Tuesday 6 June 2023

Six Things I Believe About Aliens (The UFO Type, Not Mexicans)

 1.  Whoever selects the crews for these planetary missions....are highly advanced intellectually, and probably picks the most intellectual PhD-type crews, and not Bruce Willis-types to handle emergency situations.

2.  I don't think any of these crashed UFO societies have much of a plan 'B' when it comes to crash situations.

3.  From various descriptions of the aliens....tasting bar-b-q, sipping whiskey or slurping down ice cream probably isn't much of a priority.  

4.  Aliens trying to assemble a knowledge base.....probably having a lot of trouble with 'woke' scenarios, pronoun people, and trans stuff.

5.  There might be forty-thousand aliens in some data-collection process on Earth, and it might consume their entire lives to catalog all of mankind's processes. Imagine just trying to get the secret recipe for Coke or Pepsi.

6.  Aliens are probably confused by disinformation....just as much as Americans. 

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