Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Reflections Over 2024

1.  To be honest, if there is some alien invasion going on....most Americans might be open to the idea because of the crappy lack of trust we have with politicians, the police, lawyers, and authorities....in general. 

2.  Some of us haven't watched a single hour of CNN all year, and can't say we missed much.

3.  Once this whole idea of absorbing Canada into the US got explained in detail....it just seems like a majority of people think it's a great idea.  But the same people aren't keen on it being 12 different states....they just want one state called Canada. 

4.  When Trump's idea of 'buying' Greenland came up....probably 95-percent of people had to pull out a map to find where the hell it was located.

5.  Folks were rather shocked to discover that Haiti is more or less run by one gang, with the gang 'boss' named 'Bar-b-que'.  

6.  Americans were rather shocked to discover....as hopeless and 'lost' as Joe Biden was....Kamala Harris apparently was equally hopeless and 'lost' (maybe more so). And no matter how many times you viewed this Tim-guy as her VP....you got the impression that he was pretty goofy (more so than Joe Biden).

7.   Megalopolis, without much discussion.....was considered the worst movie of 2024.  Some weird clash between a artist and a mayor....set in the future where nothing makes sense.  You needed 15 shots of booze to make it through the whole 138 minutes.

8.   That Elon guy surprised folks about every 48 hours in 2024....on average.  It didn't matter what he said....you actually took a liking to the guy.

9.  Most everyone agreed by mid-November....getting political advice from Hollywood idiots....made no sense.

10.  It just became an acceptable practice in 2024....to be disrespectful of others while in public.  

11.  You finally reached a point where you weren't going to pay $16 for a McDonalds menu meal.

12.  People are reaching a level now....assessing both high school students and college students.....as dumbasses, and education is mostly about dumbing-down people.

13.  Most of us found it odd....84-year old Nancy Pelosi....needing to wear 3-inch heels, and tumbling down a staircase....breaking her hip.

14.  Most folks upon hearing all this exploding beepers in the Middle East story....just started asking who the hell owns beepers?  Most folks remember beepers going away around 2000/2001.  Some kids asked what the hell were beepers?

15.  Rather shocking....Americans in 2024...are using 'credit' (credit cards) to buy groceries, because they don't make enough to cover the monthly grocery bill.

Teacher Story

 Starting tomorrow....in New Jersey....there's a new law going into effect.  If you were curious about becoming a teacher in NJ....there will  be no requirement to take a test for teachers....on reading, writing and mathematics.

Yes, the certification is gone.

Reason?  They could not fill the positions sitting there empty.....so logically, they felt they could get the teacher billets filled....if no test existed.

I paused over this....pondering.

I worked once in a Department of Defense organization with a commander's secretary....who'd been taking evening classes for 12 years.  She was about to graduate college with a bachelor's degree.  

Her mother was connected to the city council in some way, and had gotten this gal hired-up to be a teacher (3rd grade).

If you had attempted to measure the 'wit' of this secretary....I'd guess her IQ to be in the 80-to-85 range....meaning she was not that bright. How she got the degree (legit local college)?  Unknown.  

At the time, you had to take a certificate-like test on math, and English.  Somehow, she'd passed.  But if you asked me on competency....I'd shake my head.

What'll happen in New Jersey?  Within a decade....most residents will not trust the education system, and kids finishing high school will marginally be able read, or do anything much with numbers.

Should we worry about this?  No....as long as you know they are from New Jersey....you can cross them off the hiring list, and save yourself time.  They are the future employees of McDonalds, or garbage-truck drivers.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Twelve Predictions For 2025

 1.  This Luigi Mangione shooter guy in the CEO murder in NY City.....the case will fall apart shortly because the gun found on the guy....doesn't match up ballistically. 

2.  At least 100 Congressmen and Senators will have SEC investigations going on by the end of 2025....having advanced knowledge about stock up's-and-downs.  

3.  A minimum of 25,000 DC gov't employees are given the pink-slip by the end of the year....with more than half finding a regular job....nearly impossible.

4.  The US 'gives' Cuba a dozen mini-nuke-power-stations....free of charge.  

5.  A weird poll is done in Greenland, where if 'free' electricity and natural gas were offered as part of the deal.....almost 50-percent of society would agree to the US 'buying' Greenland and being a US state. 

6.  President Trump shocks the DC mayor/city council....voicing the idea of giving almost 50-percent of DC over to Maryland.  At least 20-percent of DC residents indicate they like this idea.  

7.  The UFO/alien business is finally tied down....with forty-odd alien races admitting bases either on Earth, the Moon, Mars, or in the vicinity of Venus.  They admit use of Earth, for well over half-a-million years.   

8.  At least 40,000 Americans are diagnosed as having TDS (Trump Delusionary Syndrome), and under some form of treatment by the end of the year.  Some are as young as fourteen years old.  A mental review suggests that they should be declared permanently handicapped and unable to function in the 'real' world.  

9.  A poll will reveal that almost 70-percent of Americans don't particularly see 'scientists' as gifted, clever, intellectual, or worth trusting. Some scientists quietly hide their status....to avoid public ridicule.  

10.  A test is developed....showing high school graduates of 'today' (2025)....are at the level of a 6th-grader in 1973. Academics are unable to explain this, and to further complicate matters....the academics tested....show they lack the skills to work in the profession.  

11. A 'war' against the cartel in Mexico is declared, with over 400 cartel members dead by the end of 2025.  The escalation reaches a point where several cartel operations have packed up and moved to Venezuela.

12.  At least one California city declares a policy of not reacting to  drug over-dosing, and letting the individual die on the street....to save funding.  

Five Things That Would Make Folks Disgruntled About Real Aliens

 Upon pondering:

1.  It probably would make a lot of people angry and frustrated....to learn more than 500 alien 'races' exist and survey Earth on a yearly basis, and that we seem to be more of a open-zoo, than a developing society.

2.  Upon confirmation of aliens.....we get three or four to do an interview.....to discover that they are mostly pro-Trump. The anti-Trump people?  They will spend hours and hours....slamming the dumbass aliens.

3.  The shocking truth....a group of five alien races meet yearly (over the past 200k years) on how to advance mankind, and we were seen as a alien-Ford 'product'. 

4.  The aliens reveal that they were the original folks on Earth, and that we (the human race) were designed as the 'workers' to produce 'stuff'.

5.  The chief reason given why they suddenly now reveal themselves.....is that they are fed-up with the crappy portrayals by Star Trek, Stargate, and Alien movies. 

Saturday, 28 December 2024

The Thing About $hithole Places

 Having traveled around the US, Europe and the world...I've occasionally been in some places where the term $hithole fits.

Sometimes, it's an airport.  Sometimes, it's a diner or a 'hole-in-the-wall' restaurant.  Sometimes, it's a hotel.

I went to Berlin once (my first trip).  I didn't plan it....my wife did, and she went heavily economical.  It was on the 'east' side of Berlin...meaning it was over in the old Russian-held sector...about seven years after the wall came down.

The tour company had 50 of us (49 Germans and 1 American) to dump there.  This was what I'd call ultra-cheap.  I got my key and was told I'd be on the 10th floor.

Well...I got into the elevator and sized up the buttons.  There was a button for the basement and then 8 buttons.  I looked at the key....nothing 10th floor.  I exited the elevator and in broken German...asked the hotel lady...what the deal was.  She said....just get off the 8th floor and walk up the 2 floors.  

This had been a hotel which had two hidden floors for listening rooms and sensitive stuff (in the old East Germany days).

So I entered the room and unpacked....sitting in a over-sized big chair and staring at the wall.  You see, this was this half-inch crack from the top of the ceiling....down to the floor.  I walked up to it....yeah, there was a slight breeze.  It bothered me.

I probably wasted 3 hours that evening...staring at the crack.

The mattress?  I took off the sheets....some label indicated Romanian made....1969 (this was 1999).  It was a crappy mattress.

The bathroom?  The toilet seat was loose.  Water pressure....on a scale of 1-to-10...was a '1'.  The tub was probably an original one from the 1950s. 

Dinner for that night at the hotel restaurant?  It was not much to brag about.  The beer was average.....but came in a quarter-liter glass....meaning there wasn't much to sip.  The desert?  Around 12 highly sour cherries.

I got up the next day....having one entire day to walk around Berlin.  I walked out front and came upon eight Vietnam guys.  They had some meeting where a driver had arrived with a couple hundred cartons of black-market 'smokes', and they had some 'route' in the city to dispense their stuff.  I asked for subway station....they pointed over.  

I had a pretty nice day.

Then I returned...staring at the wall and the crack....then walked down to dinner.  The next day....the bus came and drove us home.  I didn't say much to the wife about the choice of the $hithole hotel.  

Thursday, 26 December 2024

The Canada And 51st State Chat

 First, with polling a majority (say near 80-percent) don't want to be part of the US.  Further east you go....less thrilled are people about this idea.  Further west....more thrilled, but never getting past 25-percent support.

The poll?  Done by Newsweak in the past month.

If you laid out less taxes?  I would imagine there would be a shift....but still not getting you to the 50-percent point.

Second, if it ever went this far....it's more than ONE state that you create.  I would imagine a minimum of ten states.  

Population-issue?  There's forty-million in total population.    

Finally, you come to US states accepting this.  I would question how accepting various states would be....like California for example.

I'm not saying this is a bad idea.....but it does provoke an interesting chat.

Wednesday, 25 December 2024

Just Some Advice

 1.  If you are all fired-up to write a manifesto....don't make it more than ten pages.  

2.  If you have relatives with serious TDS...the best you can do is pray for them....don't waste time worrying about mental health.

3.  If there are aliens....they are mostly here because no one else in the universe has so many crazy things going on....24 hours a day.

4.  You might want to read up a bit on Greenland....I just have this feeling...it's likely to be the 51st state in five years.

