Sunday, 31 March 2024

That Bridge


In the past week, I've probably spent 4 hours watching/reading over the Baltimore bridge that was 'hit' and collapsed.  

It is a fascinating many ships came in and out of the port over the past thirty years....never once collapsing the bridge. 

As for the clearing time?  I have no doubt that the damaged portions will be removed within sixty days (being clear by mid-June).

But as for the construction phase?  Yeah, environmentalists will step in and various lobby ensure it's only built by black construction companies (likely hiring 90-percent illegals to perform the work).  

I don't think the opening ceremony will be until 2033 (earliest).  Adding to this....some group will emerge and demand that a statue be on the end of the new bridge to hone the half-dozen migrant pot-hole crew members.  

Billions?  Without any doubt, this will exceed two billion easily.  

The funny thing?  I'll predict some Chinese company comes up and says they can rebuild it in 18 months, with various past projects as evidence.  But to accomplish this....they will ask for permission to bring in 10,000 visa-approved Chinese folks to handle the work.  That's my prediction.

NY City Story

 I sat and read through this NY Post story....'free' mental health services to undocumented migrants...$15-million in funded resources.

The reality of this?  You can take one single mental clinic of a sixty-odd folks....having to speak Chinese, Spanish and forty-odd languages.  Then you go and figure the various issue.

The $15-million?'ll be spent in a single month, if you count in drug therapy, alcohol/drug rehab, and costs.

The fact that 3,000 folks seeking help....probably won't see employment for a year or two minimum?  Yeah.

For all the good that they suggest they might be doing....I just see it as a 'pit'.

Three Thoughts

 First, I've come to some belief that an element now exists in the US...where political ideology is being organized around a more developed factor where less intelligent (dumber) people are recruited and developed into a cult-like ideology. 

In this group, you get a list of thoughts, without much discussion being conducted.  They are simply dumped upon you, and the reaction is....repeat the process and hope that no one asks questions.  

The fact that college-level 'kids' are in this group?  Yeah, that worries me that they'd be this stupid/naïve. 

Second, I've come to believe that around 20-percent of the general public that one might bump into.....are probably qualified in the status of being 'stupid'.  Half of them might eventually emerge and improve their status....the other half will stay stupid for the remainder of their lives.  My problem? Guessing which group I'm talking to, and if I should waste 10 minutes talking 'sense' into them....bringing them out of the 'pit'.

Third, I watched a video today....of a guy who walked into a Wal-Mart and asked the three young 'clerks' about getting a left-handed hammer.  The three probably spent at least fifty seconds....engaged in looking up a left-handed hammer.  Far as I could tell....they weren't willing to give up on the search (that's a positive).  On common sense?  I'm giving up on them.