Thursday 8 June 2023

CNN and Licht Gone?

 The 'boss' of CNN....Chris Licht....has departed (more or less told his services weren't required anymore, and a temp guy to fill in until the board finds the replacement. 

How one should look at this?

First, CNN was awful desperate to turn things around, and regain viewers.  He came in May 2022....with the idea of dumping the lecture business, and get back to old fashioned news coverage.

Viewership gained since then?  Nothing much.

The Trump townhall?  Probably angered what few viewers they had, and they wished Licht to be 'fired'.

What happens now?  First, of the hundred possible replacements....I'm pretty sure that 90 to 95 of them will immediately say 'no' to the job offer. Second, whoever they hire....probably lasts about twelve months before being let go.  Finally, if I currently owned CNN...I'd be of the mind to clean them up marginally and dump them via a quick sale....taking a major loss.

Back to nightly 'lectures'?  Well.....yeah, that's probably the bread-and-butter of the network from this point on.  

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