Saturday 20 January 2024

Sports Illustrated: Finished?

 Around age 13....on the farm....I subscribed to Sports Illustrated (my first magazine). It was mostly for basketball and baseball 'stories'.  There were probably three or four periods throughout my Air Force period....that I subscribed.  But along the late 1990s...I got skeptical of the writing and the 'slant' of the stories.

To be honest....other than one that I picked up at some airport around 2006....I haven't read it in years.

Last night....I read that the 'boss' of Sports Illustrated sent out a notice to the remaining writers....they were finished.

The deal?  The ownership of the company was not the production company.  They'd made some decision in the past contract out production to a 2nd company.  This second company?  They cut their 'license' to produce.

This producer did two things that sent a signal.....back in late 2023...they ran some articles  produced by AI....pretending they were really human-produced articles.  Second, they ran a Trans swimsuit edition.  It got a fair amount of negativity.

What the old ownership company said?  They were going to evolve and find some way of returning.  Personally, with a evolving public....I doubt that they can generate enough to run such a company.

1 comment:

LargeMarge said...

'Men cross-dressers in female swimsuits.'
I had no idea such a thing existed.
Based on a fifteen second search on the WorldWideWeb, I am permanently convinced our existence is a simulation.
Or we are a game-show for an audience we cannot see.
Or both.
An aside:
Eugene, Oregon.
I participate in writing workshops with our local writers group WordCrafters.
One guiding principle of fiction:
* rain havoc upon the hero.
The hero must overcome all odds, all manner of roadblocks on his path to redemption.
An exceptional example is DARK RIVERS OF THE HEART by Dean Koontz.
Adult males prancing in female swimsuits... I honestly truly believe today's mess is only the beginning of our havoc.
Pillaging Vikings?
Japanese anime?
Of that last, I am also convinced the entire island is on LSD.