5. House member from Texas....was still employed and getting paid....while in a memory-unit hospital.....for six months.  No one seemed to miss her.  Just makes you wonder if we'd be that way with Joe Biden.

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

If You Need A Final Consensus

 “The Wikipedians who write these articles aren’t focused on finding the truth. For our most tricky disagreements, seeking the truth isn’t the best place to start. Reverence for the truth might have become a bit of distraction that is preventing us from finding consensus and getting important things done.”

-- Former 'boss' of the Wikimedia foundation and current CEO of NPR, Katherine Maher

Just some advice here....if you need to find the truth....you'd best center-in on facts and truth....to reach a final consensus. 

If you can't find facts....forget about this discussion at hand, and go back to mowing your lawn, or hauling hay.

Three Things

 1.  On Biden's pardons and  exec-orders?

Within a week after Trump comes to office....I expect  at least one state AG to challenge a pardon in his state.

The problem?  He's going to say Biden is suffering from mental decline/dementia.  

By the end of 2025, the court system will agree, and all of these individuals  who felt they got a legit pardon....find it cancelled-out.

2.  On buying  Greenland?

Tons of minerals sitting there, and if you don't make the move....China will bribe EU members to get contracts.

My deal?  I'd offer Denmark a $100-billion down-payment, with two $500 billion checks over a ten-year period. 

3.  On  retaking the Panama Canal?

Look....it's goofed-up in the Chinese design for the bigger locks....taking more water from the lake than it can handle.

The treaty says....if Panama can't efficiently operate it....the US takes it back.

Maybe they should offer Panama a deal....US territory....statehood....if you resolve or fix this.

Monday, 23 December 2024

Netflix Documentary Review

 This weekend, I watched the 3 episode series of MH370's disappearance (8 Mar 2014)....from Netflix.   If you have access to Netflix....it's worth watching.

So the two things I never realized from the whole story?

1.  Once it went 'dark'....about 90 minutes pass, and this satellite-communications device cranks up....giving a 'hand-shake' every hour....for seven hours.  More or less....a ping.

But here's the odd thing....it's in a 'bay' under the first-class section, and you HAD to go down into this area, to flip the switch (you can't do it from the cockpit).  Then adding mystery to this....it's not something that pilots are taught (it'd be a ground repair technician who'd usually mess with it).

So you have to physically turn it on.  Why leave a path of bread-crumbs at this point 90 minutes into the mystery flight?  

Does the ping indicate your position?   Not really....it can judge the ping time and say how far you are from last ping....that's  all. So it's either telling you a north projection or a south projection.  The assumption is...south.  

2.  They got into this last-minute add-on cargo.....two pallets of supposed electronics gear (with lithium batteries).....which was not x-rayed. 

No one could really explain why the x-ray deal was skipped....other than to meet the time issue. 

If you have 3 hours....yeah, it's worth watching.  

Sunday, 22 December 2024

The End-Point of the Drone/UAP/UFO 'Saga'

 At some point in early 2025....the 'saga' will unfold, and it will start as a story told over energy wave-weapons, their use (illegally) and connected to the Maui fire of 2023.

The drone business?  All relating back to reverse technology gained by a limited group....mostly business-related and a handful  of gov't 'sources'.....dating back to the 1950s.

At some point, here in 2024....the 'bosses' who run the 'black sites' reached a point questioning the use of the technology and the illegal acts.  So they've chosen to play their own game, with the drones/UAPs....letting the higher-level of leadership know that something now has to change.

My general point?  Once you admit there were illegal acts (perhaps deaths were involved)....the trust level by the gov't will rapidly decline.  

So it's not only a moment where you admit aliens/UFOs exist....but that you deceived the public for over 70 years.  

This Trump-Panama Canal Chatter

 This week, Trump brought up the Canal, and how we should re-take it.  Since I lived there for 3 years....I have a fair amount of background in this discussion.

First, what the US should have done in 1904 as construction started up.....they should have said this is now a US territory, and the 45,000 in population....been promised some entry to statehood in 25 years (whenever the population reached 100,000).  That idea was never discussed.

Second, the running of the canal was absolutely dependent upon the man-made lake, and a general amount of rainfall each year.  Once the Chinese came in and enlarged the locks....the water was not there to ensure the functionality of the locks.  No one today wants to admit the enlargement was a goof-up.

Third, since the 1930s....the people of Panama have had this belief that the canal had a 'profit'. 

As ships passed through....they paid a fee.  But if you examine the money angle....the US gov't funneled millions each year....to the canal....to keep it functional and upgraded.  The fee simply paid for day-to-day operations cost. 

So this idea that it was a profit-machine....was forever a bogus-story.  People believed this, and became a political magnet for coup activity and political bickering.

Fourth, there's a fair amount of hype for a NEW canal to be built in Nicaragua, and once done....I'm likely to believe that 75-percent of the traffic through Panama will end.  Taking the canal back?  Why?

Finally, yeah....there's no doubt we goofed up in twenty-odd ways, but taking it back at this point.....serves no purpose.

Saturday, 21 December 2024

Movie Review: Civil War (2024)

I've attempted three times this week to watch 'Civil War'.....first time, I got around 10 minutes into it, stopping it because it didn't make sense.

The 2nd  time?  I got to about the 24-minute point....stopping because it didn't make sense.

The 3rd time?  At the  35-minute point, I gave up.

Script-wise, it's crap.  It's like you got a couple of 7th-grade kids to attempt a movie-of-the-week situation.   

Selling this in an election year and hoping if either the left-wing fringe people or the right-wing crazies get hyped-up?  I imagine so.

My advice.....if you have to watch it with a date....buy a bottle of bourbon and fill your flask up....you will need to watch in a half-drunk state of mind.

Friday, 20 December 2024

The Weirdest UAP/UFO/Drone Theory I've Heard?

 In the past 3 days....I hear this one:

Rogue-military group who've had advanced UFO technology for several decades....have reached a point in 2024....where they are fed-up with the directives they've been handed over the years, and they've taken the 'toys' out of the 'garage', and are setting on a path in January to tell their entire story.

The pitch goes....that some gov't folks with a company of company bosses....have had this underground situation going on since the 1950s.  

Bad-boys versus bad-boys?  Yeah.

What makes this theory interesting?  The drones/UAPs over the past month....are absolutely said NOT TO BE of Pentagon ownership (I've heard this chatter over and over).

BS-factor?  Well...it just goes way out there and you have to give some pondering that a rogue-element would just dump their 'boss' and come clean.

What could be worrying the 'bosses'?  Well....if you want to protect your 'empire'...who exactly are you going to call for 'help'?  Pentagon?  I doubt it. 

The Molasses 'Agenda'?

 I don't usually read these gov't spending bills...but I spent an hour reading this 1,500-page document....eventually coming to a line that has some  gov't wording....to create a molasses 'inspection' function.

It really didn't say that it was purely a US function or to monitor import (you may not know this....but India and Brazil produce about 40-percent of the world's molasses.  State-wise?  Well....Florida, Texas, Hawaii, and Louisiana produce most of it in the US.

What bothers me about this inspection function....I don't think anyone has ever died from consuming molasses.  As a kid...in rural Alabama.....I probably consumed a coffee-cup of molasses each month.  

The text didn't really say how this function would occur....but I'm  guessing someone had a agenda in mind.....to create a shortage and chaos would follow.

Just weird stuff....if you ask me.

The 'Real' Presidency


I sat yesterday and read this story from the Wall Street Journal. Basically....the White House staff....for four years ran things because President Biden wasn't functional enough for the job.

So the first thing that popped in my head....are the pardons he handed out....any good?

Then I wondered...if Kamala knew this...why not say something?

But then....I got to the point wondering....what if we didn't really need a President or an election....just let staff run things? But after five minutes of pondering this, I realized you'd have to fire people occasionally...who'd do that?

It's a mess.  If you had a restaurant (as a boss), and you were 'half-out' each day (mentally)....the place would likely fail in six to twelve months.  

The humor to this?  They allowed him to go off on VIP-trips to Europe and parade around in this state of mind.  The Europeans?  They probably reached a five-star state of fear....that he'd run a second time and win.  

Yet no one from the news media really focused on this.  That's the real mystery.

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

So How Did German Privatization Of The Postal System Work?

 Since Trump is discussing this idea....I'll just share the German 'solution'.

All of the German individual post office operations were set to close down (around 30 years ago).  In return...various businesses were offered a deal to buy an  operation.

So you had lotto shops, smoke-shops, grocery operations, and any business of a village/town....to be the post office.  You would walk in and mail a package, or pick boxes.

What was left?  Delivery.   So in each district (county).....one receiving station was established, and dozens (if not hundreds) of delivery folks came in and picked up what had been sorted.....then drove off to various parts of the district to deliver to your home.

Saturday delivery still part of the system?  Yes.

Your own personal delivery guy?  No.  Like in my village....there are two folks, and they swap routes each week. 

Most deliveries by the postal system....in terms of boxes?  No....I'd say Amazon and Fedex handle more than 50-percent.  

The village postal point for me?  It's open from 9AM  to 1 PM, and from 3PM to 6 PM.  It's open for 3 hours on Saturday.

It works....and it's likely that the US system could go the same route in some way.

Are You Suffering From MDS?

 MDS?  'Mystery Drone Syndrome'.

Basically, you've assessed the  drone/UAP/UFO/lost radioactive material story so much....that it clouded your judgement.

I noticed yesterday....some guy with a premium-camera trying to 'focus' in on a VW-sized drone,  and the camera simply could not focus.  Meaning?  It was a optical-illusion, or hologram.  It was not real.

To be honest, for at least a week....I've noticed this trend, and kept thinking...why can't you focus?

So all these military folks....police....being faked-out? Yeah.  

Reason?  To run something like this....you would need the President to sign off....so it begs the question....what was to be gained?

