Saturday 11 March 2023


 1.  Mexican president hyped up....saying hint of US military action would be a very bad thing....on the cartel-Fentanyl problem.  Where is this going?

Under Biden?  Nowhere.  Zero desire to create a border crisis.  

After 2024?  I'd say that something significant is going to occur, and the cartels will have to move further south to survive (yes, Guatemala).  

2.  This Silicon Valley Bank failure?

If you peel back the whole story.....various people could see the decline sixty to ninety days ago.  State regulators now control the bank.  Odds of survival?  Zero....but they will be put up for an auction and probably sold for 3 cents on the dollar for value.  All of this begs the question.....are they alone, or will there be a dozen banks to fail over the remaining months of 2023?

3.  State of Minnesota reported for January....14,100 new jobs were 'created'.  Yet in the same report....within the numbers....the number of Minnesota folks actually employed....went down 423.  Crapped-up report?

No....what you probably have is a group of folks who retired or just quit working....then left the state.  Don't ask the state folks about this....they'd just get all confused.  

4.  Did President Biden make a comment yesterday....suggesting Trump will end up as the 'future' President?

Yes.  He had a microphone in his hands and just chatting away loosely.    Why suggest this?  Unknown.

5.  Someone starting up a rumor of Pete Buttigieg resigning?


I would say this....Pete has been on a negative trend, and if there is two more super-events to occur by the end of 2023....I think the White House will ask him to step down.  

Pete's skills are just not qualifying him for the Transportation Secretary job.  

6.  This 'rumor' of disintegration of Russia?

It's a page 6 story and simply discussed by the international folks.

So, in a nutshell....Putin has staked economic bets on what was to be a short-war, and screwed up.  

If the war was to continue through all of 2023 and 2024?  I'd put the break-up odds at better than 50-percent.  But all of this figured out by the CIA and the US help geared to bring about this ending?  I would suggest that.  


LargeMarge said...

Balkanization of the Russian Confederation, helped by cia or other departments of Israel?
Presumes no more 'super-events' such as sleeper-cells getting miscellaneous.
Presumes no other chinese 'laboratories' going sideways.
Presumes American bankers possess morals and ethics.

LargeMarge said...

I could imagine the equivalent of a demilitarized zone extending from the fUSA-Mexico border south ten miles.
Flatten everything.
No water, no shelter, not one tree or animal.
Of course, that merely treats the symptoms.
The disease is the chinese.

LargeMarge said...

"... no sleeper-cells getting mischievous..."