Thursday 17 November 2022

Ten Thoughts

 1.  There are probably sixteen additional rights I have today in 2022....that I didn't have in 1992.  Making me a more 'free' person?  I just kinda doubt it.

2.  I saw a statistic yesterday....around 76-million Americans are believed to be on psychiatric drugs (Xanax, Lexapro, etc).  On any given probably bump into at least twelve people who are on some pill-theme.  Maybe they are feeling angry....maybe they feel happy....just your luck.

3.  A lot of the talk you see over Trump in the last twenty-four hours....reminds me of these fantasy movies involving dragons, and how folks were severely upset and worried about the evil dragon business.

4.  At present pace, via CNN, Fox, and mid-summer 2023, I expect at least twenty-five newly created conspiracy theories per day.  

5.  The FBI admits eight 'insiders' were at the 6 Jan 2021 protest in DC.  Beyond that....they aren't saying much.  Could they have prevented the chaos, and saved America?  Well....the FBI can't really talk about that angle.

6.  Do Democrats have anything to worry about in 2024?  No.

Lets be honest, if you can find 81-million votes (for Biden in 2020).....then Trump loses, end of the story.  

Now, if you bring up that the combined vote in 2020....had around 35-percent votes any election of the past forty years?  Well....yeah, that's a fact.  

What you need to worry about is if those stupid Republicans figure out all the drop-box gimmicks and suddenly find another fifteen-odd million votes out there that didn't exist before.

7.  People (particularly women) who have melt-downs on TV and to a vast audience....aren't really demonstrating maturity or any kind of courage.

8.  Gun-free zones are only effective, if people respect law.  Beyond's just fake reality.

9.  I actually admired the Chinese guy who ran a marathon....while chain-smoking the whole way through it.  Fifty years old, and in great shape.

10.  If you haven't seen 'Ancient Apocalypse' on Netflix...I strongly recommend a review.  Begs a lot of questions.  

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