A Little Stadium Story

 RFK Stadium was built/finished in 1961.  You probably haven't heard of it much....so a basic intro.

It was a multi-purpose stadium....being used for baseball and football. Seating?  Near 45,000.

It is on the upper NE end of DC.  

So, the big factor here....it was built with federal money....not a DC project.

Once the Senators left DC.....the use-dynamic decreased.

Once the Redskins found a better stadium....the only sport left for use was soccer, and the stadium was a no-profit situation.

Most folks would agree...it's in marginal shape, and ought to be torn down.

So it comes up in the news this week.  In this new fed-spending bill....the stadium would be leaving federal-ownership and becoming a DC-asset (meaning the city council is the owner).

Their intent?  To interest the Redskins/Commanders into coming back to town.  The city council seems to think that they hold something of value.

To fix the stadium? The design, lack of VIP booths, and parking situation....make it a money-magnet (meaning it can't sustain a profit).  I'd go and suggest that the Redskins/Commanders wouldn't touch this with a ten-foot pole....unless you agreed to tear it down and rebuild (using DC money of course).  So you do the math....has to be at least three-quarters of a billion to tear down the stadium and rebuild.

Would the Redskins/Commanders even come back....to DC? Why? I admit....they are looking to relocate (currently in Maryland).  But the chief interest is in Arlington. 

So....Congress 'gifting' DC some money to run/resolve the stadium?  That's the general story.

Final assessment?  By the end of 2025, the Redskins/Commanders say 'NO', and RFK Stadium is torn down in 2026. The city will retain ownership of the land and try to market it.  

Monday, 16 December 2024

My Ten Suggestions For the Drone-Show This Week

 1.  Leak of info comes out....saying the nuke-material story....actually leads to some 16-year Delaware kid named 'Nick'....who sold bogus nuke material to some fake FBI-jihadist pretender guy.

2.  At sixty least of the drones reported....lead back to a group of LGTBQ enthusiasts....who seem hellbent on overthrowing the government.

3.  President Biden admits at some point....it was Hunter's idea.

4.  Air Force pilots asking for time off to recuperate from the stress of seeing drones.

5.  Six people come forward to admit they are aliens and flying the drones themselves.

6.  Some Hollywood studio admits half the drone crap was their attempt to get noticed for a new upcoming movie release.

7.  Putin stands up and admits he triggered all of this.

8.  Some 6th grader from Arkansas claims he was picked up by a drone and taken 6 miles away....then dropped off.  

9.  The Pentagon admit this was originally a 2008 exercise plan, and some idiot reactivated this as a 'test'

10.  Jill Biden admits she's been in charge of the drone program for four years, and this was merely a demo-show.

Four Things I've Figured Out On the Drone-Opera

 1.  There are Energy Dept drones searching for some nuke (whether a true fact or not)....there are hobbyists flying their drones with LED lights for some thrills...there are probably some Chinese tech drones....and there are probably some UAP/Alien drones.  

I don't think the Biden people have figured this out yet on all four in some form of reality.

2.  This 'lost' nuke story....tends to get weaker....hour-by-hour.  At some point today...Monday....Congress gets a secret briefing to explain some part of the story.

It is odd....the harsh gov't regulations on drones....runs out this week, unless the House votes it back for another period.

3.  This story of 'lost' nuke suit-case bombs?  Well....if you had such a thing.....it was manufactured in the 1980s....meaning it's close to forty years old.  

Rust and oxidation issues....battery crapped-out?  

Remember, this is not a Swiss-made clock item, or made by West German folks (like a BMW or Mercedes).

So I would question....even if you had ten of them....the odds of any of them functioning is  less than 50-percent in my humble opinion.

4.  Finally, if you had this information....when exactly did you approach dementia-patient President Biden, and did he grasp what you meant?  

At this point....it's like a 1980s science-fiction series off ABC, and purely for entertainment.  

Sunday, 15 December 2024

Things I Learned From Low IQ People

 I spent around three decades associated with the military, and across this  period....I came to realize (really in basic training)...that about 10-percent of the  people I was around....were low IQ folks.

I probably had associated this idea in high school but in the military atmosphere....you had to ID these folks....ensuring their actions didn't get you into trouble.

So there are five  things I eventually figured out:

1.  Low IQ aren't the Einstein's, the Edison's, or the engineer-types. They don't invent things....they don't grasp problems and solutions....they don't really want to improve things.

2.  New landscape?  They are the least likely folks to adapt.

3  Zero will-power to change their mind. 

4.  Hypothetical situations?  Don't invite them to the thinking-and-talking meeting.

5. Introducing some new software or process?  They are the least likely to progress into this period, and every step involves stress in their mind.

But here's the key thing to remember.....you need them.  You can't cut them off and say they don't exist.  

Saturday, 14 December 2024

I Have This Story I'm Thinking Of Writing

 The slant of this story?

All of these drones have started to arrived around the US...particularly New Jersey.  At some point....a dirty-nuke bomb or a nuke bomb itself is reported to be in transport from Iran, to kill 'someone'.  Within hours, it blows up.

What we discover is that the Department of  Energy was the ones behind the drones, and they were 'desperately' searching for the nuke stuff.  Yes....all DoE drones.

The target?  It turns out to be President Trump and VP to be....Vance.  The intention is to kill both, before the 20th of January.

In this script....without them....House Speaker Johnson assumes the Presidency on the 20th.  In the story, we would  find out that Iran really didn't build the bomb. Then we find out that Johnson was forced into the role....with the threat to kill his wife and kids.

An Oswald-like ending?

Well...almost....except in my ending....at the very ending of the crisis....with the bomb ready to explode....an actual real alien UAP/UFO lands to halt the sequence...thus saving Trump (a 3nd time).  

Trump spends 5 minutes talking to the aliens, and gives them a set of golf clubs and membership at his course.

A massive firing of all gov't agencies takes  place in spring of 2025. 

The trouble is....no one would believe my fictional story.

Some Stock Advice

 I probably devote around 15 hours a week on reading economic, financial and business news.  

On 2025 views?  Argentina is set to have between  3.5 to 5 percent growth (numbers released in the past two weeks).  In simple terms....the new gov't (now about a year in place)....is achieving results.  They've downsized the governmental agencies in a massive way.

So, here's some financial  advice....if you look...there are about 20 Argentina stocks on the US stock market....with one ETF (ARGT is the symbol).  You can look up growth of the stocks for the past six months (with the one ETF), and find most all have grown by 50-percent.  

2025 growth potential?  At least 50-percent.

Symbols to watch/view?  YPF (oil company), LOMA (construction materials), PAM (electrical company), TGS (natural gas/oil), EDN (electrical company) and VIST (natural gas/oil).  One in particular to follow: CRESY (agricultural production) 

Interesting catch?  Well....the EU signed a treaty with four countries on the Atlantic side of the region (Argentina is in the group) for 'ease-of-trade'....so any product (from natural gas, oil.....to agricultural products) will get easy entry into Europe.

So an example: CRESY back five months ago was trading at $7.12 a share.  Presently, it's trading at $13.64, and figured by mid-2025 to be near $17.

Another example: YPF (oil) was trading at $15 a share.  Today?  $44.56.  Mid-summer of 2025?  It's likely to be over $75.  

Hot topic of oil and natural gas trade?  Well....with Russia on the bad-boy list...Europe is looking for a alternate producer. In the past couple of months, the new gov't of  Argentina write some critical laws....which allow long-term investment in energy. They will be the 'Qatar-of-the-2030s'.  

One final note on the EFT....ARGT.  A year ago....this traded near $50 a share.  Presently?  Nearing $87 a share (over a 80-percent gain in one year).  At present pace, it's likely to hit $120 a share by August 2025.  

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  Maybe it's just me....but this drone-BS...resembles just a $9 ticket to a LED-light show....nothing more.  Now, if you had a drone picking up dogs and cats, or dropping water-balloons on people....that'd be something.

2.  Trump says he'll end daylight-savings-time.  Democrats are caught flat-footed on this issue.  If Trump would just limit daylight-savings-time to one single minute, and add it back each fall....I'd be happy.

3.  I'm going to predict by the fall of 2025....in New York City....if you convey a threat to anyone....the cops will have the authority to grab you....hold you for seven days....and possibly take you to some mental hospital.  After 3,000 folks have been taken into custody.....the dumb-ass behavior will correct itself.

4.  That Secret Service guy at the second Trump shooting....took SIX shots....from five feet away at the guy, and missed each shot.

The odds of this?  From a Alabama  prospective....one in a million.

5.  With this fall down the stairs by Rep Pelosi....broken hip....I don't see her back in the House....for at least 90 days (if ever).  If she'd been wearing tennis shoes?  Well....yeah, there is that issue with polished marble. 

Drone Chatter

 First, what you come to  see is that speed-wise....none of these move amazing speed.  At best, I'd describe from videos....none move faster than 30 mph.

Second, other than blinking lights....there's no other 'magic'.  But if they give off a  light....then there's either energy creation, or a  battery onboard.

Third, staying aloft for six-to-eight hours?  The general suggestion is 'yes'.

Fourth, this German  report....hanging over Ramstein Air Base, then a RheinMetal facility, and the BASF chem-plant in Mannheim?  What makes the RheinMetal report interesting....they have a drone-killer 'tank'....which blasts drones by use of a sophisticated radar.  German cops are investigating.

Fifth, some folks on the inside of the government....say that a sudden and rapid increase in missile launches came up in October.  Reason?  No one can say that...that rapid decisions were made.

Sixth, it was just an odd public 'talk' this past week, where Pentagon guy said it was absolutely not a Pentagon-asset, and NOT from a adversary....then leaving the topic right there.

Seventh, the odds that it's just a PSYCHO-planed event?  There is no fantastic science or capability being demonstrated. So yeah,  I'd say some folks (probably not within the US-military....are running a 'show' for your benefit. 

