In the past week, I've probably spent 4 hours watching/reading over the Baltimore bridge that was 'hit' and collapsed.
It is a fascinating many ships came in and out of the port over the past thirty years....never once collapsing the bridge.
As for the clearing time? I have no doubt that the damaged portions will be removed within sixty days (being clear by mid-June).
But as for the construction phase? Yeah, environmentalists will step in and various lobby ensure it's only built by black construction companies (likely hiring 90-percent illegals to perform the work).
I don't think the opening ceremony will be until 2033 (earliest). Adding to this....some group will emerge and demand that a statue be on the end of the new bridge to hone the half-dozen migrant pot-hole crew members.
Billions? Without any doubt, this will exceed two billion easily.
The funny thing? I'll predict some Chinese company comes up and says they can rebuild it in 18 months, with various past projects as evidence. But to accomplish this....they will ask for permission to bring in 10,000 visa-approved Chinese folks to handle the work. That's my prediction.