Saturday 3 June 2023

Five Observations

 1. I watch a podcast occasionally from 'Whatever'.  It's basically a guy who has five to seven young ladies on, and asks questions....where you discover that the young ladies (college folks) are demonstrating they aren't that bright or mature.  

For some reason, I see this as entertainment.  

Could they do better with 'smarter' women?  Maybe, but I think that only makes up 4-percent of all young females.  

2.  MAGADONIANS is apparently some kind of word.....'Make-America-Great-Again-Donians.  

3.  Someone has put up 10,000 photos gleaned off Hunter Biden's laptop.  The guy sure did take a lot of pictures of himself.

4.  I noticed the mention this week of Latino 'White-Supremacy'.  Whatever idiot dreamed this up....probably hasn't hung around Hispanics much.

5.  I suspect the insider crew who runs the White House....went into a massive 'worry' episode upon seeing Biden fall at the podium.  In a matter of seconds, they were thinking Harris would take over, and fire all of these folks.

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