Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Four Years Difference

I was walking a good bit today and contemplated some things:

1.  Four years ago, I would have said that Hillary Clinton would have carried 30 to 32 states, and things just didn't go that way. I'm actually laughing over that. 

2.  If you had said that unemployment in the Huntsville (Ala) area would have reached down to 2-percent....I would have laughed.

3.  If you'd said that Trump would be impeached....mostly over talking to some Ukrainian folks and urging an investigation of Joe Biden's 'threat', and the majority of the case involved people who weren't in the room at the time of the call....I would have laughed.

4.  If you'd said that Joe Biden would have taken a serious turn for the worse for dementia, yet still be the chief candidate in July 2020.....I would have laughed.

5.  If you'd said that some x-rated movie actress would have come out and sworn on sex with Trump but no one really cared....I would have laughed. 

6.  If you'd said that the entire case on General Flynn would have developed, and then crashed, and the judge just wouldn't 'let go'.....I would have laughed.

7.  If you'd said that Trump would have hired Omarosa to be on his staff, then fired her, I would have laughed.

8.  If you'd said that a bunch of items would have burned down a whole mostly-black neighborhood in Minneapolis, by white 'kids'.....over the police handling a black guy with a counterfeit $20 bill?  I would have laughed.

9.  If you'd said that a quarter of the news media effort in June would be covering mostly Confederate statues....I would have laughed.

10.  If you'd said that the Washington Redskins would be renaming their club, over Indian criticism, I would have laughed.

11.  If you'd said that Kanye West was running for President, I would have been laughing.

12.  If you'd said that some virus had come from China, and killing mostly older folks around the globe, and be the number one topic of discussion in America....triggering mask-chaos.....I would have been laughing.

13.  If you said that the Ford Bronco would be coming back, I would have been laughing.

14.  If you'd said that the Today Show bigwig Matt Lauer's whole career would fall apart in less than 100 days, I would have laughed.

15.  If you'd said that the whole Russian collusion thing....was totally faked-up, I would have laughed.

16.  If you'd said that 40-percent of blacks were now pro-Trump, I would have laughed.