Saturday 18 June 2022

Yeah, About That Kid Lecture Business


I have this problem....probably since the 1980s. 

Generally, when being 'told' something, or being 'lectured', or on getting 'advice'....I've got a age mandate in my mind....meaning the person talking needs to be at least 20 years old, and if this is awful important BS....then forty years old is the minimum I accept.

Yeah....with some whiny 15-year old kid on the lecture routine or demanding I do this or just won't work.

About twice a week on German public TV....they hustle up some German kid to give a lecture or a moment of which I immediately hit the mute-button.  

I personally can't understand why the news media folks think that the majority of people will sit for two minutes and accept some lecture like this.  

I'd almost call it a 'Jesus-routine'....thinking if you hint the kid has some element of 'Jesus' significance'll change my perception.  

The angrier that the kid acts....stomping their feet, or shaking their fist....just leads me to a fairly opposite gut-feeling of trust.  

Maybe it'll eventually lead to a new reality....that kids ought to be living a kid's life, and not on some lecture circuit, or reality lectures.  

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