Thursday 22 June 2023

My Theory

 There is a theory in economics called the 'accelerator theory'.  It basically goes along where investment expenditure increases when either demand or income increases. 

100-percent factual? most cases, works.

I have a similar theory in the destruction of a living landscape....say the state of California.....that population centers decrease when demand or safety decreases.  In fact, I'd add a curve to my 'decrease'...speeding up....when more people talk over the idea of exiting.

Within three years, I expect the California leadership to admit that tax revenue is no longer meeting the 'norm', and increased taxes are openly discussed.....thus leading to more companies and people talking 'exit'.

I will even go and project by's current population of SF (at 815,000)....probably be near 700,000.  

Realization of the problem?  I would imagine city council members privately meet and openly discuss this, but can't find a way to admit their decision-making is part of the problem.   


LargeMarge said...
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LargeMarge said...

Bureaucrats -- such as council members -- have one goal:
* increase job security.
If they accomplish anything remotely resembling their stated goals, they would suddenly sit, bewildered.
Going in, and privately, they know their decisions are bankrupt, and will destroy the community they are elected to represent.
They are bureaucrats, they are psychopaths, they don't care.
And often, they enjoy destroying communities.