Thursday 29 June 2023

Explaining Bidenomics?

 It got mentioned earlier in the week (even by President Biden himself).  So what it is....on a gritty sort of run and set up an economy from the bottom up.

Yeah, it's the opposite of Reagan's plan....where you had trickle-down gimmicks to help the economy. 

In this game, the economy would be prioritized so that the bottom guy (who might be unemployed and lacking motivation to work) given 'something'.  As he or she improves....the economy improves, and then the middle guy gets something (don't ask), and all of this will eventually vibrate  or 'shake' the people.

Can I show any country where this has been attempted?  No.

Where would the funding to make the bottom guy happier come from?  Well....more taxes, one would assume.

You would assume this bottom guy would go out and buy a trailer, a car, a weed-whacker, a mower, Nugget's tickets, burgers and steaks, or hustle up a new girlfriend.  So he'd spend money, and make the middle-class guy happy, and eventually make the wealthy guy happy.

I tried to watch the CNBC business guys explain this, and what you got mostly was 'smirks'.  I get the impression they were amused by the term.

I would imagine some guy in the White House has been given the job to write the book on this.....some 220-page business-lecture-type, and he's got a case of premium whiskey to help with the first hundred pages.  

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