Monday 8 May 2023

Five Observataions

 1.  If you wanted to test some old guy/gal on mental competency....just hand them a 100-piece Lego set, with the complete diagram, and give them 90 minutes to assemble.  If they can't do it....they lack the competency for any real job with responsibility.

2.  Pretty much anyone....even a liberal or conservative, intellectual or halfwit....can be a case you were wondering.

3.  I sat and watched a piece from last week, with Charlie Munger (the investment guru), and he gave out some wise advice (at age 99).....saying 'don't stay around toxic people'.  In simple terms....leave the moment you realize their toxic tendency.

4.  You might as well start thinking of your political position of having to deal with a bankrupt state like California, and how you treat them when they arrive at DC....begging money because banks won't loan it to them.

5  Just an odd thing you might want to start considering....if your nearest ten banks in your local town shutdown for ten days, and your charge-card was the only method of buying screwed up would things be if you've already maxed the charge-card out completely?

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