Wednesday, 8 January 2025

The Unfair Advantages In Life

 Back in 1980, I took a community college class in logic-101.  It was taught by a visiting Italian professor, who went through 30-odd exercises per evening class....that mostly geared you to exercise your mind....determine pluses/minuses, and come to the rational best guess decision.  Oddly, at the end of the semester....there was simply a class meeting with no test.  We had to discuss rational decisions and how best guesses guided you in life.

Yeah, it probably was the best college class I ever took, and had value for  my entire life.

I've probably used logic at least forty times a day....for most of my life. It simply makes sense.

Unfair advantage?  I saw this story today and thought about this for an hour.  

Even if you talked over logical decisions and trying to resolve problems....I'd assume 50-perent of people are prone to be anti-logic, and have a mindset to always make a poor decisions.  


mnewman7 said...

IMO, you are either born with a linear thought process or not...

What's the update on the coming banking crisis? This should be fun since Yellen is/has drained the checkbook

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Banking sector lingers on....I read about a week ago...sixty-plus bank companies are noted in dire situations (FDIC was willing to say the number but kept the names confidential). I would imagine that the names are being floated around for the big-boys to bid on....once the crap has hit the fan. They will be merged into bigger operations. Debt will be absorbed by FDIC or the gov't itself (yeah, hundreds of billions).

What I'm wondering the fires wrap up and chatter starts about eager are the banks to loan money. I don't see half of the businesses in the LA fire region coming back. So my question...come April as your insurance company issues you a $2.5-million check for your losses....are you going to have a 'Jesus-moment' and decide that California-stupidity isn't for you, and resettle in Vegas, Tucson, or Eugene....taking your money/life elsewhere?