Saturday 28 November 2020

The Next 2.5 Weeks

 As things look today?

Six states are stumbling around now with cases going to court (Minn, Georgia, Penn, AZ, Wisconsin, Michigan).  In the case of Nevada, at least 13k registered folks who aren't listing a sex or birth-date.....which will draw some attention but likely to take a full year to clear this matter.  

The general expectation?  In the case of Penn....the state legislature will probably disqualify the votes and pursue their own electors....which will be challenged to the Supreme Court.  

From the other five, these will simply move onto the Supreme Court.

Trump merely needs to disqualify three of the six, and the Electoral College is cancelled out with no winner.

A harsh reality to come?  If Joe Biden isn't elected in the Electoral College, it'll be one of those moments where you remember where you were at the time, and the general behavior of people around who are angry over this.

The period between 14 December and the 4th of January when Congress opens?  It's going to be tense....24 hours a days a week.  Certain family members can't mingle with other members....churches will find pews half-empty....and death threats to be made to members of the Supreme Court (they will go into hiding by Christmas week is my prediction).

The importance of the Georgia Senator election?  It would now go to maximum 'turbo' and 20,000 journalists will arrive in early make this a monster-election.  

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