Eighth, New Jersey seems to be a 'magnet' for drones.

Ninth, just seems to get deeper into a 'comedy-show'.  

Tenth, at some point....some joker from the government will say we need anti-drone killing ability, and introduce the hundred-billion defense capability.   

Friday, 13 December 2024

If I Were A Chinese Drone Designer And On A Secret Mission In The US?

 I'd design VW sized drones.....operated by a mini Honda 'quiet'-generator (1,400 watt power, with fuel tank big enough to keep it operating eight hours).

I'd have it programmed to run a route...flash lights....linger over urban areas....attract attention....then eventually return near the end....without ever communicating with it.  It'd extensively run off GPS satellites.

I'd be based on a farm near the coast....having the craft lift off and fly low (no lights) then circle around a bay area....pretending to come up off the water (after dark).

It'd be propelled by six lift  propellers and pushed by six directional propellers.....driven by the 1,400 watt generator.

At the end of the 'show'....it'd be programmed to  turn off the lights....return to the farm, and land on a pad.   

Eventually, I'd load up Molotov cocktails and explosives.  I'd drop these on power lines, power stations, gas stations, homes, and cars.

I (along with five of more associates) would have been delivered into Peru in 2022....spending 3 month hiking and riding through Central  America....to cross the border and  meet up with a Chinese college student already in America....with cash flow, and put into rented farm house.   Each week, my team would  have received pieces and parts for the VW-sized drone and assembled  it (I'd have ten of them at this point).  

Across  the US?  I  would imagine forty of these teams....in different stages.

As far as I'm concerned.....I'm five years ahead of them (the Americans).

Thursday, 12 December 2024

This Drone and 'Mother-Ship' BS

 I sat and watched a piece yesterday.....NJ politician, who'd talked to some fed-anonymous source, and the 'solution' to the drones in New Jersey....was that some Iranian 'mother-ship' (probably a freighter with a transponder off) was parked off the coast.

An hour or two later....the Pentagon folks announced that the drones are NOT Pentagon property....nor assets of a adversary of the US (meaning Iran, or China or Russia).

I tried to contemplate all of this....which doesn't really 'fit'.

There are at least thirty locations (the UK among them)....where the drones are operating.....so this 'mother-ship' BS doesn't work.

How the Pentagon said the adversary stuff?  Total and absolute BS.

So I'm still with the Chinese high-tech drone theory.  

As for the idea of Chinese freighters parked off NJ....with the transponders turned off?  I could see that being the case.....but if so.....I'd suggest five to ten ships in this situation.  And I'd say the same for the Gulf of Mexico.

How long this continues?  I would suggest....just suddenly....all drone events stop for a month.  Then they will ramp back up.  

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Five Thoughts On The Drones

 1. The Pentagon, Homeland Security an FBI will not say 'China-connected' until 20 January....when Trump arrives.

2.  Homeland Security, the end of January....will admit that they perceive at least 10,000 Chinese 'soldiers' are within the US and likely formed up into 300-odd teams.

3.  The Pentagon will estimate at least 25,000 drones were shipped into the US during 2023/2024....some as large as VW 'Beetle' cars (with engines to keep them aloft for four hours).   They will use 'Red Dawn' (the movie from 1984) as a background....to say that the nation has been invaded.

4.  The FBI will note that various fires in the US....to include 2022/2023/2024 chicken house fires....probably lead back to use of drones.

5.  A sophisticated bomb/fire capability will be shown, with up-surge in early 2025.  

Four Humble Thoughts

 1.  I read the manifesto of this New York City shooter.  Kid has Bachelor/Master's degrees. 

Read like some 1st year college student at best....makes 3 or 4 key points, but not exactly great use of English language or writing ability. Kid should ask for his money back from the college.

2.  As for me believing this whole story of capturing the guy?  No....too much Oswald-like steps in it.

3.  Florida Gov de Santis has invited Penny-dude from NY City court case to locate to Florida.  

Will virtually guarantee....if the guy moves there....will complete his degree, and be elected by age 35 to some House member seat in the state.  By age 45....he'd be governor of Florida.

4.  North Dakota says this Venezuelan gang stuff has arrived there.  By the end of January....I'll predict they are in 40 of the 50 states.

Monday, 9 December 2024

Just Something You Notice

 Just odd.

There are militia groups in Syria....funded and supported by the Pentagon.

There are other militia groups in Syria...funded and supported by the CIA.

The two on occasion will oppose each other.

Are the CIA and Pentagon aware of this?   I doubt it.

Speculation On Three Things

 1.  On this NY City shooting (the CEO guy).....I have a theory in my mind.

I think the company (either knowingly or unknowingly) was in the middle of a massive money-laundering situation (tens of millions a week), and this other SEC investigation on insider-trading came up.  So the CEO was to a level of making a deal....to spill the beans on the  money-laundering to halt  the SEC investigation. 

The money-laundering folks....sent a professional to make the hit. I'm also of the mind....it's not an American (probably from Russia or Europe).  

2.  On the UAP/UFO/Drone business.

I think the Pentagon and Homeland Security....don't want to admit it's the Chinese flying the drones.

I'll predict all the way to 20 January....they are quiet.

As Trump arrives, they will finally admit the Chinese angle to the drones.

This search for the Chinese operating the drones in the US....will be  topic number one for much of 2025.  

Forget the alien-chatter.

3.  As much as this chatter goes on about pardons for Pelosi, and twenty-odd big-wig Democratic folks....I speculate that it's all BS.

In the end....Joe Biden will offer nothing.

Reason?  The folks wanting the pardons....are the ones who pushed Joe to quit the race, and he's still seething with rage.

So we will get down to the final 72 hours, and Joe Biden says 'NO pardons'.

Saturday, 7 December 2024

What This UFO/UAP/Drone Thing Is All About?

 About two years ago....if you paid attention  to drone development in China....they had gone some extremes on development.  The drones were bigger, faster, and more capable of time aloft.  They could also synchronize a hundred drones to work in tandem.

So the Chinese have some strategy where they entered the US with their hardware, and based literally dozens of teams with their drones....making Americans thinking of a UFO/UAP situation.

If this strategy advances?  Well....imagine that you were a team of three guys with sixty drones....based out of Dayton, Ohio.  Your drones have a carry-capability....so you could launch with a 10 KG explosive.  So you arrange the sixty drones in a rural situation....fully charged-up and each is sent on a drop mission.  Within 2 hours, they return....with sixty gas stations struck in the Dayton area, and for at least six weeks....they will all be non-op.  On evening two, you target sixty logistical points.

Now imagine forty teams around US....with the same mission.

The bigger drones?  You could have drones capable of carrying 200 KG of high explosive....for dropping on bridges, airport radars, or trains, or ships.

The fact that the Pentagon is caught flat-footed and unable to find or pursue these?  Add to it....the border being open and zero interest by Homeland Security? 

As much as the UFO/UAP scares the crap out of people....if this drone thing goes to the second strategy.....you've been invaded by a bigger worry.

Two Things

 First, read this AM....CBS News now says that President Biden is preparing to issue 'preemptive pardons' for Liz Cheney, Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Anthony Fauci, Gen. Mark Milley, and top aides of his administration.

What'll happen?

Well...if they violated civil rights of J6 people....there's likely to be a Trump AG in the middle of things...doing a personal lawsuit...for billions (owed to the victims of the lost rights).

Loss of  a security clearance?  Yeah....Trump could yank that.

A truth commission trying to put them under oath?  I could see that, as well.

Massive negative image for the next decade? Well....yeah....that problem comes to my mind....criminal behavior rewarded. 

Second, this assassination-hit  on the insurance CEO guy?

The more you look at this....him at a particular hotel....walking out (not in a limo) to speak at a stock-holder meeting.  Lot of things this shooter had to know ahead of time.  

Either is a insider of the company who arranged this, or the CEO himself.  Some suggestion of a SEC investigation going on. 

Also odd....the shooter had  been at some hostel in the city for a week....waiting.

Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Five Humble Observations

 1.  With the Hamas folks still holding Americans, and Trump's threat ('hell-to-pay')....I'll just make the observation on the 20th as Trump swears in....he'll order total and absolute confiscation of all finances.

Trump's people will seize ton's of Hamas capital.  Within a week, they will react....just by handing over bodies (dead).  Trump will then likely dump the cash out of cargo planes over the Gaza Strip.....in loose-form.

2.  Hunter's troubles over with the pardon?  No.....he'll likely be dragged into a grand jury room by April and asked  questions over Joe's money.  Joe is the one in the hot seat at this point.

3. Bunch of 'professionals' polled (over 3,000)....with two-thirds of them saying they feel 'stuck' now....unable to leave a job or advance.

4.  This Marc Andreessen 'talk' on Joe Rogan from last week?  Probably THE most interesting conversation I've ever seen.  

You can watch it here.

But I need  to warn you....it's 3 hours of a talk.  Most fascinating guy I've seen in a long while.

5.  All this UFO/UAP chatter the past month?  I think 99-percent is related to Chinese/Russian effort to scare up the public.  1-percent?  Unknown.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Four Predictions Within 90 Days

 1.  Syria, because of the renewed civil conflict....ends up as three separate 'zones/districts/countries' with Assad either dead or exiting into Russia.  

2.  Natural gas crisis in Europe develops....with pricing levels double what they were in 2023.  Everyone is now charged-up to bring the Ukraine-Russia war to an end....to get Russian natural gas turned back on.

3.  At least fifty NBA and NFL players admitting they attended 'Diddy-parties' in the past and were in a man-to-man rape situation because they were drugged-up.  

4.  At least ten FBI executives dragged up into an investigation that they planned the J-6 action to bring down the Trump folks. Fed court action (likely to be held in Florida)....will conclude some of these people sentenced to 20 years of fed-prison.

