Thursday 30 June 2022

The Hillary Scenario

 This week, Hillary quietly gave a signal that she's contemplating a run in 2024.

So first, it's basically Hillary versus Joe versus Newsom of California. 

Will Joe run?  Most suggest not....there's just no way to tell.  

If this were only a Hillary versus Newsom script?  Well....lets start in Iowa.  Neither gets much traction....same way in SC.  Maybe in NH....Hillary wins.  In Nevada, it's clearly Newsom.

My gut feeling is that it'd be a 60-40 primary, with Hillary walking into the convention without enough votes to win the first round.  Whether she can climb out of the pit or get dumped when she did get 60-percent of the primary deal?  Unknown.

If Hillary were to advance?

Then you have the Trump or DeSantis versus Hillary situation.  Frankly, I just don't see the Democratic voters being that hyped up or positive on her campaign.  If this were a 2016 script (Trump versus Hillary) which Hillary loses again....I think the whole Democratic establishment would fall apart and drag everyone through a massive stressful four years.

I go back to something I said in 2016.....some people like to fantasize  that about another Bill Clinton era, and you get that via Hillary Clinton.  No.....Hillary is simply not another Bill.  

So, settle back and be entertained.  Maybe we need a Trump versus Hillary campaign to reset politics once again.  

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

[chuckles derisively]
Let's say Mister X, the independent, receives 81,000,000 votes for dog-catcher.
The algorithms will bump their republocrat/demopublican candidate to 81mm plus seven.