Monday 16 November 2020

When the Smoke Clears

 At some point between the 7th and 14th of December, I expect the Supreme Court to come out of the office and lay down the direction of this election.

The software glitch business?  The extra ballots that appeared in a couple of states?  The rules made up by non-legislative folks without the authority to make rules?  

I expect all of these to add up and more than four states are disqualified via the Electoral College method from participation.  The actual number of voters for Biden or Trump from the states selected?  It'll be zeroed-out. It won't count in any discussion.

Then from 14 December to 3 January....I expect massive riots across the US during the holiday season.  Washington effect....will turn into a war-zone.  Most DC employees will be sent to their homes and wait until early January, with National Guardsmen brought in to establish order.

A lot of us will sit at our TVs and view the action....asking how this all happened...shocked over the corruption and 3rd-world handling of the voting system. 

The affect on Congress for 2021?  Don't expect much of anything to occur, and some will be fearful of showing up for most of the year.  

1 comment:

BerlinGuy said...

Interesting analysis. However do you think the left will riot in advance of the HOR being given the task of electing the next president?

That would be when I expect the loons to come out of the woodwork. Just my thoughts.