What Happens Between Now and 20 January 2025 (Inauguration Day)?

 1.  I would suggest more than 2,000 FBI agents quietly submitting their resignation letters or retirement papers.

2.  Because of the impending release of the Epstein and Diddy files.....more than 100 suicides of 'known' characters will occur.  In addition....more than 1,000 known  characters simply up-and-disappear (off to Greece, or South America).   

3.  The number of houses up for sale in the region of DC....goes up by 300-percent....as people  are now desperate to exit the region over the fear of losing their job.

4.  A high number of fed Law Enforcement personnel will go and submit resumes throughout the US...ONLY to discover that there's no openings and a huge money problem at state and local offices.  

Saturday, 30 November 2024

NY Times False Reality


I sat and looked over this article in the AM, from the NY Times.  What they try to suggest...is that the Republican Party...on it's own....devised some strategy in past years....to bring in a group of successful influencers, and that ALL that the Democratic  Party has to do....is just find ONE single decent influencer.

It's the kind BS story that I need half-a-bottle of gin to get through.

Lets start with three honest statements.

First, NO....the Republican Party never had such a strategy.  They didn't even invent or carry Rush Limbaugh.

Second, when you go back to the era of 2016 to 2022....the podcast community grew at lightning speed....with probably over 200 folks that could be regarded as right-wing or open-minded.

Third, as much as Twitter, Meta or You-Tube might want to take credit....they were not the creative minds or content-inventors.  In fact, as much as You-Tube takes down people today...alternate avenues were being invented monthly.

My view?  Where exactly are great conservationists that fit into this mold?  There's no one at CNN or MSNBC, or NPR, or the pronoun movement....that fits into the requirement.  The 10,000 folks  running off to Canada or the UK....forget about them.

Even talking the slant?  You'd have to re-invent the Democratic Party....going back to the working-class....talking over lessening taxes, and giving up on the LGTBQ-community.   

It's a curious little news story....amounting to just a laugh.

Something Else To Worry Over

I paused over this story in the AM today.

Since my days as a kid on the farm, the Air Force years and the last 20....if I added up all the band-aids I've used.....it' probably well over 1,000 of them.

During all those years....no one ever science-checked the stupid band-aids?

So this brings me to the obvious question...what ELSE is there...that you haven't really reviewed?

This Joe Rogan 'Problem'

 Over the past hundred days...I've sat and tried to figure out this whining about the Joe Rogan podcast 'problem'.  The people trying to make the discussion....want you to know that Joe is crazy, irrational, believing in dragons, giving you tons of misinformation, and you should turn him off.

On my hours per month, following a Rogan podcast?  I probably put in 10 hours a month.  To be honest, there's between 15 to 20 podcast folks I follow.  

Why?  They follow this simple format.....it's like sitting on a rural southern porch, with two WW II vets....talking over 'action' and you get to hear this discussion.  I don't need to participate....they will carry the talk themselves.

The fact that I listen to science, medicine, technology, lost Indian tribes, alien-chatter, tourism, wiccan-BS, Catholic and Voo-Doo similarities?  Well....it's a vast landscape.

So here's the thing....to counter Joe....the Democrats need some liberal Joe-character.  The trouble? Whoever  ends up in this 'drama'....needs to occasionally talk about leper colonies, dragons, wrestling, and ghosts.   I just don't see such a liberal Democrat like that existing.

Three Things

 1.  The director.....Rob Reiner (formerly of All in the Family as 'Meat-head').....took the election in a pretty bad way.  This past week....he volunteered and entered what you'd call a rehab center.

But they laid out a requirement.....he had to exit social media (delete accounts), and this was not happy feeling.

I thought about this....to be honest, there's probably two or three million Americans who are in a fragile state-of-mind and need some rehab at present.  Most can't afford a $5k-a-week rehab center deal.

Over the next year....I expect 50,000 people to be pushed into a rehab deal because of impending dismissal from their company, or some spiral in the marriage.  It'll be a trend....like a alcohol-anonymous meeting....where people gather up and admit over the past 20 years....they got real stupid, and fragile.

2.  This 'AOC-for-President' trend?  Just odd.

Apparently...a whole bunch of folks are suggesting now that a draft-AOC has to start up.  

What I would speculate upon?  You will see all of the old crowd dump (the Clintons, the Obamas, etc), and a re-invention of the Democratic Party to occur.

If they stick with the pronoun-people, abortion, and anti-capitalists?  AOC will falter just like Kamala.

A AOC-Fetterman ticket?  Wouldn't shock me.

3.  More people watching the Hallmark Channel....than CNN or MSNBC?  

Yeah....it got noticed this week.

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

The Trans Problem

 What the Trump team says....once in office....all trans-folks in the military....will be released.  Number?  Well...the services suggest (maybe with Guard, Reserve  included)....it's up around 15,000.

How I expect this to go?

There's likely an executive order now written and waiting....to be issued to the Pentagon to implement.  I would imagine 20-odd lawyers of the Pentagon to be in a resist-mode, and likely fired by the end of the 2nd day.

This group will hire up lawyers and fight their dismissal.

In the week that passes...another group carries out the order, and commanders get a 3-page directive, on how this will work.

The individuals....one-by-one....will be brought in and given paperwork...for a dismissal to be complete within 30 days.  Each will hire a lawyer and get some type of delay by a federal judge.

Within each case....the man-hours by March will be adding up.  The trans-folks will  have been put on a non-deploy list and will be of no use to the unit.

Along about May, it'll be obvious within the services....that about 50-percent of people support the dismissal and  regard the trans-players as not part of the team.   This friction will trigger massive stress/chaos on the trans-folks....previously thinking that everyone supported them.

By mid-summer, with legal battles still going....at least two-dozen folks will have attempted suicide.

I would also suggest more than 100 commanders (across the Marines, AF, Army and Navy) will have been purged or released because they can't enforce the executive order.

By the end of 2025....legal challenges will have stalled the exit, and made the atmosphere around the military highly toxic.  Two-thirds of the military will admit in a poll that they believe the mental stress caused by the trans-community is now hurting military cohesiveness.  

An assessment by early 2026  will establish that more than 3,000 officers have left the service because they could not agree with the order.  Each was quickly replaced and the exit will continue on.  

Monday, 25 November 2024

Just Some Advice

 If you rounded up a hundred 'unhinged' juvenile-acting people....who were in obvious child-like tandems....the bulk of the group you could say, after a few minutes of  observation....were either in a cult-like state of mind, or believing they had some Jesus-like character to save them.  

What happens next....is due to your patience level.  You might try to bring them back to reality, or you might just say they are demon-possessed, just stepping back into the house....locking the door. 

Eight Questions

 1.  Is there a Democratic-Trump-like creature existing today.....in any of the fifty states?

2.  Is  there any way to create a Democratic podcast 'king'/'queen' out of thin air?

3.  What'll happen to 500-odd trans-folks in the US military after they are pushed out? 

4.  Would you be overly shocked if  four Supreme Court Justices gave retirement notices in the spring of 2025?

5. Are you shocked that almost 2-million plus-votes came to Trump from California in 2024....than in 2020?

6. Is it just odd....the term 'demon' gets mentioned at least forty-odd times a day off Twitter?

7.  Is 'truth' a distraction?

(NPR's boss suggested this in the past year)

8.  If you knew the mortgage rate was to be 7-percent for the next year.....would you take any man-hours to browse for a new house/condo?

Sunday, 24 November 2024

My Humble Thoughts

 1.  Odds of MSNBC being sold over next six months?

You basically need someone with a pocket of money....willing to pump $20-million a month to pump in and keep them at the 'floating-point' they exist today....with two or three of the top-dogs let-go.

I could see a drug-cartel doing this.  Maybe the Soros-team could cover the situation.

No, I don't believe Elon Musk would do....unless he radically changed them into  what CNN was in the 1990s....a pure news coverage network.  In this scenario....75-percent of the manpower would be let-go, and a massive re-branding would be required.

2.  Clinics that do trans-surgery existing at the end of 2025?

No.  Every single one of them in the US will be shut-down.  New operations opening in Costa Rica or some Caribbean island?  Probably so.

3.  Mentally ill homelessness....dissolving in 2025?

I'd say some indicators exist....suggesting various cities (NY City is one) where the judges will be given some nutcase and deem them a threat to society....sending them off to some state facility.  

I'll predict by the end of the year....more than a dozen states are doing this.

4.  I'll predict for 2025....more than 20 House members are identified as having paid out 'hush-money'.  I suspect the President will personally identify each one and ask why gov't funds were used, and not personal funds.

5.  Finally, by the end of the 2025 'season'....I think the WNBA management folks will come to admit that financially....they can't make it.

The School Story

 I looked over social media today, and this NJ school story came up.  Basic story? Some 11th-grade students were given an English writing assignment....where they had to create out of thin air....a "informative poster".  Key issue?  It had to be based on a current politics in America.  The teacher then gave out a list of suggested topics.....that mostly were something that left-leaning person would want information about.  

I should note.....they were ONLY suggested talking points.  The kid could select anything else.

I paused over this.  

In the atmosphere of mid-1970s....when I went to a rural Alabama school....the teacher could reasonably expect half the kids in the class weren't capable of writing some long 1-page dramatic piece.  They could write some soup-recipe.....a detailed description of how drain oil out of a tractor....some information sheet on hunting deer....or how to cut firewood.

My belief in the end-product for this class?  I guess half the kids went to the internet.....copied some instruction....word-for-word, and got a 'B' off the project.

Do people need information on politics?  That's the other comical side of this story.  We probably get two hours a month now....of political BS....that has no value.

Saturday, 23 November 2024

16 Gin-Sours In One Afternoon Story

 I went on a cruise once (only once).....which turned into a 4-star disaster by the 24-hour point....returning eventually back to port (only at a slower speed).

