1. Isn't all this movement of immigrant kids around America....basically human trafficking sanctioned by the US government?
Well....the fact that it occurs at night, and no one from the White House talks about this....does hint of human trafficking. But you kinda notice....no one from the Democratic side of the Senate seems worried. Just an odd scene....like you walked into a party where seven people lay dead on the floor and no one seems to know how they came to be dead.
2. Any truth to Senator Manchin (D, West Virginia) converting to Republicans?
Well.....he says 'hell NO'. Several state papers in WV are saying there's some substance here, and maybe he's talking to McConnell over getting Chair over Appropriations Committee (meaning that Selby from Alabama might be in some transit situation (stepping down)).
If he goes? Well....Biden is toast for getting anything done for rest of 2021 and all of 2022. Just something to think about.
3. Illinois sheriffs saying they won't send help, if Chicago dismisses the no-vax police?
To put this in prospective....Chicago says they can mandate the vax business and fire cops who refuse. Creating a shortage? No doubt about that, and their only way to find a temp solution....is to get the state sheriffs around the state to contribute vaccinated deputies to fill the gap.
If they don't get the deputies? I'd say wild crazy stuff will start within a week, and Chicago would turn into some massive chaos.
4. Finally, NIH admitting 'gain-of-function' research funded by Fauci?
Yeah....NIH went yesterday.....admitted funding occurred and Wuhan's lab was doing 'something'. In most countries, a prosecutor would be on Fauci's situation and conducting a search warrant. Here in the US? Nothing.