Monday 13 March 2023

Just Something To Remember About Conclusions

 As Yorg and Gorg left the valley as cavemen....there has been this understanding in our verbal language....that when you state a conclusion....there can only be three things to come up.

First, you can reflect upon things and offer up some reasonable end-statement....which sums up the discussion or argument.  It can be just a one-liner, or a full page.

Second, you can offer judgement....which means a critical thought process and perhaps some unkind words to your 'friend' or now to be 'former-friend'.

Third and can state a call-to-action....meaning you want people disturbed or hyped-up.  I'll just say that a quarter of the time, you haven't really thought this action out, and it might be a tricky ending....dissolving into chaos or revolution (especially if you were in France).

Are conclusions to be avoided?  Once you open up a discussion or argument....things have to be summed up in the end.

Are conclusions something that ought to be stressed in high school?  I'd go out and suggest that by the time some 18-year old kid has finished school....he should have spent a good twenty hours in some conclusion training and be able to analyze things to some marginal degree.

All of this being Greek philosophy in some hidden way?  Well....yeah, but lets not bring up this fact. 

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

Points for 'judgement'.
I've no clue about the pronunciation of 'dgm'...