Saturday 11 March 2023

When You Decide To Enter A Debate, Some Advice

 1.  If you know next to nothing the topic....don't get stupid and enter the debate.

2.  Don't utter 'Hitler' or 'Nazis' at any point in the debate, unless this is about WW II in general.

3.  Don't dress in outlandish clothing or attire for the debate.

4.  Have a entry-statement without any PhD type words.  It should not be more than 8 lines to drive your original point.  

5.  Don't have a position tied to the Bible, or the Koran.

6.  If this room or auditorium is not air-conditioned.....don't wear any heavy garments.

7.  It's best to have chilled water on hand, and sip a minimum of three gulps before you even arrive on the stage.  

8.  If you are opposing a's recommended that you avoid the debate.

9.  If you want 'extra' points....about mid-way through the 'talk' of yours....move away from the podium and enter the 'sphere' of the audience.  Talk to them as if they were five feet away.

10.  If you just don't have great debate skills.....either improve upon them (before you get into serious activity) or don't debate.  I can think of a hundred politicians in DC.....who can't debate.  


Anonymous said...

Democrats are no longer required to participate in debates. Hiding in the basement and avoiding debates at all costs, is the new recipe for being successfully elected. On the other hand John Fetterman debated and his supreme analytical skills and towering presence launched him over the finish line. His "Powerhouse " persona, much evidenced in the debate, is now what enables him to co-sponsor bills and conduct official duties while hospitalized for severe clinical depression. He is such an inspiration and godly figure to us all. He is very similar to an imprisoned mafia boss, still calling the shots from the inside, all the while being incarcerated. Never under estimate the skills of a debater.

Anonymous said...

It is rumored that in Fetterman's zeal to perform Senate duties while being hospitalized, he has also come down with a case of the "shingles". Is there anything this man cannot do??!!?!?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

The Fetterman/shingles story has been out for 7 days, and pretty much accepted without him or the doctors saying anything. Adding to this....oddly, California's Senator Feinstein has also shingles. I would imagine at least one or two more Senators has the symptoms but remaining quiet for right now.

LargeMarge said...

A true devoted public servant --laboring tirelessly for the betterment of his constituents --The Honorable fetterman astonishes so many nay-sayers with the clarity of his long-term goals.
May his remarkable accomplishments continue!
Hip Hip Ha-roo!