So for this return part, with 36 hours to waste.....I used up my beverage package deal.

What they offered?  Various alcohol drinks, and I went to gin-sours.  

Now, gin is supposed to be 40-proof (normally).  You might find a couple of choices which dip down into the low 30s.  By the end of the first gin-sour....I came this reality....they'd watered-down their gin...greatly.   

By the third drink....I had doubts that the gin went past 5-proof.  By the 5th....I figured it be a alcohol-free gin situation.

By the 12th drink....I was  feeling confident that I could do a double....still no buzz.

Along about the 16th....my wife came by to 'find' me (she felt I was gone too long on the top deck).  She gazed at the 16 glasses....asked questions...and led me out. 

Other than a sugar-high....that was the full extent of my afternoon.  

Thursday, 21 November 2024

Should You Worry About Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

 I noticed this AM.....the Biden admin (not Joe) has stated a new warning.  You apparently need to worry that AI being used in some schools....may exhibit racial bias, anti-trans discrimination and trigger chaos (hinting of state and federal investigations).

I paused over this.

Seems like if you had AI-number one running at some school.....you'd have a second AI (number two) monitoring number one.....to ensure it didn't fu**-up.

But if AI-number one said to do X, Y and Z....to prevent bias and discrimination....is it possible that the intent (plan) was to have bias/discrimination  going on....to get people hyped-up about?

At some point, AI would say something....like....'we don't want dumbasses', and to reach that goal.....force students into motivation to pass/succeed in classes.  

When you try to explain to AI....dumbasses are preferred, it'll just come back  and ask why.

After you fail to provide logic....AI will simply take charge and remedy the situation.

Note: Last weekend, I watched the 2006 movie Idiocracy....for the 3rd time.  I have to admit....it starts to make more and more sense....each time I watch it.  AI....is the only way ahead.  We are running out of time.

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  Alex Jones mentality?  

Imagine the situation automatically as a conspiracy....ratchet it up 20-degees....identify the characters and money-path....then make it simple enough that a 12-year old kid could understand.

2.  Private citizens start to sue city governments that sign up to be refugee-accepting cities....for damages due to crime.  Entire cities in 2025 will be bankrupted.

3.  Why no one wants this Gaetz report to be released?

Well....it was a 'honey-pot' trap that Gaetz wandered into.....by a particular non-US intelligence service....to blackmail and control Gaetz.  I'll skip the name business....but it is a 'friend' of the US (typically).

3. Gaetz getting the AG job?  Recess-appointment will occur.  Gaetz is there for approximately 200 days.  I would suggest there's already a replacement guy in mind (from Texas) to fill the vacancy later.  Gatez running for Governor of Florida? Yeah....that's the path.

4. A Catholic Church in Switzerland has set up a confession booth.....with a TV displaying a Jesus-figure who you can confess to.

I'll predict within 5 years...a AI-created cult will exist in Switzerland.

5.  I'll predict by the end of 2025....therapy chairs will be set up in malls....with therapists sitting 1,000 miles away, and offering help for TDS....for $9.99 per a 15 minute session.  

NY Court Case Story

 I spend about 90 seconds a day....following the NY City court case against  Daniel Penny....the former Marine who did a 'hold' on a subway nutcase who made threats on a subway car, and in the end....didn't survive.

I see the case mostly as a screw-job.

Yesterday....some witness got called up and talked over comments by the nut-case BEFORE the chokehold was applied.

What he heard?  Nutcase was saying he 'heard' Tupac (dead for over 28 years) and the devil speaking. 

Conversing with non-existent people?  Paranoid schizophrenic demonstration.

Why the devil and Tupac speaking at the same time?  No answer.

If you were a Catholic or Muslim on the jury?  Well....demon-stuff coming up and it'd frighten the crap out of you.

Weird BS....stuff that wouldn't end up in a court in Texas.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

Three Things

 1.  This banking collapse I've discussed a good bit over the past six months....advances another step in January. The chief of FDIC gave notice that he leaves office in January.  

I would imagine within 3 moths of that day....the collapse has to start.  I'm still of the mind....minimum of 100 banks to fail.  FDIC doesn't have the funds to cover the losses.

2.   Some isolated and rural village in Italy (in the booney of boonies).....says if you are American and want to escape the woes of  Trump....they have homes in the village they will offer for $1. 

They don't openly say it.....but these are probably homes that no one has live in since the 1960s, and the villages probably have no more than 100 residents.  

3. This freaked-out nature in the House of Representatives....of a transwoman arriving in January and expecting full use of the women's bathrooms....came to a 'stop-sign'  yesterday.  House Speaker a 'talk' will occur, but she is still a  'he' and would probably be using a men's room.  

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

What's Likely To Occur With This Ukraine Missile Threat On Russia?

 One of three scenarios in my mind:

1.  Russia goes to some100-missile firing in one single day....on Kiev itself.  Whether they all successfully hit targets?  Anyone's guess.

2. Some lite-nuclear explosion either in a non-populated area of Ukraine, or a air-burst....to send a EMP threat to everyone (both in Ukraine and Europe).

3.  Finally.....some staged lite-nuke explosion outside of the region (again, with no casualities).....to just send a message.

Personally, the EMP worry would be the bigger deal to get everyone's attention.

After this event, getting everyone to the table to talk over a peace-deal...will be top priority.

A Civil Right Story

 I noticed this story in the AM today, and it's been on my mind.

Up in Washington state....Democrats wrote a draft bill that would establish homelessness as a protected 'class' of people....like blind folks, lesbians, paranoid schizophrenics, meth-folks, etc.

So the way it's worded.....it'd legalize camps (like tent or RV style) and halt cities from the right to enforce restrictions on camp bans. 

Essentially.....it means homeless situations....are a state civil right.

I've tried all day to get my head into this discussion.

I never was a pro-camper guy.....after a tornado-alert  as a kid....when we were doing Boy-Scout camping over a weekend.  We ended up in a barn....waiting for the tornado to hit (it skipped us by five miles).  No one was doing any prayer-to-Jesus, or such.....we mostly debated if laying between bales of hay made things safer.

I did some camping while in the Air Force....but this was a fancy upscale tent-situation....with carpet, AC, cable-TV, couches, and three refrigerators where we kept beer and sodas.  I wasn't asked anything about rights and desiring a tent deal.  I often felt I was lucky and should just keep my mouth shut.  We also didn't want to disturb the Army guys who preferred 1-star camping, or the Marines who just wanted to lay under open-sky situations.

In most states (like SC, FL or Louisiana)....you probably would prefer NOT to be camping....mostly due to spiders and snakes.  I'm guessing in Washington....it's not a big deal.

Trying to say camping is a right?  Then having a tent....is a right.  I just wonder.....where the right crap starts and ends.

My relatives in the early 1800s were big-time campers.....in Indiana, Tennessee, and Alabama.  They probably didn't discuss the matter as a 'right'....being more concerned about a latrine situation and ensuring safe no-snake situation at night.

For some reason, I suspect the Supreme Court is already eyeballing this draft law, and how they might support it, or toss it.

Nine Humble Thoughts

 1.  Was Kamala Harris always fairly 'goofy'?

You know....about 4 weeks into her 'run'....I came to this conclusion that  she was really goofy....probably on some anxiety medication for 30-odd years...and married this guy because she needed to seem 'fulfilled' (when she wasn't).

2.  It does appear migrants/Haitians.....are leaving Springfield in significant numbers.  The guy owning the houses, which were rented out?  Well....screwed in the 4-star sense.  Not only do they face clean-up situations, but who is willing rent these older dilapidated homes.

3. For a couple of years, Michigan has required an 'exam' (don't ask me whats on the form) for competency....if you want to be a social worker for the state.  Suddenly now....last couple of weeks....the competency exam is discussed in some way of dumping. 

So yeah, you could strongly lacking in competency....to be a social worker, but the state would still hire you.

Just sounds like some low-IQ situation (85 or less) is begging for employees.

4.  Just me thinking....in 2025....I just see tens of thousands of Trans-kids in some freak-out stage as Trump arrives, and hundreds of schools trying to create fake 'safe-spaces' for them to hang out....throughout the school-day...not able to function.

How they pass onto the next grade in June?  Teachers will just sign the  paperwork, while the kid has done literally nothing to show progression.  August of 2025....the same fake kids will arrive at the next level....finding they lack knowledge and skills.

As they graduate high school in two to three years....all will be considered intellectually handicapped and too fragile to work in any profession (even mowing grass or running a candy-store)

5.  I think as Trump arrives in the oval office.....he'll demand constant meeting with Senator McConnell....putting as much stress on the guy as possible....to give the public the impression that McConnell is 'helpless'.  I'll predict the guy is gone by mid-April.

6.  I predict by 2030, NY City will be in massive fear of the Census count....with residents all charged-up to leave.  

7.  I believe there are O-4s (Majors) in the Air Force/Army today.....that by the end of 2026....will be O-7s (1-star generals).

8.  Do I believe Trump will kick out all 30-odd million migrants?

NO.  I see three stages.

First, if you have criminal intent or records.....you go period, without much discussion.  This is where the National Guard use will be involved with the US Marshalls.  This will likely take about a million out of the system.

Second, I see all this hotel support ending shortly......with no funding support.  This element won't start until phase one ends (the criminals).  In this group....I see five to ten million being listed as volunteers to leave.

Third, the folks who show intent to work....will be given some long-term  pass (maybe five to eight years)....with no criminal behavior, you get to stay. 

9.  Interesting trend....highest rejection rate for home/car loans....since 2000.  

Banks playing hardball.  I imagine a lot of folks appealing to relatives for loans now.

Monday, 18 November 2024

What I Figured Would Happen


I looked at this story in the AM.  'Fleeing' captured my eye.

I would imagine by Christmas....fewer than 1,000 Haitians remain in Springfield (down from 20,000 back in the summer reported).

