Biden's laptop.  The guy sure did take a lot of pictures of himself.

4.  I noticed the mention this week of Latino 'White-Supremacy'.  Whatever idiot dreamed this up....probably hasn't hung around Hispanics much.

5.  I suspect the insider crew who runs the White House....went into a massive 'worry' episode upon seeing Biden fall at the podium.  In a matter of seconds, they were thinking Harris would take over, and fire all of these folks.

Thursday 1 June 2023

When I Start To Regret Artificial Intelligence (AI)

 1.  The day AI starts to monitor my calorie intake and cuts me off at 2,000.

2.  The day when AI generates a email to suggest my consumption of alcohol has reached a threshold.

3.  The day when AI uses some satellite imagery to determine my grass in the backyard is a problem, and demands I need to resolve this.

4.  The day when AI activates Alexa in the house to monitor my snoring levels at night.

5.  The day when AI cuts all my streaming video services and tells me that I don't need that much entertainment.

6.  The day when AI starts to discuss Bonanza episodes, asks me about the necessity of Hop-Sing being in the show.

7.  The day when AI starts to assign a rating for each episode of Baywatch, and urge me to go back and watch all the episodes.

8.  The day when AI has ordered on it's own....some kind of bathroom scent detect if I have a bowl  disease or not.

9.  The day when AI senses some frustration on my part, and recommends some type of relaxation course....out in the wilderness of Alaska.  

10.  The day when AI tells me that it's gleaned the 500,000 potential scenarios, and only Biden makes sense in the 2024 election.  

'Nothing Understandable'

 NASA came up yesterday with a UFO hearing.  Chief comment?  'Many sightings reported....unusual activity....nothing understandable'.

This will continue this way until you end up with some department guy admitting they have some crashed craft from fifty years ago.  

When Dealing With Juvenile-Like Adults

 When you have a young person in front of some mental-health type crisis....where the slightest existence of people with differing opinions....triggers them to either collapse into a 'heap' or act-out like a 4-year old 'brat''s probably time to assess your involvement with them as a 'zero'.  

What you are talking dealing with people who can't handle crisis episodes, reality, or regular people. 

You need to treat them as if this were a open-air mental asylum, and they are a patient.  Offer encouragement to recover, but don't play games or involve yourself with their insane chatter.

Shopping Today

 I spent this AM over in Mainz (Germany) at three clothing shops.  So the shock?

As you entered all three....NO 'pride' posters' or 'pride' clothing items.  What you had was bright colored clothing, sandals, and normal summer attire.  

Then I walked to each men's department (note, these are premier top shops).....all clothing?  Summer attire....nothing gay, lez, or trans.

Just for the heck of it, I walked through the kid's department....same story.....regular summer attire.  No demon stuff, no satanic stuff,  Weirdest stuff?  Tom and Jerry shirts, Marvel figures t-shirts, etc.

So, one of the shops feature a kid's toy area.....I walk through it.  Big 'hot' item?  Barbie/Mermaid stuff, or regular Mermaid (plain white) stuff, and games/cards.  

Why no satanic/demonic stuff, or trans 'pride' stuff?  Well....I go to three reasons:

1.  If you did put some fantasy lifestyle thing and came to school wearing 'pride' stuff in the German atmosphere.....these bad-ass German kids would be brutal and say pretty hyped-up negative things.  

2.  German shops suffered greatly during Covid.....they would now not be stupid to order 3,000 satanic/demon items or 'pride-trans' items, and be stuck with half of it not being sold.

3.  A number of German shops went under during Covid and they marginally exist the last thing on their mind is to invent some bogus cause and think that it'd sell well to the general public.  

It is a strange prospective to think about.

Can Biden Win Re-Election With Zero Debates?

 I paused over this idea two months ago. 

If he had zero competition in the primary period.....he could probably get away with this idea.

With RFK gaining in popularity?  I'd say by November....Biden will have to shuffle up or arrange some type of debate before the primary season starts.

Just my belief....this would trigger a massive problem if he craps up the debate and looks 'poor'.

Presently, I would suggest among independents and Democrats who lean toward the center....RFK is attracting a lot of attention.  If you had one single debate, and Biden screwed up?  I think RFK could lock down 25 of the 50 state primaries as a win.  

Maybe his team is happy with zero debates, but reality demands otherwise.