Sunday 7 May 2023

Five Observations

 1.  After watching this NY City subway episode with the Neely guy (taken down by the Marine)....I'm left this opinion.

Lets say the Marine had released the hold on the nutcase guy (Neely) at the right moment, and police came to arrest Neely.  Within 24 hours, Neely would have been released.  Court episode two months later?  He would have been given a warning, and fully released (43rd arrest and release).

Within a year or two.....Neely would have pushed some old lady down on the tracks where a train ran over her.  Maybe then, the authorities would have said....'fine' you go to a mental asylum for the remainder of your life.  

People being disturbed then?  Nothing much.  

There's something wrong here, but the general public in NY City has yet to grasp it, or to understand why so many people are fed up....ready to leave the city.

2.  This talk that Tucker Carlson might arrange a 'debate' with Trump?  50-50 odds it's BS.  But lets say that Tucker gets Trump to agree to a 90-minute sit-down episode, and Trump can ask anything, and be rough on me.  It puts Bien in a difficult long-term position.  

Lets add spice to this....Tucker gets Trump to agree to six of these sessions....before January of 2024.  

Lets add more spice to this....Tucker also gets RFK Jr to agree to same format. 

Suddenly, the mass media (minus Twitter) is worried because there's more than seventy-percent of the country hooked-up to either Trump or RFK Jr.  

This might be fairly interesting to watch develop.

3.  This emerald mine story that Elon Musk's dad tells.....if you examine all details....virtually no one knows of the mine or its location.  The mine story is 100-percent bogus BS.

4.  I sat and watch video this AM of a bunch of idiots in a NY City subway system....on the track protest, while the train was starting to arrive.  The thing that gets me, is that (having been there)....the cables to power the subway system are right there....maybe two feet away from these folks.  

You had fifty to a hundred folks on the track....just inches away, and the wrong step....would have fried person-after-person, laying them all burnt-crispy there on the track.  

Them recognizing the threat?  No.  

5.  RFK Jr has said 'enough''s time to close the 800-odd US bases overseas.  Whether wise or not....probably one out of three US voters would agree with his position on this.  


Bigus Macus said...

You, might find this interesting reading on the subject,

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I've been on subway systems in eight countries (one of which is the US....NY City). I consider the NY City subway to be the least safe, poorest operated, and with the most dangerous 'sideshow'. But no one there seems concerned.