The guys who own homes and were renting out?  Destroyed financially.

The folks who hired them as cheap-labor?  I would imagine their operations are shut-down by January....mostly over a lack of employees.

This movement to Chicago and NY City?  Only temporary....I suspect most will be in Canada by January, making this a problem for them to solve.

The term 'false rumors'?  Well...you really can't say any facts at this point.....even to suggest nothing will happen under Trump....is not a fact.

The chance for Voo-doo to thrive in Ohio?  Sadly....gone. 

The Fragile People

 This AM....got up early and reviewed forty-odd videos...among them, this 60-second  clip of  a young woman (late 20s)...falling apart.

She apparently has some reality sinking in....that dating Apps might accidentally pair her up with some Trump-guy. 

Her world?  Wrecked, falling apart.  She'll need some therapy for years.  

It just amazes me....like some cult-group took control.....brain-washed you....made into some woeful fragile person, without any ability to survive.

Frightening world....probably several hundred thousand just wandering around like zombies.

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Five Realities

 1.  All these people and news media organizations quitting Twitter?

Basically, they have tried to exist on Twitter.....defending a position or stating some conclusion....yet the bulk of the public no longer buys off on their explanations.  So, the only possible outcome....is to quit Twitter.

What's this say about society?  A whole lot of people have acted as propagandists.  

2.  At this point....roughly two weeks after the election....I've heard at least one-thousand explanation on how Kamala Harris lost the election.

Look.....the bulk of the public doesn't really care at this point....they've moved on.  If you are CNN or MSNBC.....you might want to move along and find some news to  talk on besides the election.

3.  How I see all of Trump's picks getting their cabinet posts?

I think the House Speaker will screw up matters....not allowing a recess appointment process to start up.  Whole thing will stall.

Then the 'continuing resolution' budget process will occur, and not pass....with the government shutting down.  Trump won't budge.

In the end....30 days later....they agree to a two-week recess....where all of Trump's  picks are given status (for up to January of 2026).  

4.  I contemplated this story from the NY Times in the AM.  

It's hard to imagine someone burning through $1.5-billion in 4 months.  Imagine an election where she had to run a primary.

What she proved?  Money doesn't matter.

5.  All this chatter of the Trump team engaging with Rwanda.....to get them to accept migrants?  

It's basically to scare the crap out of people....so they run to the Canadian border to escape.  Then they will have to solve their problem.

Saturday, 16 November 2024

What Happens In a Trillion-Dollar US Fed Budget Cut?

 Between now and January of 2026....I expect around one-trillion dollars of fed funding to be cut, and some indicators that as we end 2026....it'll be close to 2-trillion cut.

Part of the 'credit' in January 2026....will go to the national debt.  But I would imagine that everyone's tax bill (compared to last year)....will be trimmed by $1,000.  

Those on Social Security?  I think that income will be ALL tax-free.

By January 2027?  National debt will be cut by 35-percent.  

By January 2028?  Whatever tax you paid in 2020....will be $2k to $3k less.  

So here's the thing....if the economy had been turned around.....you were given $2,000 back in taxable income....the banks restored to accountable standards....who would you vote for in 2028?  

Well....Vance of course.  

The Democrats have a problem, which they can't really counter.....working-class people being rewarded.  

Eight Things I Now Believe

 1.  Both Joe and Jill Biden voted for Donald Trump.  Call me crazy....but I think the way they were pushed-out....gave the a ton off anger.

2.  By the time we get around to the next UK national election (Aug 2029)....one out of 12 Brit adults will have been charged with a hate-crime.  The amount of anger and hostility will have reached a level where one out of four Brits would like to approach the US as a state.  

3.  MSNBC will be sold by spring of 2025, and likely dump 90-percent of its political chatter news.  

4.  The cruise company offering 4-year cruises to Trump-anxiety-sufferers.....will find 500 people interested in the deal, and the bulk of them (400-plus) will sign up.

5.  Almost ALL of green-energy loans given out by the Biden administration...within 12 months, will be deemed failures and written off.  At least 100 individuals connected to these failures will be dragged into court and end up admitting that some elements of the loan....were simply money-laundering. 

6.  Research will show more than 2,000 Chicago black residents in fear of themselves being deported....reacting to the mayor's chatter.  Fake letters from some non-existent gov't department will arrive by spring....asking residents to present evidence they were born in the US.  

7.  More than forty US Senators/House members....are identified by the end of 2025.....as 'con-artists'.

8.  More than 12,000 Americans are arrested for phystical violent behavior related to anti-Trump syndrome in 2025.  Some will end up with multiple years in prison.

Friday, 15 November 2024

What'll Happen To The 44 4-Star US Generals/Admirals?

 In about two months, this chatter will start up.  Gazing at my crystal ball....I'm predicting four things:

1.  Massive downsizing of troops in Europe....where there will be one single 3-star general, and one single 1-star admiral.

2.  From the remaining situation....about half of the four-star positions will either drop to a 2-star position or be eliminated entirely.

3.  You see forty of the current 4-star folks gone by June...retired.

4.  For a bunch of Lt Col's and Col's, who were on some path....dreaming of a 4-star ending....it's a crushing emotion, and they all start to rethink things after their 20th year....exiting/retiring.  

The Blunt Truth

 This week....a bunch of DC gov't workers have come out and said they may be quitting because they can't handle the approaching Trump situation.

I pondered over this....having been a gov't employee (GS, 3.5 years) and lived in DC.  I will admit....probably 70-percent of the people I worked around....were left in terms of their political beliefs.

I could see these people, after making the quitting-chatter....going to their accountant/finance wiz....then having this pitiful talk.

If you were a year or two away from age 55....you might have some window to retire via your TSP (gov't IRA).  But you'd be warned....if you need a year....just shut up and work through a year.  Same for those who need two years.....just shut up.

Then the accountant will figure up your car loan and home mortgage amount....telling you that quitting means you need to find a job of equal value....then grinning while telling you the job-market is crap, and you'd have to accept a 30 to 40 percent cut in pay.

Yeah, all those numbers the Biden-team talked about for four years....were crap.

Even if you changed your attitude and just tried to stick it out....there's a pretty good chance that Elon's team will eliminate your job.  The accountant then figures....your savings with state unemployment money....will last you four months at best.  Dipping into the TSP/IRA?  That just creates a bigger problem in five years.

So 'Joe' goes home....opens up a bottle of whiskey and talks with the wife.  Massive desperation starts to set in.

'Wanda' (the 17-year-old daughter who was supposed to  be going to the University of Oregon in August, requiring $38,000 out of your savings for the first year)....steps into the room.  You alert her that this Oregon adventure is crap and  not possible....she might have to accept the crappy University of Maryland.

The wife is disgruntled because that 2-week cruise to the Med....is in jeopardy.  She calls her dad....also a gov't employee.....only to discover that he's drinking whiskey as well, and planning an exit to Panama by March.

Across DC presently, I would imagine more than 100,000 folks in turmoil and preparing to sell their homes as quickly as possible.

Who would want to hire a forced-out gov't employee?  Well....once you state a salary that is only 60-percent of  what they made before.....they will feel insulted.

Suicides popping up?  Oh yeah....between now and Christmas....I would guess more than a hundred GS employees reach that level of desperation.

Even if you are around 55 and can retire early....you are talking about a lesser income situation.  You won't be staying in DC....because of the cost factor.  Accepting some move to Arkansas or Alabama....to cut cost?

For the remainder of their lives...these are people who will talk non-stop....day-after-day....of the terrible wrongs done to them, and how valuable they were for 20 years of gov't service.  

Five Humble Thoughts

 1.  I read this AM....the View (the TV show) management people are discussing an emergency change to the ABC show.  They say....some 'voices' that are pro-Trump are now required.  

The way it was said.....at least two of the current ladies are gone, and I would  imagine the most extreme views will be the ones dismissed.  

How this would work?  Unknown.  Trans-ladies possible in the mix...who are pro-Trump?  Well....maybe.

2.  Some kind  of 9-11 style attack was prevented in Texas....by the FBI, yesterday.

I'm shocked that the FBI had time to do real work.

3.  Just odd....all these DC-insiders racing to MSNBC and CNN to hype negative chatter on Trump's selections.

4.  I went out and bought roughly 60 shares of NANC stock yesterday.  This is a ETF which captures Nancy Pelosi's trading trends....what she buys....they buy.  What she sells....they sell.  Since early 2024....30-percent gain.

Nancy says she's running in November 2026.  Maybe I should triple my stock  investment situation?

5.  I hate to say it....but the more Senator John Fetterman speaks....the more 'normal' he seems....almost conservative in nature.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Five Things I'd Bet One-Thousand Dollars On

 1.  Within 90 days of President Trump's arrival.....former President Obama's house is raided on fed-charges.

2.  Serious banking failure start to be announced by 1 Feb 2025, and over 100 banks are in a failed status by the end of March 2025.....mostly due to the commercial property loan failures.

3.  At least forty FBI/CIA officials quickly retire by mid-January and relocate outside of the US.

4.  At least 500 names are released on the Epstein island list. 

5.  At least 100 suicides are reported in the first half of 2025....relating to Diddy-parties.   

Note: Something I'd bet $10 on: for the J6 business in 2021....I suspect this Crooks guy (the Trump-shooter) was in DC on that day.  It would be interesting to match his cellphone number up and see if it shows up on DC traffic for that day.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024

What I See Happening To The CIA

 As Trump arrives....I'll predict 5 things:

1.  Of the top fifty executives within the agency......all of them are retired or dismissed.

2.  I think once the JFK files are released.....a whole lot of explaining will have to occur with the news media, and past performance of the CIA bosses.

3.  ALL names of the Epstein files will be released by mid-summer.   Why the CIA held  names?  That will be a long, long discussion....with Epstein figured to be a contracted guy for the CIA.

