Tuesday 20 June 2023

Beam of 'Light' Upon Debates

 For a number of years, I've sat and been amused over what journalists called debates.  It mostly fell into the category.....a dozen soft-easy questions upon one guy, and a dozen hard curve questions upon the next guy.  

Then one day....along came podcast folks.  Originally, they couldn't get the big guys to appear much....so they went to the second-level, and asked blunt questions to drag out 'truths' and explain the details.  

Then the big guys stepped up and said 'no,  no'.  So podcast guys said fine....why don't you come on our shows to do a Q-and-A, and things started fall apart for the big guys....because they CAN'T debate with any skill (they got used to the soft questions from journalists).  

It's so bad....that even if you have a PhD.....you probably can't go into a debate over your field.  

Podcast guys affecting our view of the PhD guys?  Yeah, and it begs the question....if they can't really handle questions, then should we go and re-brand PhD level to something less?

I had to sit yesterday and review over one PhD guy suggesting that mere mortals (without a PhD) can't read medical reviews or science reports.  

Where all of this will lead to?  A lack of respect for anyone who spent $200,000 for a PhD level degree.  

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