4.  The J6 pipe-bomb 'guy/gal' will lead back to the CIA.  It'll be either a rogue agent, or a contracted person.  

5.  Some revisions of 9/11 will occur, and lead back to the CIA.  This will trigger 2026 House hearings.  

Five Predictions By February 2025

 1.  A wave of more than 300,000 migrants (currently in the US)....stage a walk to cross the border into Canada....creating a national emergency for the Canadian gov't to handle.

2.  More than 1,000 FBI agents give notice to leave their jobs (none having enough time for retirement to kick in).  News groups try to suggest that the FBI is spiraling out of control.  Within four weeks....it's determined that 900 of the billets/positions...will not be re-filled (they will just end).

3.  The Secret Service is now divided....one division to protect current members of the gov't and the President....the new second division to protect past members.  

4.  FEMA is under investigation, with more than 200 members trying to retire quickly and avoid charges of corruption.

5.  Cuba is suddenly pro-Trump, with  US relations finally taking off.  

My Bitburg Story

 Over the past week, I've observed a lot of Tik Tok videos....suggesting various women are frustrated about the vote, and saying that they won't  conduct relationships with guys....in order to 'punish' them for voting wrongly.  

So I'm going to tell you a story.

In the early 1990s....I was transferred to Bitburg Air Base, Germany.  It was a unique region, and highly rural.  Lot of farmers in the local population.

In the 1960s and 1970s....it was painfully obvious that male farmers in the area weren't really getting options on female 'mates'.  This was mostly because the farming lifestyle was viewed as a negative.  So you had a fair sum of men in their 30s/40s....who were still single.

At some point in the 1970s....these guys went off on a yearly vacation, and started to choose Thailand.  They'd go and spend two to three weeks.  They'd end up meeting some Thai gal....some in their  20s...some in their 30s, and relationships would occur.  The German farmer-guy would return six months later, and end up marrying her.  German green-card would occur, and she'd resettle back on the farm  at Bitburg.

A year later....she'd introduce her male farmer neighbor to some sister, cousin or friend.  A trend started up. By the late 80s....there  were probably forty Thai wives in the region.

A co-worker lived in a farming village outside of Bitburg, and engaged in  conversation with a Thai gal on this trend.  The Thai gal remarked....things were fine except a lot of animosity from German women in the local area.  

Yeah, there was frustration about how Thai women became the substitution solution. 

Looking at these TikTok women....I suspect in three years....you start to notice a trend....where Asian women, South American women and Russian women are the substitution solution.  The  angry anti-Trump women?  Well.....they can find a few  Harris-lefty-voter-guys, but there's a limit here.

Monday, 11 November 2024

Just Three Odd Feelings From The Weekend

 First, since Wednesday....I've watched several hours of MSNBC and CNN (to get a balance), and mostly what they wanted to talk  about (rather than normal news)...how Kamala Harris lost.  One of the things they center on constantly...the economy is GREAT.

They go and cite numbers from the gov't....over and over....saying things are actually pretty good under President Biden, and that Bidenomics 'works'.

Then they suggest that people are confused and interpreting things in a false way.

I went back and looked at private foundations and their data.  I looked at unemployment stories.  I looked at repossessions of cars, and stories of people  unable to make house payments.

The Biden economic numbers?  They have to be slanted (false figures) in some way.

The two networks spending a lot of time telling this story?  Yeah....even after the loss, there's some necessity to keep telling the rigged-up story.

Second thing?  MSNBC and CNN now stuck....having to get away from political stories and tell regular news items?  Yeah.  

I'm not sure that either have the ability to make this switch.

Finally, the third thing....I've watched a number of  TikTok videos of women (Harris-voters) who  want you to know that they've cut off family and friends who voted for Trump, and sexually-speaking....you aren't allowed any of their 'lust' (if they had any).

Based on behavior (child-like and cult-like)....I can't imagine  any guy being this desperate to base a friendship, or a wife-situation upon a fragile person.

Those who are teachers?  If they act this goofy around kids....they probably will be let-go from school employment by the Christmas holidays.  Just guessing....but across the nation, you might have several thousand female-teachers in a unemployment situation shortly.

All of this leading to a crisis period?  I started thinking about this, and can't see how you avoid it. Putting the blame upon social and news media? Probably....but I see 2025 as a recovery period.

Sunday, 10 November 2024

California Story

 There's this talk going on in California....since the election....that Governor Gavin Newsom is reportedly evaluating options for California’s possible independence.

Necessity?  Well....in some odd way....to oppose President Trump’s plans for deporting undocumented immigrants and enforcing voter ID requirements.

I paused over reading this....thinking it has to be 50-percent BS.

Total independence?  Not possible.

If they were part of Mexico?  Well...it's not such a crazy idea.  I could see a dozen reasons why California could 're-join' Mexico.  The cartel folks would be extremely positive over such a measure.  Converting over to the Mexican Peso would be a simple matter.  Pay-scale for LA and SF police....it'd drop by 90-percent over-night.  

Would Mexico easily accept the deal? NO....I seriously doubt it.  They'd probably go to Trump and ask for $100-billion in assistance in taking the charity-case.

Here's the thing....if this makes sense....in 10 years, Mexico would approach the US and ask to be  packaged into the Union....as the 51st state, and California would be re-admitted in some weird fashion.

The Biggest Shocker After The Election?

 Well...a fair number of those celebrity Kamala Harris endorsement moments....were paid in some way.  

Some did it for free.  Others...had a price.

In the end, most analysts say....it didn't help or matter.  You simply threw millions away.  

Four Things I'm Trying To Understand

 1.  All this attachment to the 'Handmaidens TV show and comparing it to reality?

I've watched maybe two episodes of the show, and frankly....I just don't see much of a story to tell, or reason to get all attached in my reality to it.

Since the election....I just seem to see a lot of women who seem  ultra-fragile, and getting all chatty about comparing the TV show to reality.

I'm just glad they didn't pick Gilligan's Island, or Alf....for this fragile-BS.

2.  This blue-bracelet BS chatter.  Apparently, people want to have some way to identify who you are....by your vote-business, and you would be considered 'safe'....if you wore the blue bracelet.

It's some Nazi-identification symbiology.

3.  Some Brit art gallery has decided that if you paint up something....giving it a offensive name....it has to be renamed or removed.

It used to be just painted in some offensive way to get 'attention'....now even the name matters.

4.  I just can't see that many Americans leaving the nation after this election.

Where exactly can you find things that much better?  Canada? Really?

Saturday, 9 November 2024

DC Chatter

 It's an odd story....somewhere in the past 3 days....all of the sudden....some Democrats are hyped up to get Sonia Sotomayor (Supreme Court Justice) retired, and replaced before Trump arrives.

If you go to the typical calendar....you can figure about 120 days to get this announced....hunt down a replacement....brief them enough to pass Senate questions....then go through 10 days of rough questions....then passed.

Present schedule?  You have 10 weeks before Trump arrives.

Chief problem?  You have to deal with President Biden....who got pretty peeved over how he was forced out, and he won't be agreeable to find a qualified person to replace Sotomayor.   Meaning?  He'll pick some idiot who can't get through the questions of the Senate.

Add in....both Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays....with 3 weeks that the Senate is typically shut-down.

Comical show?  Absolutely.

New Senate sworn in on 3 January?  Yeah....so they'd have to get this replacement stuff done by the 2 January.

'Safe-Men' Story

 I sat this morning...looking over social media and this video comes up....older woman (high school teacher in Ohio)....disturbed by the election....comes to a 'challenge' to women across the nation...to identify 'blue-men' (guys who voted for Harris).  

The idea she's talking about....to say these blue-men....are safe-men, and if you aren't on the platform listed as such....,you must be unsafe or red-men.

I paused at the end for a number of minutes.  It's the type of BS that you would anticipate from a 10-year-old kid....juvenile-like.

I'd hate to think...just wearing a blue tie, or blue bracelet....you'd get the 'wink' from some gal and 'free' sex was possible....pretending to be a Harris-voter.

Cult-like behavior?  Well....if you listed the top dozen traits of a cult-person, yeah....this would fit into the listing.

Eight Humble Opinions

 1.  I've spent a couple hours since Wednesday morning....watching videos of young women who are furious about the loss in the election.  Their path?  Shaving their head, stating their intention to remain childless, denying young men relationships and their bodies.

After about the 50th video....I've come to the conclusion that they seem most like the Charley Manson cult-girls, and mentally unbalanced (you shouldn't date them under any circumstances).  

2.  I've also spent at least four hours attempting to view CNN and MSNBC with their analysis of how Kamala Harris 'lost'.  On convincing me that they seem to know something?  Zero accomplishments.  They do dwell on the odd topic....where did the sixteen-odd million Biden-voters of 2020 disappear to.

3.  Some social media chatter started up....the Democrats seem to believe that they need their own version of Joe Rogan.  If you asked Joe about this....he'd tell you that he was a rock-solid Democrats up until 2020, and lost his prospective in the past four years.  I would be wondering...if the Democrats did find their own version of Joe Rogan....how many weeks would he/she remain with them....before exiting?

4.  I read one single piece off social media....suggesting we need to abolish both the Electoral College and popular-vote.  They didn't say it in the statement.....but you'd kinda need a one-party state.

5.  It's just ODD.....on one single weather map, you have a massive hurricane entering the Caribbean, and one MASSIVE blizzard/snow front in Colorado/Nebraska region.  

6.  Doubt if you noticed this week, but Toyota said it was cutting back on production of E-cars....hinting that no  one seems that interested....so gas vehicles are back in style.

7.  How the EU avoids Trump's tariff chatter?  They will buy US-natural gas, and ship it into Europe.  Interesting twist.  So if you own natural gas stock or ship-stock that deals in delivery of natural gas....you will make some profits.

8.  Amazing how the Nazi-chatter just up and stopped overnight.